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Everything posted by Ondb

  1. I don't remember people complaining about Wasteland 2 basic systems / skills. They complained mainly about content / dialog options....hm maybe i am wrong.
  2. I do concur here. People associate Might with Strength, but it isn't Strength, it is a reflection of the "force" or "power" of your soul. You could be a 100 pound weakling in Eora and have a 18 or higher Might. Changing it over to Power would be a good idea and fairly simple to implement. If i am not mistaken ingame roleplaying options during dialogs associate Might=STR.
  3. 1/ Almost everybody know the term Might and Magic and what their represent. (almost everybody thinks Might=Strength in RPGs) 2/ Almost every RPG for last decades is using primary STR for melee, DEX for ranged and INT,WIS for spells. Do you really think its good idea to try to change the perceptions of those attributes and how they are affecting classes?
  4. A high-Might wizard sucks at melee. Look at the base melee accuracy. He just sucks a little less than a low-Might wizard. So you agree that it makes no sense for wizard class, but because Wizard are so bad in melee that this illogical thing could be just ignored?
  5. True. Nobody saying Diablo 3 is good game. I just think that they have big pool of beta testers and they simply don't accept the idea/concept. Not just mechanics, the perception and expectation of players matters too.
  6. Diablo 3 Might attribute experiment and beta does came to conclusion that it is not intuitive system. They had money, time, resources to fully test the idea. Please go ask then why they did not keep this wonderful one attribute does all in the end.
  7. So basically... What is the advantage of the current system with the exception that it's better? Oh...i dont think that balanced means better.
  8. What gameplay advantages the current system has over IE system beside being super balanced?. (which i really don't care in single player RPG)
  9. It's not strength, it's might and might don't always mean buff muscles. You can be a mighty wizard as well. Everybody wants to be mighty. I want to have mighty wizard, mighty fighter, mighty cleric, mighty rogue. I don't want to play non-mighty main character.
  10. After giving it some thought i really think we will not get traditional casting animation and chanting from IE games. PoE does have already casting animations in place, which are totally different when compared to previous games. This is sad, very sad news.
  11. Btw: i really don't get the idea of spells having recovery time similar to casting time and be somehow averaging around 6s. And the recovery time at all. The game is real-time. For example what is wrong around different spells having completely different casting time like MagicMissile(2s), Fireball (4s), Disintegration (6s). Its should also be normal to be able to cast 3x magic missile or (1 fireball and 1x magic missiles) within the same time frame. Why the hell do we have recovery time for spells / or attacks. Melee and ranged attack should be balanced around DPS, spells around casting time.
  12. casting animations and sounds ask for a slower default game speed as currently everything is attacking fast, casting fast and moving fast. Currently spells has casting time + recovery time. You could increase casting time while decreasing recovery time to enable better/longer casting animations and chanting
  13. No, I fully understand that. The problem with might is that it's abstract while the other attributes are concrete. The thing is souls aren't abstract in this world, nor are the ways they tie in to your overall physical condition/abilities. Then you would be fine if Might was split to Strength and Soul-power (as additional attribute?)
  14. In its present state, it would probably be clearer to call it "Power," which carries less association with purely physical strength. Diablo3 dev team try to do it. Might, Power. They wasted months explaining the system and then just when back to STR, DEX, INT. Its called learning from other people mistakes and it never happens in reality
  15. I am proposing following change in attributions. Strength instead of Might (Diablo3 team tried Might for months and eventually get rid of it ) and some changes what is affecting what. Strength: +2% melee damage bonus, +1% ranged damage bonus +1 Fortitude defense Dexterity: +1% melee damage bonus, +2% ranged damage bonus, +1 Reflex defense Constitution: +x % health/stamina bonus, +1 Fortitude defense Perception: +1 Accuracy, +4% Area of effect of all abilities Intelligence: +2% spell damage/power, , +1 Will defense Resolve: +1 concentration, +1 Will defense, +4% healing received, +4% abilities duration
  16. I already did. I usually re-play IWD2,BG2,Torment every year (maybe with some different mods). I am not against changed. For example i consider following changes to be really good: At-will, per-rest abilities / spells Limited rest resource 3D characters Real-time combat without 6s turns Different classes not following traditional classes Souls lore - mechanics and the other changes not so good / i would even say for worse at the end of the day.
  17. I love the mage battles in BG2 and waited 15 year to play similar game. (including the combat system). Now it looks that the combat is different. At this point i just hope that the PoE combat can be modded.
  18. I really hope that the casting animation will be there too
  19. Is the reason why it's silly because you don't like it? 1. Spellcasters in IE has to rest or not cast the spells. Dev consider it poor mechanic and added at-will, per-encounter spells to address the the problem 2. Now we have Front-line characters loosing health and we have to rest to re-gain health. Forced to rest or not to be in melee range. Its the same reverse of the original problem.
  20. I don't like current attributes (Might in particular). So instead of just saying i don't like it and would like suggest following system. Strength +2% melee damage bonus +1% ranged damage bonus +1 Fortitude defense +2% weight limit for character Dexterity +1% melee damage bonus +2% ranged damage bonus +1 Reflex defense +4% spell duration (only spellcasters) Constitution + x % health/stamina bonus +1 Fortitude defense Perception +1 Accuracy +4% Area of effect of all abilities Intelligence +2% spell damage/power +1% spell duration (spells only, this is to enable small increase of duration based on this attribute) +4% abilities duration (non-spells only) +1 Will defense Resolve +1 concentration +1 Will defense +4% healing received The main idea is to: 1/ Do not have Might attribute that does the same thing for every class. I want to have traditional STR - for melee, DEX for ranged and INT for spellcasters. 2/ The other attributes are useful for classes and enables different build strategy 3/ Standard party will have good distribution across all attributes. 4/ Resolve issue with weak Perception and Resolve bonuses. (Melee characters will now benefit from perception, resolve more). 5/ Wizard class have only 1 really weak attribute: STR which i think is perfectly ok. What do you think?
  21. Health / stamina is maybe typical over-engineering of original problem in AD&A 1/ In AD&A the problem was that spellcasters runs of spells and need to rest. So people have a choose of not using spells in combat and wait or Rest after each encounter. 2/ The problem was fixed with at-will and per-encounter spells mostly and limited resting. 3/ However they does not stop here, but they implemented health/stamina system and now you are forced to rest because of melee characters. (brilliant !!) -- which btw means that best front-line character is: 1/ Ranger with bear, where your bear animal companion is for tanking....(you have effectively 2x more health in long run) 2/ Barbarian heavy constitution build, because of 1/8 damage ratio. And the worst front-line character is: 1/ Fighter : The fighter ability to tank multiple opponents means that when you use that kind of approach, you will loose health super fast and your will have to REST just because of this one character. Remember that best long term party strategy is: - Minimize/Avoid health damage to characters. - Spread health damage across all party members to avoid need of resting. And this goes directly against Fighter strategy to tank multiple enemies for all other weak party members. (that is really funny) However this does not matter at all, because the first thing i am gonna do when PoE is released: modding the game to increase health on all classes by 10x times. (no change in stamina). This way i can avoid the need for resting because of low health and just play game. And rest when my party runs-off per-rest abilities.
  22. I was... But i hope that not all spells are going to be (3s+3s). I really hope that some of then are gonna be faster ( 2s+2s, or 1s+1s) or maybe longer....
  23. But its really turn-base game. The close, range combat is 1+1 = 2s. The spell casting is 3s animation + 3s restoration = 6s Its effectively turn-base combat.
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