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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Well that's kind of a root problem here. Are these entertainers or are they journalists? Personally, I haven't considered the gaming media journalists since the early days of Computer Gaming World. They are entertainment rags, closer to US Weekly than any reputable news organization. That's why I find this entire movement mindboggling. Wait, so what you're saying is that it's stupid to ask for reform because these sites are just clearly sensationalist rags? I'd say it's all the more reason to ask for reform because these sites are sensationalist rags. You argument basically boils down to this thing is broken, you people are being silly trying to fix it.
  2. It's possible to have a schtick and still provide fair and insightful information to help the consumer. The two are not mutually exclusive. As an aside, these days I turn to The Cynical Brit for my most trusted information since I find him to be very fair and thorough.
  3. The Escapist and IGN(yes, that IGN) have recently reworked their ethics policies and have been deemed acceptable. TechRaptor, NicheGamer, and Gather Your Party seem to be shown some love as well. I'm not sure if Destructoid has formally changed policy or not, but they've been consistently disclosing pertinent information as of late. I personally thought that site got a whole heck of a lot better once Jim Sterling left (that was well before GamerGate began). I'm not sure if some people had issues with Dale North (I personally didn't), but he's gone too now.
  4. I take it on a case by case basis. For example, I backed inXile's Wasteland 2. They delivered, in my eyes, exactly the game they promised and a game I very much enjoyed. If Mr. Fargo decides to do another Kickstarter after TToN (which I already backed) and it's a game that appeals to me, I won't hesitate to back it. On the flip side, while I didn't (thankfully) back Elite Dangerous, given recent events, I would have great reservations about backing another Braben project. Another negative example is Broken Age (Double Fine Adventure) which I did back. Given how obscenely overdue the game is, with the second half still nowhere in sight, and the crap Double Fine pulled with Spacebase DF 9, I wouldn't back another Tim Schafer project at gunpoint, even if it was Psychonauts 2. So, for me personally, any single case of not delivering, whether it's a game entirely failing to materialize, or major promised features being cut, doesn't turn me off crowdfunding as a whole. I will continue to evaluate projects on a case by case basis. I do realize that, for the masses as a whole, your assumption is very likely correct and some high profile failings may sour broad public perception and turn people off crowdfunding entirely.
  5. So, a team deathmatch type shooter?
  6. You do realize the post right above yours contains a "****ing self-made analysis with pros and cons" right?
  7. ♫ Feeling down 'n' dirty, feeling kinda mean I've been from one to another extreme This time I had a good time, ain't got time to wait I wanna stick around till I can't see straight ♫ ♫ Fill my eyes with that double vision No disguise for that double vision Ooh, when it gets through to me, it's always new to me My double vision gets the best of me ♫
  8. Finished my Bayonetta 2 Rosa all gold or better playthrough. I scored 9 platinum and 8 gold for the prologue + 16 chapters. The unlock is the Bracelet of Time (methinks that's a Devil May Cry reference). It's a useful item, though I doubt I'll use it. It lets you trigger Witch Time whenever you want, but drains your magic pool when you do so and prevents you from ever using Umbran Climax. I'd rather trigger Witch Time the old fashioned way (dodging) or via Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa (staggering and countering the opponent) and being able to trigger the ultra powerful Umbran Climax (Rosa does so much damage while in Umbran Climax that I've beaten boss level enemies in a matter of 10 seconds). Now would probably be a good time to take a break from the game and play something else. Ha ha, just kidding, though I'll probably dial my playing time back some and play other games a bit more. I'll likely spend the majority of my Bayonetta 2 time playing tag climax for a bit to try to unlock Balder and/or Rodin.
  9. Foundation is to Isaac Asimov as The Dark Tower is to Stephen King.
  10. Oh wow. Foundation is pretty amazing, I freakin' love that series. I'm not sure how it will work on television, but I sure as hell will give it a shot. I imagine they'll cut out or condense the parts where Asimov goes on 3 or 4 page long exceedingly technical explanations of things.
