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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Oh for ****s sake, get over yourself. You've been mocking any opposing viewpoint for months on end (In fairness I've done so myself), now you're going to act as a self-appointed moral arbiter?
  2. I fully understand your point of view and you're very correct. I've had beefs with games before myself, but I've never seen the level of vendetta Qistina has with DA:I, not even Hoon Ding with The Witcher 2 (step up your game, Hoon Ding!). At the same time, she(?)'s on the verge of going Full Oby, and I really really really want to see that, for the entertainment value.
  3. In fairness, Hellblazer was a comic that ran for 25 years. Anything around that long has gone through many ups and downs, so just looking through a few issues isn't really giving it a fair shake when considering the whole.
  4. I don't mid there also being a separate Indie Game category, but Shovel Knight probably should have gotten a nod in Game of the Year. It's spectacularly good. Not sure which one of the 5 I'd kick out to make room, though. Probably Dark Souls 2, but my experience with it is very limited, given I don't own it (nor do I intend to), so my opinion on the matter is not very qualified.
  5. I'm starting to go through the Bayonetta 2 Story Mode again, this time on 3rd Climax Difficulty with Rosa. I'm determined to go through on Infinite Climax with Rosa, so I'll need the extra practice, even though I'm already pretty darn comfortable using her. My main mission this time around is learning to use the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa accessory. This accessory has long been touted by expert Bayonetta players (it appears in both games) as the best accessory in the game, but it takes learning to use it properly. What it does is that it gives you an alternative to dodging attacks. At face value, it seems like a poor trade off, though you can still use dodge regularly with the accessory equipped (unlike some other accessories that cancel out some functions). Instead of dodging you put up a force field in front of you that blocks the attack and staggers the enemy throwing said attack. That sounds good, but the force field only stays up for a few milliseconds, meaning you have to have split second perfect timing to use it, by comparison dodging attacks, even triggering Witch Time using dodging, has a more lenient slice of time to use. More than that, unlike dodging, which is just a simple button press, to use this ability you have to push the analog stick at the exact right moment toward the direction the attack is coming from. In many cases that's not a big deal, but sometimes you're getting attacked from multiple directions at once and it's difficult to tell which attack will land first in real time (using regular dodge is probably the best call for those situations). So, why is this a great ability? If you use the ability successfully then immediately push toward the direction of the attack again (in practice push the analog stick toward the attack twice quickly), you not only put up a force field to block the attack and stagger the attacker, you also launch an immediate counter attack and trigger an extended Witch Time. The operative word her is "extended". Witch Time usually only last about 2 or 3 seconds. Depending on the enemies I'm facing, I have to make a split second decision on which combo to launch. some enemies stagger easily and you can launch a longer, more damaging (and higher score) combo that will start in Witch Time and keep going in real time. Other enemies don't stagger easily and once Witch Time is up will usually immediately counter attack. Having Witch Time last a couple seconds longer gives me extra time to launch longer combos and/or position myself out of harm's way, Those extra seconds often mean the difference between simply damaging an enemy or killing it, or killing one enemy or killing multiple enemies.
  6. Agreed, Wasteland 2 is a glaring omission from RPG of the Year.
  7. So, I'm not a big fan of award shows. I'm not so much against awards in themselves, I just think the shows always suck because they're filled with lame jokes and self-congratulatory **** sucking (lord knows VGX has been awful). That said, I'll give this one a chance simply because it's brand new and I'm not going to condemn and/or avoid something like this without at least giving it a chance once. For all the flak the Dorito Pope has received in the past, he is putting up some of his own money for this, he has defended video games in the past in the face of ridiculous accusations, and he did not throw gamers under the bus when many other journalists did not so long ago. Anyway, here are the nominations for the awards. Discuss. Game of the Year seems reasonable. I'm obviously picking Bayonetta 2 as I consider it one of the best games ever made. Developer of the Year... Ubisoft Montreal? What the ****? Multiple majorly horrible launches and one of your founders leaving gets you nominated for developer of the year? Not a fan of Broken Age getting nominated for anything. It's a relatively good half a game, but it's still half a game. I feel only full games should be nominated for anything. A lot of the rest of the stuff I either don't know enough about to comment or don't care enough about to comment.
