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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I seem to have noticed a pattern in Ms. Wu's communication style. Please do correct me if you feel I have come to an erroneous conclusion. Step 1) Make unfounded, often flat out false, claim of sexism or misogyny, accompanied with a plea to retweet. Step 2) Matter-of-factly have claim refuted (often by someone with expertise in the given field) using factual evidence. Step 3) Loudly react to the person who matter-of-factly refuted her claim with righteous indignation. Step 4) Lather. Step 5) Rinse. Step 6) Repeat.
  2. The way I understand it, to the SJWs, any woman who's pro-GG, or even neutral, is either a sock puppet (only pretending to be a woman) or a house n****r (a traitor to their gender).
  3. If I take nothing else away from this thread, the 44th President of the United States of America will now forever be known to me as Peach Obama. I derive probably altogether way too much joy out of that.
  4. The AAA model is certainly not doing us any favors at this point. Most of those games (CoD, AssCreed etc.) would be played by exactly no one if it were not for their production values. Call of Duty games have legitimately good shooting mechanics and a thriving multiplayer community. Assassin's Creed succeeded quite well in integrating parkour elements into an action game and also have some of the best representations of cities of any game or game series out there. Walk through a city in any AssCreed game, then walk through a city in Skyrim. One of them feels like a living, breathing city, the other doesn't. Also, the whole Animus part of the games was initially pretty brilliant and could have turned out really awesome, but Ubisoft c0cked that up right quick. The problem is that it's the same mother****ing game every single year, and at full price. CoD: Advanced Warfare is being praised by some (and derided by others) for bringing the biggest changes the series has seen in probably half a decade, if not more. Those changes are fairly minor, they just feel earth shattering compared to the nonexistent changes from previous titles in the series. The problem with the AAA model lies in 2 factors: The Madden Effect™ and The Michael Bay Effect™. I'm fully confident I don't need to explain what those are, but I will anyway for the sake of completeness. The Madden Effect™ is the annual (sometimes biannual) release model (the same model that murdered Guitar Hero), and The Michael Bay Effect™ is placing value and emphasis on production values, flashy effects, and ridiculous setpieces above, and to the detriment of, all else. The Madden Effect™ works to maximize profit and The Michael Bay Effect™ works because publishers have (sadly, correctly) assumed that it's what sells. The Madden Effect™ makes it essentially impossible to start from scratch, or even make sweeping changes, simply because there isn't enough time to do that, which leads to iterative (at best) releases. The Michael Bay Effect™ makes for games that are pretty and flashy on the outside, but hollow on the inside. This leads publishers to release the same candy bar (sweet and tasty on the surface, yet almost completely devoid of nutritional value) year after year, just in a slightly different wrapper. I don't want AAA to go the way of the Dodo completely, because once in a while I like to indulge in a candy bar, but I have no intention of having several of these candy bars shoveled down my throat on a regular basis, plus they're making some people pretty fat. The AAA model needs a major overhaul. Sadly, I don't see that coming about without a spectacular crash.
  5. Well, looks like the show's future is up in the air, at least they haven't outright cancelled it yet. The last 3 episodes (4,5,6) have been the best of the series so far, in my opinion. To me, the show started out poorly, with the piss poor pilot, got steadily better in episodes 2, 3, and 4, and has plateaued since then. As it stands now, I feel the show is decent, good enough to make me tune in each week, but not good enough to make me passionate or truly excited about it. For one, the John Constantine character is still way too much of a nice guy. That said, I'd rather the show get picked up for a second season than it didn't.
