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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Looks like a heist game with a 70s vibe that's less about shooty shooty and more about stealy stealy.
  2. I found the attack on him to be 1000X more shameful than the admittedly (in my opinion) tacky shirt he wore.
  3. I'm confused. Is fantasizing about being an ideal version of oneself bad? When I do such things, and I do, am I being a bad person? Am I committing some kind of atrocity?
  4. I can only speak for myself as a male, but it seems perfectly natural to me that when engaging in a fantasy role playing scenario (I don't just mean role playing games here) most would naturally gravitate toward playing a highly idealized character, though I do occasionally like to make a hilariously grotesque looking character for comedy purposes (thanks Saint's Row for allowing me to do that).
  5. A bunch of the great Final Fantasy games (read: SNES Era) and Chrono Trigger are out on both iOS and Android. Turn-based, menu-driven jRPGs work very well on touch devices.
  6. I don't know whether it will succeed, but it's a good idea. We honestly need something like this so that the masses aren't so dependent on metacritic, which is an inherently deeply flawed system. Something like this has been mulled over before, long before GamerGate, so it's nice to see someone push to make it a reality.
  7. It certainly looks cool. What's the pedigree of the team behind this? Have they made this type of game before? Maybe more than any other type of game, a loot em up depends on an extremely fine tuned balance of classes, skills and abilities, enemy level scaling, and, most of all, compelling loot to give you motivation for the insane amount of grinding these games entail. As a backer of Grim Dawn and a follower of that project, that game has had its balance tweaked dozens upon dozens (likely hundreds upon hundreds internally by the team) of times since the alpha first released to backers, and they're nowhere near done tweaking.
  8. Cat Peach on the Master Cycle in Excitebike Arena. Yeah. When she wins, she either purrs or says "Meow did it!".
  9. It says they are making a game striving for historical accuracy and taking place in a time period when gender roles were very strongly defined and extremely difficult to defy. It's not the same as in a fantasy game where the world and the gender roles (or lack there of) can be anything you want them to be. Early 15th century Europe was a very real place with a very real and very strict social system divided by gender and blood. If you're striving for historical accuracy in a game like that it's not a trivial matter to allow the player to choose gender. It's not as simple as making a female character model and changing a few lines of dialogue here and there to reflect the player's gender roles. Almost everything would have to be written multiple times to reflect gender differences. Entire quest lines would have to be completely different or unavailable to one character or the other. It would be almost like creating a whole second game just to add the gender choice. While this may sound good to the consumer, it does to me, and I would welcome a game with such complexity and it would certainly add replay value, this would be a mammoth undertaking for the developer, even a publisher funded developer working with a budget in the hundreds of millions. For a small upstart studio working off a budget a fraction of that, it would be sheer folly. This is why so many of us gamers hate social justice warriors, this is why so many of us hate people just like you, Bruce. It's because developers are not free to express their art as they see fit, they are not free to act on their vision, not without harassment from zealots trying to cram a social engineering agenda into everything. Not every game has to be all inclusive. Not every game has to represent genders equally (guess what Bruce, the genders are different, this is a biological fact, men and women are not the same). Not every game has to include someone with every shade of skin color under the sun and make sure they're all shown in an equally positive light. Sometimes developers want to tackle specific subjects from a specific point of view. Sometimes these subjects may be difficult for some people to swallow. Developers should be free to create their games according to their vision, free from the oppressive noose of totalitarian control freaks tightening around their necks and sapping their creativity. It's called freedom of expression. This is one of the things we are fighting for.
  10. Sweet. I can't wait to give it a spin when I get home. I hope every character can use the new vehicles and it's not just Link that can ride the Master Cycle. I want Cat Peach riding the Master Cycle.
  11. The Cynical Brit ripping AssCreed: Unity apart:
  12. Hopefully these are things that will be addressed in Mount & Blade 2, whenever that comes out, and it won't simply be a prettier version of the existing Mount & Blade games.
  13. @namelesshero - This has nothing to do with GamerGate, but I think it's kind of funny that you mention Tim Schafer then accuse other nameless (no pun intended) devs of kickstarter frauds when Tim Schafer took a bunch of people's money for Broken Age (originally Double Fine Adventure) has so far delivered half a game, it's now over 2 years past the original estimated delivery date (I know Kickstarter projects generally deliver late, but 2+ years is pretty extreme) and the second half is still nowhere in sight. Then, to add to that, his company pulled the **** they did with Spacebase DF9.
