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Everything posted by Ondb

  1. Wait, really? Was there a vote on that that I missed, because I would absolutely have been against per rest spells. They're terribad for balancing and gameplay. There was no vote, but when Josh explained his idea for wizards lots of people were quite angry that it was MMO like cooldown system that don't have anything to do with IE games, which lead that they changed their plans and created more Vancian style system for wizards. Well i think the original idea was to keep Wizards spells powerful and per rest. Josh wanted weaker spells per encounter. After the angry forum reaction, he weaken the spells and keep them on pre rest. )
  2. The fix is really easy: 1/ During combat create 1 resource every 4 seconds. 2/ Balance invocations around different cost more.
  3. Hi, As I have GOG version of the game, could someone post the improved ranged of the Wizard spells?
  4. The lead designer of PoE does not like Wizards. They represent everything wrong about class design (according to his opinion). Right now even my fighter/tank is using more abilities per combat then my PC Wizard on auto-attack...Its really ironic... To be fair. D&D wizards do represent many, many, things wrong with class design... Actually, that's true of most of the classes in the core book. It's too bad he did litterally nothing to fix those problems and just exacerbated them. True, however going from IE wizards to auto-attacking dude (most of the time) is just too much for me.....
  5. There is logic behind this. The game is not able to save buff/de-buff effects. Allowing pre-buffing would simply break save/loading functions. Why do you think temporary weapons which was still in inventory outside combat was breaking the game? When you save game while the temporary weapon/ buff/ de-buff is still there -> Breaks save files. The fixes for lots of bugs are simple. Do not allow them outside combat...
  6. ) Maybe. Its in category "no bad game mechanic" leading to degenerative gameplay On the topic of attributes. I was here several months ago, saying they are bad...like very bad, but nobody listened.....
  7. I agree. My PC is on auto-attack whole time, while i am controlling G-Milf every combat. My party level is currently only at 7. I was looking forward level 9 to start using Fog/Slicken more just for the fun of it... Well what you can do when lead designer hates wizards. I just do not know... My PC is always Wizard...I feel like completely stopping playing PoE, until some big IE spell mod is created.
  8. The lead designer of PoE does not like Wizards. They represent everything wrong about class design (according to his opinion). Right now even my fighter/tank is using more abilities per combat then my PC Wizard on auto-attack...Its really ironic...
  9. I would add: Resting, camping FAIL the mechanic is just hurting Wizard (druid, priest). On its own the traditional casters and their spells are OK, the problem is that you are auto-attacking 90% of the time. The limited resources are just hurting them too badly.
  10. Hi, My suggestion (ideas) for combat mechanic to make it feel better... 1 Spell recovery time merged with casting time My overall impression about it is: I have no idea most of the time what is happening during combat because there are spells coming left, right without clear visual, sound, GUI feedback. I mean it just happen most of the time and then I have to pause the game and hover over characters to see what just hit me. So currently we have spell casting time and spell recovery time. Recovery time is affected by DEX and armor penalty. Aka Fireball 2s + 2s time. It takes 2s to cast spell and then it takes around 2s in recovery time. I am proposing to actually merge recovery time with casting time for spells. Aka fireball having 4s casting time. Recovery time is part of total casting time and is hidden (however still affected by DEX, armor). Example: Caster without armor and DEX=10 will spend 4s casting fireball Caster with 50% armor penalty and DEX=10 will spend 5s casting fireball Caster without armor and DEX=18 will spend 3s to cast fireball The overall number of spells cast over time is same and also spell DPS. However now the caster will be staying in animation period much longer which will give you better feedback. It will create opportunity for counter spells or defensive spells (which has faster casting animation) to happen before the enemy fireball will hit you. it will also add more IE spell casting feeling to game without messing with armor recovery penalties, DEX bonuses. 2 Status icons over enemy, party heads The game needs better visual feedback for paralyze stuck, fear, etc. statuses. either icons over head or clear effective animation. 3 Command queue I know we have command queue in game by holding down shift key on keyboard. We need visual feedback to see the queued commands, paths on ground, etc. (to prevent many pause, pause pause commands). Additionally it would be really great to have option in menu to put commands in queue by default while the game is paused (without holding down shift key). This game is too fast with to many pauses. Pausing every 2-3 seconds during slow mode is really too much... 4 DR piercing effect We have DR reduction effect on weapons which is lowering target DR, but it would be nice to have piercing effect when some % of weapon damage in not affected by DR at all. All weapons do at least 20% in PoE (so we already have it). It would be great to have possible effect to increase it to higher numbers like 30% - 50%. Currently dual-wielding fast attacker is really pure choice. 5 DR piercing effect on spells and abilities The same as above. I know we have raw damage partially for that, but really we need to options to spells. The DR system is clearly favouring the biggest spike damage with some kind of DR piercing effect the variability would be better.
  11. (boots):spell holding: consecrated ground This spells works differently. The boots will trigger the spell automatically. I think its on 50% endurance of the char (or something like this?) My main tank trigger the effect couple of minutes ago... ) Now the question is: 1/ Will it trigger only 1 per rest or every fight.... 2/ What is the condition exactly Lots of testing ...
