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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Not my type of game but it does look cool.
  2. Still one of the top 3 best prog records ever:
  3. You get to pilot a freakin' mech in Bayonetta 2, because of course you do. The best part is that after you beat this chapter it becomes available to buy so that you can use it whenever you want.
  4. Cosigned. I definitely don't agree with everything Liana K says, but that doesn't stop me from agreeing with other points. Heck, I agree with some points Sarkeesian makes, I just think she also misrepresents things and sensationalizes and overall does more harm than good.
  5. I absolutely agree. I haven't finished the story yet, I just reached chapter 14, so I should be really close, but once I do I will be nowhere near finished with the game, in fact, I'm just getting started. Having not finished the story, I can't give the game a review just yet, but unless something goes horribly horribly wrong in the last 2 or 3 or 4 or however many chapters are left, this will easily be my GotY 2014. Simply put, going by what I've played so far, this is one of the best games I have played, in any genre, ever.
  6. Interview with Liana K She makes some pretty good points about attention whoring and that it's not just people on the anti-GG side doing it, there are people on the pro-GG side that are just piggybacking off this to gain attention and expand their influence. Such is always the case with any continuing scandal that gains enough traction.
  7. You get 27 Freedom Points™. These points may or may not be redeemable for... something in the future.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wF1E5ZO8Lug
  9. Woot! The sale on Tropico 5 I've been waiting for is happening now. I figured I'd get it during the X-Mas sale, but if GabeN wants to toss me a 50% discount now, I'll take it, I doubt I'll see a steeper discount until next year, plus I'm kinda in the mood to run a banana republic soon.
  10. Eh, who cares? I see her as nothing more than a source of comedy to deride. I just think it's kind of sad. You have a person who quite obviously has mental illness and I suspect, in my highly unqualified opinion, that the events going on currently are doing said mental illness no favors, in fact, the hoopla surrounding this, from all sides, those holding her up as a champion, a martyr, a victim, a charlatan, an antagonist, etc., and I count myself among those people, though I do not exist in any real sort of social networking capacity so I highly doubt she's ever read anything I've written, is likely fueling her illness and driving her further and further into madness. I hope someone offers her the mental help she needs.
  11. I think it's safe to say that Ms. Wu is an antagonist and quite clearly mentally ill. I picture her as a person walking through the woods, happening upon a bear den, throwing rocks at the bear cubs in the den, getting pissed off when they don't react, walking over to the cubs and repeatedly kicking them, then, after the momma bear finally wakes up and mauls her, running and screaming to everyone within earshot that she got mauled and demanding that those bears be killed.
  12. This sort of thing has been standard operating procedure for CDPR for as long as they've put out games. Pretty sad that they are one of the very few exceptions to the norm in this regard these days.
  13. That's a bit difficult to answer because so many of the Zelda games are so different from each other but I'd definitely go toward the Alice in Wonderland end of that spectrum. A lot of the characters have strange personality quirks and some of them are downright mentally ill. While the games do sometimes explore the recesses of the mind, particularly in Majora's Mask where you repeat a 3 day cycle over and over and meet people going through the final moments of their lives before they all die and get to see how they cope with that, they never go quite as deep philosophical as PST.
  14. Which is exactly why I find it so hilarious when those who claim moral high ground call them reprehensible based on that, while also neglecting to even mention the actual victims. Also, when someone commits a grisly murder and jokes about it on the internet, but your biggest problem is how other people react to it, your priorities might not be in the best place. Let's have some respect, people, and try not to forget the real issue here: a person has been killed by an actual lunatic. That's the real tragedy, not how some hipster girl tweets about it. So wait, you mean to tell me that when someone uses a real life tragedy that has nothing to do with them as ammunition and a way to draw further attention to themselves, we're the bad people for pointing out how morally despicable that is and not just ignoring the obvious immoral action? Congratulations, here's your medal for mental gymnastics. I don't think anyone is painting what Wu did as a tragedy, we're simply pointing out how morally despicable her actions are. Obviously, the tragedy here is a murder and the victims are that person and their family. I feel terrible about it same as I do about anyone senselessly lost. I don't know any of the people personally, or in any way at all, for that matter. Some random guy on a random forum that none of these people will ever read offering condolences isn't going to do anything for them, furthermore, it would be disingenuous of me to do so given as the victim here has not touched my life in any form, making it impossible for me to feel any loss or sympathy on a personal level, beyond the pain and sympathy I feel for any life tragically lost. Seems to me, that the best course of action would be to leave the grieving family in peace so that they can find comfort with the people who did know the victim and their family and were touched by their lives. Except, you know, someone had to dig this up so that they could use it as a bullet in their "justice" gun and some of us pointed out that that's kind of a ****ed up thing to do.
  15. It's the stories and the adventures that you get into and the characters you meet. The Zelda games are filled with weird and unique quests and weird and memorable characters. You know how BioWare games have a couple stock characters they recycle for every single game or how in Skyrim every character is just a cardboard cutout and the vast majority of quests are boring copy & paste quests? In Zelda games, you meet a bunch of weird, unique, and memorable characters each time out and they send you on interesting and weird adventures (they don't get any weirder than Majora's Mask) with unique quests and circumstances.
  16. Heck yes! While I'm personally tired of all the remakes and reboots, I will make an exception for Majora's Mask because it's an amazing game and it really deserves to be played by a new generation of people. I know this may be blasphemy, but I consider this game to be better than Ocarina of Time. It's such a unique entry in the series, so dark and twisted and just plain bizarre. This fills me with so much joy.
  17. It's a great system, I highly recommend it, particularly if it's not going to be your only gaming system. The Wii U's biggest weakness is the lack of cross platform games. If you already have another system to cover that (PS4, XBone, or, like me, a gaming PC) then that doesn't matter. The Wii U has, in my opinion, easily the best catalog of exclusives for the current gen systems (granted it had a head start). Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner, maybe you can get one dirt cheap (assuming they do such things where you live)?
  18. Dear Lord, what did they do to Alyx? They took a perfectly attractive woman with a distinctive look and turned her into every single generic barbie doll from every single "beauty mod" ever made. Otherwise, the graphics are nicer than before.
  19. But Firefly didn't have much combat. Mal and his crew were actively trying to avoid combat as much as possible. Another bonus. The game will be storyfocused, with tactical combat used only where it must. In that case, I very much approve.
  20. I always liked the Friendship "finishers" in MK games. Speaking of friendship, Bayonetta sends her love, the only way she knows how.
  21. A game where you get to play as a KGB agent? Interest level rising.
  22. I'm up to chapter 11 in Bayonetta 2. If this game has as many chapters as the previous one, then I should be almost 2/3 of the way through the story. The best part is that once I finish the story there's tons more game left. A nice touch is that for tag climax, the co-op challenge mode, you can use a CPU partner as well as a human partner. Not enough games include that option. They pretty much thought of everything for this game. They even improved the weird one-off levels which served the purpose of breaking up the fighting, but were frankly not very good. They're much better in the sequel.
  23. But Firefly didn't have much combat. Mal and his crew were actively trying to avoid combat as much as possible.
  24. Warning: Adorableness Overload https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqWf5WR0b1I Gotta love the lazy Toad sleeping on the cloud toward the end of the video, my kind of Toad. Also, I kind of wish it was called Captain Kinopio over here too. Captain Toad sounds fine, but Captain Kinopio sounds better.
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