  14. Milo really slathered the rhetoric on thick in that piece.
  15. Here are the games I played this year that released this year rated using the highly respected and extremely scientific gif scale listed from best to worst: Bayonetta 2 Not just my 2014 Game of the Year, it's my current leading candidate for Game of the Decade. It's the best spectacle fighter I've ever played. It's quite possibly the best action game I've ever played. It's straight up one of the best games ever made in any genre, an absolute masterpiece. Mario Kart 8 In many other years this would be my Game of the Year. As it stands, it's the pinnacle of the Mario Kart series. Finely tuned, colorful, less frustrating than ever, and most of all really fun. Shovel Knight Retro platforming goodness. Not only does it pay homage to 8-bit platformers beautifully, it's better than the vast majority of the games it's emulating. Wasteland 2 A solid, enjoyable old skool RPG that delivered on all its promises. It's not groundbreaking but it met all my expectations, and my expectations were relatively high. South Park: The Stick of Truth While the combat got repetitive and there was a decided lack of difference in play style between the classes, this game nevertheless masterfully captured the wonderfully often times crass and sometimes surprisingly sharp and witty humor and charm of the series. Might & Magic X: Legacy This game came out of nowhere and came from a developer I never heard of before. It is a surprisingly solid and faithful throwback to old skool M&M games. Child of Light Visually, one of the best looking games ever made with amazingly beautiful picture book style art. The combat system is solid if unspectacular and the battles get rather repetitive after a while, but it was an enjoyable game overall and I liked the rhyming storybook narrative style. Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure Visually a weird mishmash of super high res FMV and horrifically dated 3D backgrounds and textures, this game nevertheless proved entertaining and worthy of resurrecting the Tex Murphy series. Watch_Dogs One of the hardest games for me to judge. On the one hand, even with the obvious graphical gimping from earlier showings, the game still looked great, it incorporated some neat new gameplay ideas, did some mission types brilliantly well in how it allowed you freedom to tackle them in many different ways, and had pretty great asymmetrical multi-player. On the other hand, the game fell woefully short of the insane hype around it, had one of the most boring and unlikable protagonists in recent times, had a city shockingly lifeless for all the detail put into it, had terrible driving physics and rubber-banding, and was marred my some boneheaded design decisions.
  16. If that's an attempt to put us off Romance....it almost succeeded How dare you, Bruce? How dare you look down upon, shun, and deny the same rights for love and romance to skinless people? These poor skinless people suffer abuse and persecution every day and you, of all people, are going to add to their stigma? That's it, I'm revoking your SJW card. You are no longer welcome to drink the blood of murdered freedom at the weekly SJW meetings you traitor! Now I want you to think about what you've done. I'm also going to set up a Patreon account. While this Patreon account is going to funnel money directly into my personal bank account, I want you all to rest assured that all the money from the account will be used to further the cause of helping skinless people advance their standing in society and will in no way be used to pay for my drinking habit and the services of prostitutes... multi-ethnic, transgender, prostitutes naturally.
  17. My advice with the AssCreed series is to just not get all of them, but instead skip around. Play one every couple of years. You avoid the burnout of the series milking its fanbase for every drop, and you can pick and choose the best ones and skip out on the duds that way. You kill two birds with one stone. The only possible down side to skipping around is story continuity, but the story in that series is ludicrous garbage anyway, plus there's always Youtube for that.
  18. And this has concluded this week's installment of (semi-quasi-sort of used to be) famous (-ish-esque) people suggesting unreasonable solutions to complex problems without thoroughly thinking things through. Tune in again next week for another exciting installment!
  19. Just Cause 3 Revealed in Game informer This time the you get to cause ridiculous mayhem in the mediterranean.
  20. I gotta give that one to you, Bruce, that's a fair point.
  21. Sure, but the whole idea of an adage is for it to be a short, succinct phrase that's easily remembered and one can relatively easily extrapolate the deeper meaning from. Going off into a paragraph long explanation on how it's beneficial to toughen oneself's psyche against belligerent speech just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way. Not to mention that just about everyone in our western, English speaking culture has heard the adage, knows the adage, and knows exactly what it means. Hence, I propose that the adage serves its purpose sufficiently well.
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