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Everything posted by TrashMan

  1. Because being religious and devoted = being a brainwashed zealot? Well, that didn't come across condescending or bigoted at all.
  2. And conversely, it is my favorite archetype.
  3. You never did undestand aligment really, did you? Aligment is a guideline. Tendancy. Aspiration. It's not an abosolute. And IIRC; you could connvince Keldorn to stay with his wife. Also, how is he narrow-minded? Beliving path X is the right path to take in not narrowmindedness.
  4. Reading the description, PE's "paladin" is basicly a warlord. A charismatic general. That's it. It really doesn't have the "feel" of a paladin at all. They might as well simply call the class warlord of something else. Of course, you might ask what makes a paladin a paladin? Divine powers? Well, not necessarily. At least to me, being part of a religious order, a brotherhood with oaths and rules to follow - that gives more of a right "vibe". Think Templars on DA:O. They weren't paladins. Yet they felt very much like them.
  5. In Germany and Switzerland you'd get laughed at wearing this. Well, not exactly everywhere but most of the time. Looks usable enough. Covers the whole head. Curved so most blows wold glance (unless they come from behind). I'd certanly use it over that helmet with the giant golden lion on top.
  6. My stance can be summed up by this picture:
  7. PC with god-like Charisam that can talk everyone into aynthing? No tanks,,,
  8. OP - you mentioned War3 as good writing. I dissaprove.
  9. Consequences for taking your time (like the NPC's killed, situation changing for the worse)? YES. Timed quests that FAIL? Yes, if used sparringly
  10. Deosn't magic need "fuel" too? It's not energy from nowhere. Mages get tired by casting spells.
  11. Big pauldrons, skin tight thief outfits, and boob plates. Hell even the plate/chain is pretty damn form fitting. Most look pretty normal. And their actual in-game representation (not the inventory) looks normal. Leather looks fine, chain looks fine (boob plate on the female chain? Why not? Chainmail isn't designed to deflect like plate anyway.) So you want it to be made to appeal to the most people possible? I hear COD sells well. Ironicly, given that you are the one who wants it to be dumbified in favor of "Rule of Cool"
  12. I had great fun with super Mario but that doesn't make it immersive. Not all people have the same treshold to Suspend Disbelief. If oyu cna get into things easily - great for you. Other people can't. Since you CAN immerse yourself easily, that means you will immerse yourself regardless of how redicolous or unrealistic the world is. Sicne the opposite doesn't hold true, then it makes more sense to make the world more realistic if you want peopel to immerse themselves in it mroe easily..
  13. Immersion is tied to a million things, and, as Planescape shows, a realistic world does not have to be one of those. If written well anything under the sun can be immersive. Immersion and believability may mostly tied to realism for YOU, but it sure as **** isn't for me (and for all the Planescape fans either). If that is the case, however, may I suggest staying away from fantasy games and trying out something like this; it's a lot more realistic. No, it can't. Well, maybe for you it can. Just because you have a redicolously high tolerance to sour, don't persume to season food heavily and claim everyone should find it tasty and it's not sour. It is sour. It's just that your tounge has whitered to nothing so you can't tell anymore And don't presume to tell me to stay out of "your" genre. It ain't yours. It's mine. you get out. GIT! BG had boob plates, huge pauldrons, and all the female outfits were skin tight. If that's what you feel is normal then cool, lets do that for Project: Eternity. I don't recall huge pauldrons and skin-tight outfits. Wut you talking about? The little guys walking around look pretty normal
  14. Would EVERYONE be able to hit that confused enemy for more damange then, not just the spellsword?
  15. Oh, but I can. Immorsion is mostly tied fo believability. Realism is by definition immersive. You cannot argue that relism is not realistic and takes you out of the experience, now can you? Logicly, realistic armor has that one advantage over unrealistic one. Period. And just because some people can immerse hemselves in everything, doesn't mean that that everything is "good" or satisfactory. Hell, I can cool myself off by dunking my feet in the water - that doesn't mean sweemers are wrong for wanting deeper water. I want substance. Not flashy bling. BG had pretty normal looking armor. Your argument is void. It would have made for a more believable setting - wether most people would like it or not I won't get into. But LOTR is certanly a million times more believable and immersive than WoW. Just try immagine LOTR with those WOW armors and items....uuugh
  16. Not seeing it. You cannot claim majority without any evidence other than "the people didn't stage a rebellion". I really don't see people complaining when the game has mostly realistic armor either. So your argument is null and void. You can basicly boil it down to "most people wouldn't care either way", however that tells us nothing. Sometimes people don't care. Sometiems they dont' bother. Soemtimes they gobble up crap and smile (casei n point: many high-selling movies and books..like Twilight)
  17. There is a difference between being a DPS class and being a "spike" damage class though. The base level of a rogue's attack should be below that of a fighter, I don't think anyone is disputing that, but circumstantially they should be able to do more damage in certain single attacks. Perhaps, if we seperate it down into three levels of things - facing, aware and unaware and this basically prevents your DPS problem. They don't need it. They will already be flanking the most of all classes, which means they will be getting the flanking bonus the most. Also, I don't see why for a class to be usefull on the battlefield it has to be a big damage dealer. No, I'd rather they get their insta-kill attack only outside of combat. I want my rogue to be like Sam Fisher - sneaking around and breaking peoples necks and sabotaging before the rest of hte party storms in.
  18. Abstraction is a product of computer and human brain processing power. Simplification of something to make it more easily understandable. No, I wouldn't be OK with that. Classes may be abstraction themsleves, but that doesn't mean you should throw logic and consistency away. rogue has no buisness beign a DPS class. A mage or fighter do. A rogue does simply doesn't need extra damage.
  19. Wut? Sunburts = every enemy around you dead. An hour casting spells? HA! More like 1 minute tops. I usually never bohered casting anything more than mage armor before I waded into combat and spammed spells centered on me.
  20. Meh, if I made a game I'd have ONLY ironman mode. The game is supposed to invoke a specific experience and feeling after all.
  21. I prefer silver or white when it cames to plate armor. I'd polish it with every oil and polish in the known world so hard, that if I fought at noon, I'd blind my enemies with my mere presence! People would mistake me for a motherflippin' lighthouse! Then I'd cast every known spell that increases glowiness on it - and if there aren't any I'd invent them! Look at me would be like loooking at the sun! Because: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/PowerGlows
  22. Because a redicolous sword if better than a realistic one....why exactly? Because it stands out? Is that it? Standing out? Being "unique"?
  23. True. They can also inspire seeting hatered to the point you jsts want to bash their faces in with a morningstar...and keep whacking.
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