  12. Its not just that. 1/ Spell-casting is much more faster. In IE games there is invocation period that takes time to cast spells and the round is 6s (2x-3x slower then PoE) 2/ Damage output of melee characters too big. 1-2 hits for casters to be killed. - it just takes 1-2 guys to take down my Wizard in about 3 seconds.
  13. There's time. Hit pause, pull everybody back except the defensive fighter. Then fight. Tactics do make a huge difference though; do it right and you'll barely get your armor scuffed, do it wrong and it's TPW in 30 seconds or less. How is that a bad thing? You can not. It was the combat after dialog. You can try, but disenge...attacks just kills my 2 characters right there.
  14. They are definitely overpowered in a lot of games (ranged classes often are), especially in the past. So like I said, I do understand FF and/or other methods to try to mitigate such issues. But while I love real-time pause, it doesn't mean I want to spend every fight/scenario pausing every 2 seconds to position and reposition and position some more. Along with the always present pathing AI issues, it becomes dreary for some of us. The real problem is that combat is too fast. You do not have time to react - to enemies, hostile spells, anything. 1/ I have my defensive fighter in the back...and got killed within 10 seconds. 2/ Re-loaded game, put fighter to front, easily killed mobs....
  15. Thanks You have prevented kitting, pre-buffing, hard-counters for spells, summoning spells, and the list goes on... Problem is that you made the combat super boring...you really do not see it ? Really ?
  16. Because nobody knows how to fix the current system in PE, i would just go back to armor system from IE games. Problem solved. Not sure what next issue will be, but going back to IE solutions will probably work....
  17. Is there a mod coming which will turn them off ?
  18. I know. I was there (~2 years ago), voting against cool-downs too.
  19. Per-day is really not implemented. If you spend day? in game time, i do not see your abilities or spells coming back currently. However this is computer game, where processing power to calculate 1000+ cool-downs is easy. It could be done as real time / game time, this is detail. I am just saying you cast spell, after 8 hours of game time you will get the spell back. Or you can get back some spells after 2, 4 hours of game time. Or you rest (spells will come back naturally as you will trigger 8 hours of game time) at limited locations. Or you can do it in real-time. Actually using game time seem to be better option. The fact is that resting as a only action to get back spells/abilities is design coming from tabletop games. But computers does not have to have this limit....Nor have limit to force every spell to have only 2 options (per-encouter, per-day) as currently. Thinking out of the box...
  20. It really depends. I would give you following examples to consider: 1/ First by making ability per rest, you are forcing some players to rest spam. 2/ By making rest supplies limited you are forcing some player to return to town. 3/ if player have option to rest and get everything back, then you are breaking whole per encounter, rest gameplay. Either way i am not talking about cool-down from 1s-60s. I am thinking about cool-downs from 30s - 60minutes. I am thinking about giving you more options for spells within the same level. Example would be level 3 - AoE spell for 30 damage with 5 min cool-down or single target level 3 spell for 30 damage with 30 second cool-down (what would you pick?). Or you could have defensive spells with short cool-down to support spell hard-counters easily. Or you can have Disintegration spell with 60 min cool-down. Players would think twice before using such spells. Would Invisibility with 2 min cool-down and See invisibility with 10 second cool-down be reasonable spell combo to implement? Spells with reasonable cool-downs represent real price for every player. You can metagame around various rules/re-loading game, going back to town for rest and etc.., but you can not metagame your own time. Of course if the cool-down time is trivial, its pointless price to pay.
  21. And by "reactive" you mean you needed to have the right spell equipped WAAAAY before the encounter.I'm not sure you know what reactivity means. By that definition The Witcher II is the most reactive game ever. As in, after you die, you reload, take your potion before the combat, win. Unlike, say, using potions during battle in TW1. Bonus points on "reactivity" if between the point you can 'react' (lol) and the final battle there's an unskippable long cutscene. Yes, I'm looking at you Kraken. ) I think then you will be super disappointed in Witcher3. Not only you have to prepare potions before combat, but also skills. You only have 8 skills slots in Witcher3 and you have to pick your preference from large list of skills. Example: 1/ you have sword build 2/ you find monster with high resistance to silver sword 3/ You die 4/ You change for skills, drink different potions. 5/ Cast igni, kill monster 6/ Switch back to sword build
  22. My opinion now is that this game would be much better with individual cooldowns for every spell / power instead of (per encounter and per rest abilities). I was strongly against it in the beginning (this is the irony of it).
  23. Hi, I don't know if you played old RPG (Ultima Underworld 1,2), but looks like they need more backers with this project. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/othersidegames/underworld-ascendant
  24. I am working as programmer myself. Rounding errors, error in calculations means total lack of unit tests. This is really strange. If i was creating new game rules, first thing to create would be proper unit tests around basic game rules, damage calculations, attribute calculations/modifications and etc.... And instead here we have game with all those bugs...
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