  6. Needing a break from the twitch action gameplay of Bayonetta 2 (a guy needs a change of pace after 75+ hours), I started playing Divinity: Original Sin. I've been waiting for the Linux version to come out, which is why I haven't played it earlier, but, on a whim, I decided to see how it would run via WINE. Lo and behold, not only does it run, it runs perfectly, even with all settings maxed out. So, since it runs great, no need to wait for the Linux version, I can play it now, and when the Linux version does come out, I can just copy my profile and save files over and continue seamlessly (if the game does cloud sync it will do that for me automagically, but I never bothered checking if it does). Anyway, I'm still pretty early in the game, still mucking around Cyseal, though I think I'm mostly done in this area and ready to move on. My Source Hunters are Luciana, a cleric who's both a front line fighter and my primary healer, and Humphrey, a witch who's my all around magey dude. For my companions, I scooped up Madora as a second front line fighter and Bairdotr as my archer plus thievery type. I definitely like the game a lot so far, even if can be frustrating at times. I like being able to wander into areas I have no business being, and the guards will warn me once that I probably shouldn't go there yet, but I can all the same and wind up getting obliterated (though I have won a couple battles I really had no business winning via creative use of the environment). One big compliment I will give to the game is that it has probably the best pathfinding I've ever seen in this type of game.Things like your characters automatically avoiding spotted traps and hazardous surfaces may seem like a minor detail, but it makes the game so much less frustrating and tedious to play that it would have been if I had to babysit each character, one by one, around every trap. Seriously, how has it taken until 2014 for a game of this type to finally get this right? How is it that it's taken several decades of these types of games being made until someone was finally able to program pathfinding that doesn't make your characters look like complete imbeciles?
  7. Explanation for those who don't understand US tax laws? Charitable organizations are exempt from tax but they need to apply first. I'm guessing people think that she hasn't been paying her taxes, or that she is making people believe that's a charitable organization when its not. Not only apply, but follow through with the process to become officially recognized as a nonprofit. I make this nitpick because, if I read those links correctly, she (or someone on her behalf) did apply to become a 501c nonprofit but seemingly never followed through with the next step, and thus never became a 501c nonprofit organization.
  8. My results from www.isidewith.com" I guess I'm still a Democrat, even if I have lost all faith in the party. The results are what I expected. I'm liberal on environmental issues, conservative on fiscal issues, and moderate leaning liberal on the majority of other issues.
  9. Collectivism score: 33% Authoritarianism score: 0% Internationalism score: 0% Tribalism score: -50% Liberalism score: 33% I had a lot of maybe answers, probably a third. On many of those I leaned one way, but not strongly enough to give a yes or a no.
  10. I voted for it on Greenlight not as a **** you to anti-GGers, though it serving as a **** you to anti-GGers is a welcome bonus, but because it looks like a game I'd like to play. I do like me some Harvest Moon and this definitely seems to be like that. I have to admit, though, watching anti-GGers try to blackball someone in the industry and fail spectacularly puts a big ol' goofy smile on my face.
  11. I scooped up Rogue Legacy for the price of a cup of coffee.
  12. I'm pretty sure I played it on a Tandy 1000 running MS-DOS (6, I think), so, more or less, PC.
  13. One of the best things about Thanksgiving, in my opinion a way better holiday than Christmas (all the spending time and sharing a meal with family with none of the stresses commercialization of X-Mas has brought), is the awesomeness of having a Thanksgiving sandwich a day or two after. Turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and stuffing on bread, toasted. Aww yeah!
  14. I remember, way back in the day when I played these, Secret of the Silver Blades had a bug where all saving throws were always missed, by both players and enemies. Needless to say, spells like Hold Person and Hold Monster were insanely powerful, especially given that any held creature could be 1-shot insta-killed (a mage with a dagger could kill an ancient dragon in 1 hit if it was held). Battles against evil priests were some of the most brutal in the game because it was basically a case of who could get the Hold Person spell off first. If the evil priests got the spell off first, you were done for. I wonder if that bug still exists in that game? Anyway, cheers, I look forward to reading this and it bringing back childhood memories. I loved these games way back then. I'm not sure I'd have the stomach for playing through them again myself, especially given the crazy amount of save scumming necessary to get past some parts.
  15. Good gravy, the Cowboys got demolished last night. It's a good thing I wasn't on the interwebs when that was happening because I may be regretting things I would have written in my semi-drunken, overly stuffed, highly angry state. Between my dad and I, he's a Boys fan too, plenty of colorful language was used to describe the Boys performance. That game got away from them so insanely quickly. It was basically over after the first quarter. Shady was gashing the defense and Mark Sanchez (Mark Sanchez!) had what was possibly the best half of his NFL career. They need to get their **** together for Chicago next week. If they can go 2-2 the rest of the way I still think they get in. They have Chicago, Washington, Indy, and Philly. They can hopefully beat Washington and Chicago, Indy and Philly will be tough.