  11. Lethal Weapon 4 as in exceedingly mediocre or Lethal Weapon 4 as in mailing it in and collecting a paycheck? Or both?
  12. This is the first multiplayer-focused shooter I've been legitimately excited for in probably a decade (this trailer focuses on the single player part of the game, but, to the best of my knowledge, multiplayer is still the meat of the game). Of course, the term "shooter" is applied a bit loosely to this game, since it seems completely different from traditional shooters (which is exactly why it appeals to me), but I think it still applies.
  13. I've been meaning to jump back into that game. It's been a long time since I played and many things have changed. In the meantime, I'm up to chapter 12 in my Bayonetta 2 Rosa playthrough. The goal is to get at least gold on every chapter and so far I've managed to do that with 6 platinum chapters and 5 gold. I'm pretty sure there's an unlock for all gold chapters or better and I think there's an unlock for all platinum chapters or better too, so I may go back and see if I can better my score on the chapters I've gotten gold on. First things first, though, is to finish the last 5 chapters gold or better. I peeked at my Wii U stats and it reads at 38 hours played for Bayonetta 2, 41 if you count the 3 hours I put into the demo before the game came out. Add the 20 hours of Bayonetta I put in and that's 61 hours of Bayonetta 1 & 2 over the last month or so. Beyond that, I sneak in a couple hours of Tropico 5 here and there when I need to break up the action with something much more laid back. I think I'm about to reach the Cold War period in the main campaign. I kind of hope somebody tries to invade one of my islands, because I have both of them armed to the teeth and I'm just waiting to flex my muscles. My personal death squad could use some exercise. Just having them play badminton in the palace gardens all the time is entertaining and all, but I need some invaders to shoot up. I'm doing a good job keeping my population happy, so I barely ever get a change to gun down some rebels.
  14. I grew up on Sierra On-Line, so I have lots of very fond memories of text parser driven games and even I don't think I'd want to play a text parser driven adventure game right now.
  15. As much as nostalgia tugs at my heart and I love retro and all, I was not pleased when I saw the old skool verb interface. That is one aspect of old skool Lucas Games point & clicks I most definitely do not miss. Probably not a deal breaker, but it's a definite minus in my book. Still, I really don't want them to microwave that hamster.
  16. Video games is a big business that employs millions of people worldwide. That said, I wouldn't put EA anywhere near on the same level of evil as Walmart or Bank of America. Then, depending on how you feel about GMOs, there's Monsanto, but that's another topic in of itself and I'm not looking to start a GMO debate here.
  17. You can formulate a "this doesn't look good to me" opinion from watching a video, but, to me, a review is more than that. A review suggests hands-on experience with the product. A review suggests to me that the person physically tried the product, hopefully extensively, and is giving you their honest assessment based on actual experience. Edit: I'll make one exception. You can probably properly review a David Cage "game" from watching a video, since there isn't much in the way of actual gameplay anyway.
  18. Joyous news. This weaponized charity plot was a masterstroke of the patriarchy think tank. To think, by donating money to help needy children get toys for the holidays, we are one step closer to ridding gaming of teh wimminz and those pesky ethnic types, except for the sock puppets and house n*****s, they're cool. Glory to the patriarchy! #NeckbeardStrong
  19. I'm sorry, but posting a "review" of a game you haven't played is wrong. Always. As far as I'm concerned, it's flat out lying. All the people doing this on metacritic (or wherever) to "send a message", as well as people purposely inflating or deflating their scores to 10/10 or 0/10, to "balance out" the "erroneous" scores others gave, are not helping to solve any problem, THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.
  20. They removed it from the poll? Cowards. I know, right? I'd call for freedom of speech and tell them to go F... themselves because I am not remoing any word. No its probably the right thing to do because it may create the wrong impression that feminism is a bad thing Ah, silencing the voice of the people, you know, for the "greater good". The crux of totalitarian rationalization. While we're at it, I'm sure there are quite a few books out there painting feminism, or what it has become, in a bad light. We should probably burn those, right?
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