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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. It's fallacious to believe that if the game doesn't have an influence or relationship system it has to be about combat exclusively. Did PS:T have an influence system? Your poll options are dishonest and misleading.
  2. What if I was afraid of rats? Wolves? People? Open spaces? Closed spaces? And so on? Just deal with it. You don't warrant special treatment; nobody does. Edit: That said I'd rather have a game where the encounters aren't wolves, spiders and rats.
  3. This thread: Fitting, isn't it? Project "Eternity" indeed. History isn't the only thing that repeats itself.
  4. The only solution is to ban both. It's the only way to be sure.
  5. Swing and a miss One weird aspect I enjoyed ( I really do not know if it was an intentional design decision ) is that the levels and areas in KotOR 2 felt ... void of life. Desolate. Like deliberately under-designed. I really enjoyed that atmosphere. Right! Just like things in Torment felt bizarre or tragic or circuitous and epic (in the true sense of the word, not the internet sense) in MotB. It's important that areas, dialogue - everything - reflects the mood and theme of the game. That's why I honestly believe this game is in good hands and can't wait until it's out!
  6. I briefly wanted to as well but there's some lines I won't cross.
  7. Chris Avellone is a hero of the people. ^ This is Chris reading forum requests about romance.
  8. He just meant to have an exotic species, I'm sure.
  9. That's not the point. The point is to make conscious artistic design in the choices of every in-game element to harbor a constant atmosphere/mood that maintains the integrity of the world. Planescape: Torment or Dark Souls would be good examples.
  10. Chris Avellone while drunk, which is most of the time.
  11. While a fair point I'd say having one out of eight wouldn't harm your enjoyment more than it'd enrich mine. But again, anything they go for is fine by me. But a game is like a symphony and much can be gained from having a counter-point to the mundane as long as it's not forced.
  12. To put it simply, art design is extremely important in a project like this; graphics are secondary.
  13. Yes. Especially in key conversations they were chosen very carefully. A pivotal moment is this scene, for instance: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=3499729895149183484
  14. I wouldn't mind it because Ziets and Avellone - and I hate to bring them up constantly - do great work on weird companions. I'd welcome it, even, because I'm freaking weird as hell and don't mind having someone who's easier for me to identify with than someone "normal". Yeah...
  15. True, but hopefully Obsidian will look to their IWD (music, backdrops), Torment (everything), KOTOR 2 (voices, character(s), camera angles, low-key symbolism) and MotB (mostly everything) roots in that regard.
  16. <- I'd be okay with ASCII graphics but that's not what they're going to make. You can make great-looking ASCII-only games; just look to ADOM. But people will debate anything just to get heard.
  17. sorophx, my brother in delectable avatars: It's not enough if every ninth out of ten games is the way these people want it to be. Only once every game is made in their design will they rest, even though they shall remain forever vigilant to make sure that every new game is also created in the same fashion.
  18. While I don't think you have much of a chance I'd recommend you attempt to contact them via Twitter or an e-mail where you precisely and briefly outline what you had in mind. You shouldn't let anyone discourage you short of them themselves.
  19. I think I'd rather get banned than argue with the likes of you; I'll leave it to people that have more patience with your ilk. To me it'd be like trying to argue with people that insist the sun doesn't emit any heat.
  20. The part where you claim that an RPG is a collection of mini-games?
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