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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Woohoo! The 8-8 curse has been broken. I repeat, the Cowboys 8-8 curse has been broken! In a related story, the Bears are not good.
  2. Divinity: Original Sin, making my way through Hiberheim. Just got inside the prison. Holy smokes there are a lot of traps! I'm also playing, Less Than A Day Until Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker! I even have a half day at work tomorrow, so I can leave at lunch time and scoop it up on the way home and have all afternoon to play it.
  3. Seems you and I are the only ones so far that have festived up out avatars.
  4. The Return of the Legend: Meet the New Mouse Same As the Old Old Mouse So I found one of these legendary Microsoft Trackball Explorers used in good condition and for a reasonable price, reasonable meaning only twice what I paid for a brand new one many many years ago. I've seen them sell for 2 or 3 times that much these days. It was worth it for me to spend the money to have this amazing trackball back in my life. I'm still sad and confused as to why Microsoft stopped producing these. I'm going to baby this mouse, because if it ever breaks, finding one will be all the more difficult years from now and there is just no replacement for it. So comfortable, 5 buttons (including scroll wheel), super precise trackball performance. About the only negative I can say about this trackball is that it's not good for doing quick turns in games because the ball doesn't spin as freely as some trackballs, so it's hard to make a really big movement very quickly, unless you turn the sensitivity in-game up way high, which has repercussions. On the other hand, for minute, few pixel, precise aiming, this thing is the champ, it works beautifully for making very small movements.
  5. While we're at it, here is Dee Snyder's famous appearance at the 1984 PMRC Senate Hearing:
  6. I had to do something to lighten up the mood in here. Not sure if this worked, but I tried.
  7. Yeah. It's a Korean MMO called Black Desert, most likely it will never see the light of day out west. Boo It has publisher in EU and NA and they are working to produce English client for the game http://massively.joystiq.com/2014/07/24/black-deserts-na-and-eu-publisher-is-daum/ http://2p.com/3235374_1/Pearl-Abyss-Is-Working-on-Black-Deserts-English-Client-by-Nichole.htm
  8. PAs giving BJs aside, female privilege most definitely exists (as does male privilege). For example, try winning a child custody hearing as a male. It's not impossible, but you're certainly at a disadvantage, at least in the US, I can't speak for other countries.
  9. Nice update with lots of fairly detailed and honest insight into the inner workings of game development. The #shirtstorm joke at the beginning was cheesy, but I got a chuckle out of it. I'm glad they're not putting up any more stretch goals just for the sake of stretch goals. Hopefully they'll still have some more funding come in, but without having to add more stuff that would further stretch them thin and/or prolong development.
  10. Wait, so you mean to tell me this unidentified female dev got into the industry by having skills and talents that companies were looking for and applying for the position? And she was accepted? On her merits? System processing... Code: 6d 3e 00 00 2b 00 3h 00 55 6d 00 00 3a 00 55 5d 00 CR2:000000000000000000 ---[end trace 4gf345rf9m38945723]--- Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
  11. This Steam Stream Stream Steam Steam Steam Stream Stream Steam Stream Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers thing will be wonderful for when you want to help out someone who's stuck in a game. Now, rather than going through an awkward explanation of where in the game they are and how to go about getting past, you can watch them play and send messages back and forth about how to proceed while the game is being played. For that alone, I think it's a worthwhile service.
  12. Yeah. It's a Korean MMO called Black Desert, most likely it will never see the light of day out west.
  13. You know something, brother? I hope Hulkamania runs wild on them.
  14. Is that person honestly asking the backers he/she ripped off to support his/her other projects? That's some gall right there.
  15. I don't even care about the game, I just want that character creator. Dammit, Korea, keep your game, just send us the character creator. I want to make a short, fat, insanely stocky dude with a monocle and a super exaggerated cleft chin.
  16. I don't think 2-2 will do it. Even if Dallas beats Philly in the rematch; and Philly also loses to Sea, Philly would still likely win the Division since they would end with the better division record (thanks to Dallas' loss to Washington). While it's possible (albeit unlikely) for Dallas to win the Division, Philly wins almost all division tiebreakers. So a 2-2 finish likely pushes Dallas to the wild card tiebreakers. Of course the Evil Mark Sanchez could show up and blow up Philly's season. LOL And that also assumes that both Philly and Dallas take care of Wash and NYG or Chicago. In almost all of the likely Dallas 2-2 finishing scenarios, Dallas misses the playoffs on a conference record tiebreaker (they finish with no better than a 8-4 conference record and 7-5 is more likely) or head to head loss to one of the other possible playoff teams (SF and Arizona). There's still four weeks left and lots can happen. Exactly why I'm not trying to figure out every conceivable scenario yet, too much football left. I'm strictly going by the fact that historically 10-6 gets you in a lot more often than it doesn't (I'm too lazy to look it up, but I'm guessing it's in the 75-80% range). There are of course exceptions, 11-5 teams have failed to get in before, but 10-6 usually is good enough to get in.
  17. Festive sleepy rat is festive, also sleepy

  18. I achieved a feat of monumental proportions today. As of right now, my Christmas shopping is essentially done. I may still pick up a few doodads, maybe a joke gift or two, but those are all stress-free icing on the cake type things. The important part is that the I got everyone covered with their "serious" gifts. I can now enjoy a completely stress-free December... well, free of the stresses of Christmas shopping, anyway. This high five is for you, Cyber Monday:
  19. Divinity: Original Sin. I'm nearing lev 10 and I just made it out of the starting area around Cyseal and into the forest north of it. I really dig the game's cheesy sense of humor, it goes a long way toward making an already enjoyable experience into something very fun. Also, I've gotten pretty proficient at utilizing the environment and my different spells and abilities to set up wicked traps for my foes. I'll sometimes spend 5 minutes at a time dragging a barrel or two over to an area to perfect my devious plan.
  20. The limerick is in extremely poor taste and that person is an a-hole for posting it. That said, the people doxxing said person, harassing her, and making threats against her are scumbags, and those threatening and harassing her family are straight up monsters. Regardless of what Social Justice Warriors believe, just because somebody did something wrong, or they're an a-hole, or a racist, doesn't give you carte blanche to dish out retribution how you see fit and without ethical and moral repercussions. Just because the person you're going after is a bad person, that doesn't absolve you of your actions. If you murder a gang banger, you're still a murderer.
  21. There is a definite possibility of that. It's going to be entertaining to watch either way. I don't care about the Browns, I'm just in it for the entertainment value, and Johnny Football is going to bring that one way or another.
  22. THE JOHNNY FOOTBALL ERA IS UPON US. I REPEAT, THE JOHNNY FOOTBALL ERA IS UPON US. (yes, that needed to be all caps, I almost switched to a larger font too)
  23. It's almost as if Crytek knows how to make game engines that push the limits of graphics, but they can't actually make a good game any more. On the bright side, the game does have next-gen boob physics
  24. Space Mutiny gets my vote for best episode. Space Mutiny is a pretty spectacular episode. Punch Rockgroin! Dirk Hardpec! Flint Ironstag! Big McLargeHuge! My vote for best episode goes to The Final Sacrifice. Zap Rowsdower is legendary.
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