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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Well, so far we got cars on fire, looting, tear gas. Bad times over in Ferguson. Hopefully not widespread.
  2. They're not as good as Sam & Max Hit the Road, but they're still fun and hilarious games.
  3. If one of those games is Final Fantasy XIII, I think we're going to have to revoke your membership. Let it go Tale, let it go. It's not worth it. As an aside, I should follow through with that advice myself more often.
  4. And now, presenting this week's installment of What the ****? How the...? Who The **** Possibly Thought This Was a Good Idea? When Someone Voiced This Idea, Why Wasn't There Someone To Slap Some Sense Into Them? http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/24/new-gaming-controller-literally-drains-your-blood
  5. This is my favorite paragraph from this fairly interesting article
  6. That's one of my tables at work. If it looks beat to **** that's because it is. Hammers and box cutters and tools of all types have done their thing on that table. The game functionality is game specific. In Smash, they will enter as combatants that can fight on their own, either with you or against you. They grow and get more skilled and supposedly pick up their fighting style from yours. I can't comment from personal experience as I don't have Smash yet. In other games they will do other things, whatever that turns out to be.
  7. Who's got two thumbs and a Samus Aran Amiibo is his hand? This guy. I don't even have a game to use it with yet and I don't care. I picked up the Amiibo's I got and will get based on liking how they look and liking the character. Any in game functionality is just gravy. For anyone curious about what these look like in real life, and not just on a promo shot, here are some pictures taken by a crappy photographer (me) using my crappy camera phone: Hard to tell with the glare from the flash, but the detail work is solid. The person or machine that painted this was good at "staying inside the lines".
  8. If nothing else, Plexico Gingrich is a pretty fantastic name. Mission accomplished, though, frankly, I was pretty much there long before this started.
  9. You think that's bad? Just wait until you visit the same cave for the umpteenth time. Not an extremely similar cave from a cookie cutter mold (ala Oblivion), not even a mirrored version of the cave, the same exact cave. Trust me, you are going to be intimately familiar with said cave before the game is through.
  10. Pretty much. These kinds of things certainly look like a dickmove, but it is modus operandi in the business world. When you create a defunct version of, lets say LEGO, then the same procedures apply. The only way to get "away" with it these kinds of matters is to develop in silence, rename it "Fang people: Family ties" and release it as a torrent. Ironically, one of the very few times that a publisher owning the IP was gracious (reasonable?) enough to allow one of these projects to see the light of day involved Activision, of all publishers. I speak of The Silver Lining, a fan made King's Quest revival. Originally Activision served them a C&D, as is standard procedure, but then, after much outcry from fans of the series, they reversed the decision and gave the project their blessing, provided they change the name to something other than King's Quest <whatever>, though they were allowed to use all the names, characters, and places of the King's Quest universe. It was said that Bobby Kotick's heart grew 3 sizes that day (and promptly shrank back down to regular size the very next day).
  11. It would be a funnier joke if it wasn't so sad.
  12. *sniff* *sniff* Small that? That's the scent of bridges burning.
  13. Holy ****, that Boys/G-Men game was tense. It was closer than I wanted it to be, but I'll take that Boys win. This officially eliminates the G-Men. No way that 8-8 gets you a wild card spot this year and that's the best they can do. Giants need to take care of Beckham and keep him healthy, he's their future. As for the Cowboys, they need to go 2-3 or better in their remaining games. I'm of the mind that 10-6 gets you in this year.
  14. Cosplaying a plane. Vroom, ready for takeoff.
  15. Odell Beckham is a legit monster. I dread the day Eli figures out he should just throw it up for grabs to him almost every time.
  16. Hey, that inexplicable timeout call helped my Browns win the game, so I'm not going to complain. Hoyer tried so hard to give that game away with 2 interceptions late (the second one was particularly cringeworthy), then Mike Smith, with that unbelievably awful timeout, made sure he had enough time to make up for said picks.
  17. I thought the Mass Effect games looked pretty good. I did find the texture pop-in to be quite jarring at times, though.
  18. Mike Smith with some of the worst clock management I've ever seen cost the Falcons the game today. Keep in mind, I've seen many many Andy Reid coached games and that clock management ranks right up there with some of the most bizarre Andy Reid clock management I've ever seen.
  19. 5 ghost peppers? Oh that poor poor man ........ I want them to make their goal, but I don't really want them to eat 5 ghost peppers. That's brutal.
  20. In fairness, they are pretty dreamy. Even as a heterosexual male, I'm finding it hard to resist.
  21. It can't possibly be worse than VGX, right?
  22. I'm as confused as you are. Games not normally represented maybe?
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