  8. This definitely would have been so much better as a HBO or Showtime show, where they could let John truly be the bastard he is. To their credit, the producers are doing an okay job working within the bounds of a primetime network show.
  9. At this point, it's not a great show, by any stretch of the imagination, but it has improved enough from the rather poor pilot that I'm sticking with it. It's decent enough to get me invested in it, is what I'm saying.
  10. No the burden of proof is on the prosecution representing the murdered person, the murdered person's family, or the state, it is not, I repeat NOT on the defense. I understand that rape cases have circumstances where the victim is afraid to come forward, and the system, as it stands, can be exploited by perpetrators (any system can and will be exploited). My argument is that is that a system where the burden of proof lies with the defense can and will also be exploited, and, in my opinion, can and will be exploited more egregiously. This could and would be a tool used by malicious persons to exercise spite and retribution against people they feel they've been wronged by or just simply don't like. This already happened with phony rape charges in the system as it was, creating a system where the burden of proof lies with the defense only give that much more power to malicious people looking to ruin somebody's life. I am against the burden of proof lying with the defense in any case, rape or otherwise. Furthermore, I am against creating special case scenarios where the regular laws and procedures don't apply. The reason being that it's a very slippery slope and not only can, but in my mind will, eventually lead to the whole system becoming guilty until proven innocent. To tie this back to the GG discussion, the anti-GG side heavily employs the guilty until proven innocent mindset, levying accusations and punishments without a single shred of evidence.
  11. So you're pro-guilty until proven innocent? Are you pro-kangaroo court too? Way to oversimplify a complex legal issue. Call me crazy but this sounds an awful lot like guilty until proven innocent. Sure, the issue is complex, but that doesn't change the fact that what I quoted boils down to the defense having the burden of proof (i.e. guilty until proven innocent). Nice attempt at deflecting the question, though.
  12. So you're pro-guilty until proven innocent? Are you pro-kangaroo court too?
  13. Cosigned. If Qistina is going to go Full Oby I absolutely want to see it.
  14. I don't if they were purposely going for so unbelievably bad that it wraps back around into awesome, but by golly it succeeded. That is some doggone campy **** right there.
  15. Well, several good things happened in tonight's episode: The introduction of Jim Corrigan Character development for Zoe and Papa Midnite This:
  16. It's not as simple as you may want to make it out to be considering that there is an entire industry (bars) built, in part, around the idea of people getting drunk and having sex.
  17. I unlocked Balder in Bayonetta 2. He unlocks in Tag Climax Mode and the verse you need to beat is offered to you randomly while playing other matches. It's a pretty hard verse where you have to fight both Balder and Rosa at the same time. He's only available to use in Tag Climax Mode (I imagine the same is true for Rodin), which I guess makes sense. While the character models are replaced in Story Mode cutscenes with whomever you're playing (leading to hilarious instances of double Jeanne or double Rosa if you play those characters) the voice remains the same, meaning it's always Bayonetta speaking no matter who you're playing (in th cutscenes, the barks during gameplay will be replaced with Rosa or Jeanne specific barks and voices if you play either of those characters). While this can seem a bit weird, seeing Jeanne or Rosa talking with Bayonetta's voice, it;s not that weird since it's still a female voice coming out of a female body. I imagine hearing Balder or Rodin talk with Bayonetta's voice would be quite jarring (and amazingly hilarious). Anyway, Balder is crazy fast and his attacks have pretty good melee range and tend to hit in an arc, potentially hitting multiple enemies. I still prefer to play as Rosa in Tag Climax, though, simply because of her insane damage output.
  18. The greatest mistake this video's author makes is asking Ms. Sarkeesian to evaluate characters honestly and on their entire body of work and character facets. As if that's ever going to happen. It's a lot harder to spin a narrative without cherry picking and telling half-truths (or outright lying, as Anita has done on multiple occasions).
  19. I'd say that Super Mario Bros. stands the test of time. That game is almost 30 years old and has influenced pretty much every culture around the world and continues to do so. Obviously, that's a short period of time in the grand scheme of things, but I fully expect that 200 years from now the impression that game left on the world will still be felt to some degree.
  20. This post is Bak Mei approved
  21. The seventh seal has been broken. The Raiders won a game.
  22. It's gotten steadily slightly better each episode, which is a good trend. It's got tons of room to improve, though.
  23. If it looks like a duck...
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