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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Not that this is a surprise, but, good gawd the NFC East is terrible. I figure the Eagles will win it by default simply because they can't possibly be as bad as the Boys, the G-Men, or the Racial Slurs.
  2. Yeah, this whole thing was completely and utterly mismanaged by Goodell (this seems to be a running theme with his regime) and he sees this as an opportunity to save face. Kind of meaningless at this point, though. I mean, is there a single person left out there that doesn't think Goodell is a scumbag?
  3. It was really heroic of Goodell to suspend him indefinitely after the Ravens had already cut him and it was clear no other team was going to sign him. Well done taking a tough stance and adding a penalty that effectively means nothing, Roger. Bravo, sir. Bravo.
  4. It was awfully magnanimous of him to release a piece of carefully crafted propaganda under the guise of a question and answer session while glossing over important information, engaging in broad generalizing, and turning off comments so that so that no actual debate could be had. Awfully brave of him. We should all look up to this shining example of inclusivity and fairness.
  5. How are we bargaining? Sorry for the confusion. What I meant is the journalists are moving into stage 3 (while still desperately trying to control the discourse and manipulate the story). I'll edit my post to avoid further confusion.
  6. And the journalists are moving into stage 3. I gotta hand it to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, her model is shockingly accurate.
  7. They have been shockingly bad over the last 3 weeks or so.
  8. Well, I wouldn't use that game as a gauge of how the Niners defense will hold up until they start getting guys back. I don't think you can count on other teams emptying an entire clip into their own foot, reloading, then emptying the next clip into their foot.
  9. Here's a recap of the Cowboys 1st half today: Romo has been so unbelievably awful (even by his standards) that I'm currently actively wishing that they put in Brandon Weeden. BRANDON WEEDEN!
  10. I wish they would just drop all the asinine Assassin vs. Templar story altogether. Just make open-ish world parkour games with sneaky sneaky and occasional stabbing.
  11. I'm definitely a fan of the art style of the characters and backgrounds. I'm definitely not a fan of the gargantuan UI. Not only does it take up obscene amounts of screen space, it's a weird mishmash of stylized and minimalist (kind of weird to call something that huge "minimalist"). I kind of feel you should either go completely plain and minimalist or go all in on stylized. Not a fan of going half and half like that. Like Sorophox wrote, the massive UI isn't so bad here because the game side-scrolls, but it still drives me nuts because the art style on the top portion of the screen is so great and the massive UI forces everything to be smaller than it could have been.
  12. Man, All the dead shows I went to happened between 93 and 95. Back then I was pissed I didn't get to see them more before Jerry died, but looking back at it I was lucky to see them as much as I did. Anyway, here's one of The Dead's underappreciated songs, even if every true Deadhead knows it.
  13. Oh Valsuelm, you know the path to my heart. But, as long as we're mentioning jam bands, we have to mention THE MASTERS: Fun fact:: I got to see The Dead 10 times before Jerry died and was at the 3rd to last show Jerry ever did. I also saw Phish 4 times live.
  14. Let's talk groove on music folks. Let's post some of the greatest ever groove on songs. Now, before I post this next video, I want to make a disclaimer. This next video is a Sade song, and it is a POWERFUL aphrodisiac. Something of this power should only be used on a special lady you plan on spending your life with. Using the power of Sade on a one night stand is contemptible, disgusting, and wrong. Groove on songs of this magnitude should only be used on those you plan to be with for eternity. Anyway, Obsidian Forumites, post some of your favorite groove on songs. And again, folks, use these songs responsibly. With great power comes great responsibility.
  15. Ooh, extra counter-accusations. Good move faux-feminists, good move. Classic propaganda material and well done. All the misdirection in the world won't lead me from the real issue of journalistic integrity, but it may do so for the sheeple. Hopefully it doesn't, but I can't deny it's a solid tactic. I tip my hat to you, faux-feminists. Well played. Well played indeed.
  16. I started up Pirate Creed again. Afer a couple weeks of not playing the game I was stuck in a weird funk of some things being very familiar and some things being foreign. After a bit I re-learned all the controls and tricks again (quite quickly). I then did an assassination mission and a naval mission on the way to my next main mission target, the get the medicine mission, I had no idea, but b eating this triggered the boring as **** present day crap, and , being the completionist I am, I took the time to hack every console I could find with my newly acquired level 2 access. It was boring, but I got it done, now I can go back to doing pirate type stuff.
  17. My condolences to you and your family, TrueNeutral.
  18. That sloth is my spirit animal.
  19. I absolutely agree that harassment is wrong. There are definitely people in the wrong on both sides of this and there definitely are cruel, juvenile, misogynist gamers out there engaging in inexcusable acts. Sadly, these misguided people are the ones being paraded for the general public to see shifting blame and deflecting attention from the initial issue of the integrity of games media.
  20. That's the thing, those spinning this aren't really feminists, they're frauds and hypocrites using this to gain fame and profit. They're driving a campaign of shame and name calling while speaking against shame and name calling, using the guise of feminism to guilt the gullible sheeple into blindly following everything they say and buying the games they push. It's a classic propaganda trick and it will sadly probably succeed.
  21. I just got back from a bike ride. It is ruthlessly hot today and fairly humid too. Before I hopped in the shower I was sweating like crazy. Tomorrow should be considerably (15 degrees) cooler and slightly less humid, so that should make for a far more pleasant ride.
  22. I wound up buying a skin for my Wii U from DecalGirl: Spiffy, eh?
  23. /pats Labadal on the back I'm sorry. Lost and Damned has even more unlikable characters than base GTA4.
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