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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. So, apparently Nike and the Denver Broncos hate some teenager named Tory: http://kissingsuzykolber.uproxx.com/2014/10/nfl-celebrates-passing-record-with-dumb-shirt.html http://www.nflshop.com/Men/Mens_Denver_Broncos_Peyton_Manning_Nike_Orange_TD_Record_T-Shirt
  2. The Cowboys inability to generate almost any pressure on Eli is what worried me the most about last night's win, though I'm sure the G-Men spent the week working on that after the shellacking they took at the hands of the Iggles the week previous. On the positive side, I continue to be very happy about the Cowboys ability to close out games. In the past few years they've had many games where they were up by a TD or less late and had the ball, only needing to get a few first downs and/or get into FG range to seal the game, and they failed more often than not, going 3 & out and inevitably giving up the winning score. This year, they're getting it done. In the hilariously awesome fake out category, here's the Rams faking everybody, including the cameraman, out on a punt return yesterday:
  3. Now I saw the lead up to that and I got to say, what an attention whore! Seriously; she goes posts on the hashtag baiting everyone to harass her; which it mostly doesn't work and then proceeds to make your usual garden variety harassment comments toward GG. Then out of nowhere she starts saying that she is getting harassed and that she's going to kill herself. Seems like she has some mental issues, luckily there where some people that saw the comment and contacted her friends and apparently they were on top of the situation. This was the person that pulled that scam a while back that got that writer fired when he exposed it, right? Yeah, let's just say I'm skeptical of this person's claims.
  4. Oh come on, this can't be a real thing. This has to be a joke. Mr. Biscuit is just pulling our collective legs here, right? Even the SJWs couldn't possibly be delusional enough to make claims about weaponized charity, could they?
  5. You can train Rose to be whatever you want her to be because she gets so many skill points and you pick her up early. I never bothered having her learn another weapon and just made her my non-combat skill jack of all some trades. I don't really miss the extra firepower I could have gained from having her learn energy weapons or assault rifles or whatever. My party is quite frankly overpowered as it is. I'm cutting through CotC's defenses like butter. I pretty much laugh at Scorpitrons. Meson Cannons don't even get a shot off on me because I destroy them before they have a chance to charge all the way. Probably on Supreme Jerk I'd miss the extra fire power, but on Ranger my party is overpowered as it is.
  6. I wound up scooping up Darklands. I'm ashamed to say I've never played it before.
  7. Rose, Lexicanum, and Corran Cain. I don't have anyone with energy weapon skills, which would certainly be useful in late game, but I still have no problem ripping through heavily armored enemies with the group I got. Rose still uses pistols, Lexicanum now uses an assault rifle, and I made Corran into my second sniper.
  8. Cowboys are 6-1! Woohoo! I know, I know, December is coming. I don't care, I'm celebrating for now.
  9. How the heck did the Saints lose that game? They were up 10 with the ball in the 4th when I stopped watching that game, figuring it was over.
  10. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Stupid comes in all types of shapes, colors, and genders.
  11. Well, I wound up using 3 RPGs in Seal Beach Underground/New Citadel. I probably didn't need to, but I couldn't help myself. I still have 2 left, anyhow.
  12. I'm going through the Seal Beach Underground now. So far it's been super easy. I guess that's mostly due to my Rangers being walking tanks (10 armor, 3 x 9 armor, 3 x 7 armor) and being armed to the teeth (2 x anti-material rifle, minigun, G41, Jackhammer, M1911, Plasma Hammer,etc.). I had my first character reach lev 40, my medic/demolitions expert. I guess Lieutenant is as high a rank as you can get since I've been Lieutenant for 10 levels now. I have 5 RPGs I've been saving for a special occasion, so if I run into something especially nasty, I'm going to unleash all manner of hell on it.
  13. I think I've run into a bug. Edit: And the bug unbugged itself
  14. Live Aid was incredible. I wish I could have been there in person, at either location (Wembley and JFK Stadium), but I'm glad I at least got to see it live as it happened. I was 9, so I didn't fully understand just how rare and special an event this was at the time, but I understood enough that I knew I was watching something memorable taking place.
  15. One of the most legendary and greatest live performances ever. Queen, at their absolute peak, in front of the largest audience ever (72,000 in attendance at Wembley plus an estimated 1.5 BILLION watching live on TV) hitting a grand slam. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQsM6u0a038 I watched this live with my parents on TV as a 9 year old child. I still remember it clearly and it still brings me to tears every time.
  16. Percy Harvin just got traded to the Jets for a draft pick. He's talented, in theory, but he's done a bunch of nothing for the C-Hox this year.
  17. I'm about to make a salad: Romaine Cucumber Tomatoes Onions Olives Artichoke Hearts Pepperoncini Feta Cheese Anchovies I've done all the other ingredients together in some combination or another, except the anchovies, I've never tried putting that on a salad before. That's the wild card. I'm excited.
  18. Sadly, very much yes. There are groups of scumbags out there that get off on the misery of others and they make no bones about it. This seems a little bit too conspiracy theory for me. I'm not saying it's definitely not true, but it seems a bit too far fetched. That said, I fully expect members from some of these schadenfreude circle jerk groups to be posing as both GamerGaters and Anti-GamerGaters, stirring the pot and doing their best to escalate things so that they can wank it to death threats and people losing their livelihood.
  19. Same. I was in my early teens when this was a cartoon on TV. Even though this was a show clearly aimed at girls, and I certainly wouldn't have owned up to it at the time, I certainly watched my fair share of the show back then. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRyDxEBiQUY
  20. So, here's the first poster for the Jem movie set to release in 2015. This better wind up being outrageous. Truly truly truly outrageous. A lot more outrageous than this kinda weak poster.
  21. Exactly. The greatest irony is that the more that media outlets come out and demonize this game the more it is likely to sell. It's how Leisure Suit Larry became an iconic game and launched into a highly successful series. Initially, LSL sold poorly, but then the media started covering how immoral and terrible and evil it was and OH MY GOD THINK OF THE CHILDREN and the game started selling more and more and more, because it was "taboo". Of course, it helped that LSL was a legitimately good and funny adventure game that was in reality a lot more about self-deprecating humor than about BEWBS, but all the negative coverage it got certainly helped that game become a financial success.
  22. I don't think the game is novel or special, though, in a way, it seems like the purest distillation of what many (possibly the majority) of games are. It's a murder simulator, plain and simple, much like so many games, except that it doesn't pretend to be anything it is not. It doesn't sugar coat what it is with attempts at justification as to why it's all good in the hood that you're mass murdering, because "heroic" stuff. That said, it quite honestly looks boring and ****ty to me. Still, I feel it has a right to exist if someone is willing to put in the time, effort, and resources to make it. People have a choice, they can choose to buy this or not. It should not be banned or censored. Slap the appropriate ESRB rating on it and put it out on the open market and let it sink or swim on its own merits, same as any other game.
  23. A video about driving an agenda in video game reviews Disclaimer: This is very much an opinion piece, and should be viewed as such, not as a news. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Gm4pH3SZqQ#t=27
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