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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. My reply wasn't really aimed at you, Volo. You just happened to get caught in the quote pyramid. Anyway, back to Wasteland 2 for me.
  2. Are you sure that's confirmed because the interview I watched with him he said they didn't know the full scope of the violence, then when he saw the video they decided to act against Ray Rice They (The NFL and, more specifically, Roger Goodell) are liars with no morals whatsoever and are fabricating stories in a desperate attempt at damage control. If you think the NFL, the richest and most powerful sporting organization in the USA, wasn't able to obtain a video from an elevator of a casino, a video everybody knew existed, because everybody knows that every single square inch of a casino is video taped 24/7, then there's a bridge I'd like to sell you. Bottom line: Roger Goodell and the NFL knew exactly what happened all along and tried to sweep it under the rug because the Ravens didn't want to lose their star running back for an extended period of time. When the video came out the already large public outcry for the utterly ridiculous 2 game suspension became too high so Goodell and the Ravens both changed course and changed the punishment. Apologies for derailing this thread.
  3. I'm going to go against the grain and say that I am pro the new Steam storefront, just to be a contrarian. Also, because I like the new Steam storefront.
  4. Better yet, online F2P. So basically they are going for GTA Online Honkong style. I guess it could be fun for occasional mindless rampage, but probably not exactly what Sleeping Dogs fans were hoping for... Well, you'll be playing rival gangs vying for control of Hong Kong, which, I imagine, will include a healthy dose of PvP, and with a microtransaction F2P model, it's not hard to imagine this becoming very much pay 2 win.
  5. Fus-Ro-Dah-ing people off cliffs is pretty fun for a little while. It's pretty At one time it had hilarious backward flying dragons That's all I got.
  6. And it's... wait for it... ... wait for it... ... ... wait for it... ... [ominous music]free-to-play.[/ominous music]
  7. Is there any item in the game that can heal a concussion or am I screwed until I find a "real doctor" somewhere?
  8. Slowly playing Wasteland 2 and loving it. I'd be a lot further along, but the NFL is cutting into my gaming time and will be for quite some time. My Sundays are almost completely booked, Monday night, now Thursday nights too. Freakin' NFL, when they're not covering up beating the crap out of women, they're putting the squeeze on my gaming time. Damn you, Roger Goodell, does your evil know no bounds?
  9. I've had potato chunks on a pizza plenty of times, I guess that's close enough. Chicken, bacon, and potato pizza is awesome.
  10. I've tried BBQ pizza before and I could barely make it through one slice. I finished it because I hate wasting food, but it was a very unpleasant experience for me. On the other hand, I love me some goat cheese on pizza, so I have some weird tastes.
  11. What manner of pizza is that? Is that barbecue sauce smeared all over the top of it? I would say pepperoni (sausage) with smoky bbq sauce on the top. Barbecue sauce on pizza. To each their own, I guess.
  12. What manner of pizza is that? Is that barbecue sauce smeared all over the top of it?
  13. I'm a bit out of the loop here. Why was there a hate thread for The Cynical Brit? What did Mr. Biscuit do to raise people's ire?
  14. I've found 2 manglers so far. I haven't fired either one yet.
  15. The most disappointing thing about the Niners' woes has been how quiet and calm (relatively speaking) Harbaugh has been. If the Niners are going to lose then at least give me the pleasure of watching Harbaugh having a conniption fit.
  16. Man, so everybody was worried about the Niners defense heading into the season, on account of them missing everybody, but their offense has been a real cause for concern. In particular, second half offense. The Niners have played 6 second half quarters so far this year. They have scored a grand total of zero touchdowns in those 6 quarters. In happier news, I did enjoy that comeback by the Cowboys/meltdown by the Rams. The Boys had about as awful a quarter and a half as is physically possible. After that, they got their **** together and the Rams decided they were going to outcowboy the Cowboys.
  17. It's not an expansion, it's a new game. I want to hope for the best, but when I read "PC only online game" my mind immediately goes to a dark place that says oh dear lord, will it be YAMMO (Yet Another MMO) or YAMOBA (Yet Another MOBA)?
  18. I wound up leaving Rose behind at the Ag Center after I finished up there. I suppose I could always go back and get her to rejoin my group. It just didn't seem right to take her along. She's a scientist, not a warrior, her time is better served at the Ag Center. Plus, she loses control once in a while. Very rarely, because of my leadership skill, but it happens (one more point in leadership and I think the chance would be down to 0% for her, it's already down to 0% for Angela). I'd probably be better off bringing her along, but I'm leaving her for RP reasons. I'm off to Highpool now, though I have 1 stop along the way:
  19. I think it's pretty clear at this point that Tim Schafer and Double Fine, while wonderfully creative people, are woefully lacking in the management department. I don't think there was any malice or purposeful deception in both cases (Broken Age, DF9), or any of their previous games, it's just that this is a company that is terrible at planning for setbacks and managing resources. Unfortunately, game development is a business, a business that requires careful planning, contingency plans, and making sacrifices to your vision to keep the project manageable. That last part is where I think Tim Schafer has the biggest problem. He can't help himself. He can't stop himself from going overboard and there seems to be no one in the company that can stand up to him and stop him from himself. His intent might be benign, to make a bigger, better game, but you have to make tough choices in development to stay within a budget and on schedule. I hate to say it, but it might ultimately be better if he wasn't the head honcho at the company, if there was someone with the balls and the authority to keep him in check. In random video game lack of news, TGS came and went and nothing about Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. So now the entire cons season has passed an we got nothing about the game except a simple "it's still being made and on schedule" from Nintendo at E3 when pressed for information. I am now officially in panic mode. Oh god, this is going to be Atlus and Nintendo's The Last Guardian, isn't it? Every year they're going to just tell us "it's still being worked on". 5 years from now it will "still be worked on" for the Nintendo UWIWUWIEUWIEUUU (the Wii U successor), isn't it?
  20. This will in no way shape or form hinder me in purchasing Costume Quest 2, because moar Costume Quest!
  21. I used to min max characters all the time in RPGs when I was younger, and there's certainly nothing wrong with doing that, I used to enjoy doing that a lot. For whatever reason, at some point some years ago, I started to really dislike doing that. These days, I specifically stay away from wikis and guides when making my party. I get my rocks off these days by playing flawed, weird, and/or unorthodox concept parties. I won't generally do this on a first playthrough (this assumes it's a game I like enough and that's deep enough to warrant multiple playthroughs), for my first time through I generally do what seems like a sensible balanced party without fussing over how I could have maximized every character to maximum efficiency. I run through the game with the sensible party as I get my feet under me and learn the quirks of the game. Then when I do another playthrough in the future, I pick a concept (e.g. no magic whatsoever, no melee characters, all mages, all non-combat focused characters, a team full of dumb as rocks characters, etc) and make my party according to that concept.
  22. Damn, that first boss fight was pretty rough my first try at it, and my second try at it (for completely different reasons). In other news, it's 3:30 in the AM here now. I should probably stop playing and go to sleep now.
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