  16. Expedition Conquistadors is back on sale on Steam again for 4$. Just trying to share the pain ..... lol I own the game. Didn't like it.
  17. So, Ron Mexico is getting benched and Geno is getting the starting job back. No surprise there as the Jets season is lost (has been for quite some time), Rex Ryan is a lame duck, and Ron Mexico is obviously not the future of the franchise. Not that I think Geno is the future either, but you might as well have him play the rest of the season on the off chance that he shows you something. The more surprising thing is RGIII getting benched and Colt McCoy getting the starting nod going forward in Washington. Similarly to the Jets, the Skins season is done. The perplexing part is Colt McCoy getting the starting job. Granted, he's been somewhat decent (read: less horrible than the other QBs) in the very small sample size we've seen of him this year, but the Skins can't possibly think McCoy could be their QB for the future, can they? Furthermore, I think this pretty much cements RGIII as being done, at least in Washington.
  18. I don't know if there's even anything left on Steam that I want and don't already own? I suppose I might grab Rogue Legacy if I see it at 75% off or better.
  19. Sarkeesian a con woman, hypocrite, and fraud? In other news, water is wet and congress is corrupt. On a serious note, this article does nothing to change the impression of Ms. Sarkeesian to anyone that is not blinded by idol worship for her. We've all known she's a fraud for quite a while (long before GamerGate). However, the possibility that she worked for a dude selling seminars on how to trick women into ****ing you is pretty hilarious. Also, if nothing else, the article reintroduced the term Snake Oil Salesman (I'm mad at myself that I had forgotten the term) into my life.
  20. I don't know if it's some kind of latency issue, but latency aside, your combat experience in Morrowind is never going to be good... or decent... or even poor. It's going to be awful even if you manage to make m&kb super responsive.
  21. Trailer for Destiny expansion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4icKXFytWM Maybe the content will be good, but that trailer is awful. I get they were going for camp, they just failed spectacularly.
  22. People on the far left are downright frightening. Generally, people on the far left are heavily narcissistic, very much feeling morally superior to everyone else. They think they have a formula figured out that will work for everyone, and if everyone just buys in, bam, utopia. Of course, they very quickly encounter resistance to people conforming to their "ideal" way to live (You'll never believe this, but some people don't like to be told what to do. Shocking.). Due to their narcissistic nature, the thought that their ideal might not work for everyone is immediately dismissed as "they don't know what's good for them", because, clearly, they know better. Because their own narcissistic nature cannot and will not allow for the possibility that they're wrong, their conscience is clear and has given them carte blanche to do whatever is takes to spread their ideals, by force if necessary, because it all ultimately leads to a "better" world, their world. So what you have is a group of heavily egotistical people that cannot be reasoned with and that very much operate under the "ends justify the means" school of thought (While sometimes the ends do indeed justify the means, I probably don't need to tell any reasonable person how volatile a mindset that is and just how horribly wrong it can go.) Then you add in sheeple that can easily be manipulated to go along with a vocal faction (especially in today's retweet first, give it thought never culture), and those who don't give two ****s about any of the ideals they're just there to leech off them and make a profit (to be fair, there are people leeching off the pro-GG side as well, and there are no doubt pro-GG sheeple that are supporting it only because others are, or as nothing more than a middle finger).
  23. Sleepy Kitten Not quite Sleepy Rat, but still rather adorable.
  24. The mortality rate is just under 38%. It also doesn't survive very long in open air, limiting the delivery methods greatly.
  25. Thanks. We needed a win. Hell, even the Nazis are responsible for technological achievements. I guess GamerGate can't even be rated higher than them? Lol at the implication that Gamasutra is responsible for blowing the whistle on Gawker media's racketeering because they nagged about YouTube videos. I don't much care who gets the pat on the back for this, I'm just happy at it getting done.
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