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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Probably going to be a Giant easter egg...
  2. Yeah, if they can build posh mudcrabs, they can mod spiders into giant web-spinning kitties.
  3. Thank you! I wonder how well features like echoes would work given the 2D nature of the graphics? Shrug.
  4. Well if they do have chainmail bikinis, you're going to need a magnifying glass to see them. Seriously, I don't think it will be a problem with this game. Many of the core audience are mature adults looking for mature themes.
  5. Sorry I didn't mean to have that effect; just pointing you to a related discussion. Personally I'd like to see some tutelary deities, such as a patron deity of a particular city.
  6. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61374-gods-wishlist/
  7. If they already have the software code and libraries handy, they could perhaps implement 3D sound originating from point sources on the isometric area view (with occlusion for blocking structures). That would be a nice advancement, I think.
  8. Not wanting to torture myself by watching somebody else play a game I've already run through on more than one occasion, please can you tell us how far he got?
  9. Hey, congrats on getting married! You should write a letter to your future kids.
  10. There are some VR immersion therapies that are used to manage people's phobias. But I think it's better to do that under carefully controlled conditions with a skilled therapist. Playing games that are designed to initiate strong emotional responses probably ain't it.
  11. They can probably do a lot of interesting variants of stock D&D monsters, just to change things up and challenge people's expectations. For example, a 'whiptail spider' with a barbed appendage that can be used to spit nets of spider silk.
  12. Mmm... yes. I think I've seen a few of them on this forum, in fact. Anonymuse, the great deity of all trolls.
  13. A little unrequited love between companions A and B could be entertaining, while throwing a little social turmoil into the group dynamic.
  14. I enjoyed playing the Drakensang series of games and there are many elements of that system that worked well for me (with room for improvement, of course).
  15. Yes, that could be interesting. It would also be an opportunity to break out of the mold of wandering around with a full party of six characters. The investigation could be restricted to just the PC and the cipher detective, at the request of the client.
  16. That works well, but it would be nice to have a rationale for why the monsters are getting more difficult the deeper you go. Something akin to an ecosystem perhaps, with the richer, more rewarding aspects toward the bottom. If it is an undead dungeon that wants to prey on life forms, then the most desirable real estate would be nearer the top. So why aren't the toughest undead up there waiting for tasty adventurer morsels to wander in? One thing I'd like to see some type of consistent motif appearing in places throughout the dungeon. (Regardless of the variations in themes.) After all, this dungeon complex was built at the behest of a single owner. This pattern would serve to link the parts together in the player's mind, much as music does in a movie. I'm not sure what the motif would be though; perhaps distorted human heads or stretches of Inca-like masonry?
  17. Well... even the most benevolent princes had torture chambers and had their foes drawn and quartered in the Europe pre modern times. Hell The most benevolent nations today still employ torture chambers. We just outsource the torrure to third world nations or freelance specialists... if we dont have black ops or prison camps where torture is an official secret . Call it a lust for "realism" in a fantasy game. Yes it's realistic, but I'm not sure it's beneficial or really necessary for most types of stories. Even if it's added then it's still not essential to actually go through the motions. Sure, you could build a torture chamber and hire a torture master. When you decide to send a prisoner there for torment, do a fade out/fade in and read the results of the interrogation. Anything else would be tasteless.
  18. Yes, most the core elements would be there. But the writing, the area art, new creatures, new effects, music, and other add-on components would still need to be developed separately. Plus the law of rising expectations would kick in and they would need to improve upon the original in order for it to be perceived as providing a worthy successor. Hence, I'm not sure that the price difference would be that significant. Still, at least they would then have some capital to use from the sales of the original and the expansion.
  19. ^^^^ I wouldn't, but to each their own I guess.
  20. I mainly want the settlements to feel less like an empty shell than they were in the Neverwinter Nights 2 game modules. That just sucked all of the life out of the setting for me. So yes, I'd absolutely love to see, say, a busy market square just bustling with people standing around or going to or fro, even if that makes writing the pathfinding algorithm a nightmare.
  21. Nope. I want to read the creative story they have to tell. That's why I put down my money.
  22. What I'd hoping for with firearms is that they come with realistic effects; both visual and audio. Having the crack of a smooth-bore weapon discharging, accompanied by the rising blue-grey smoke from the blackpowder, would be very dramatic. Otherwise the weapon may just as well be a fancy crossbow.
  23. Assuming that this type of poll even matters to the developers, I'm of the opinion that the fewer constraints we try to put on their story for the main protagonist, the better. That includes starting equipment. But even with that, I'm sure they will give us enough equipment to be able to make progress through the start of the game. Even if we have to improvise a little.
  24. Giant spiders aren't scientifically plausible creatures anyway. They can't get enough blood to their outer limbs. But what about a spider-shaped reptile with a chitinous body shell? Would that still scare an arachnophobe?
  25. In the Christian mythos we have the example of Satan, who would likely be perceived of as a Bane-like epitome of evil deity in a pantheon. Yet some people somehow find the idea of Satan-worship appealing. I can only imagine the reason is personal power and aggrandizement at the expense of others. Even if the goal of a Satan-like deity is the destruction of civilization, some people will still worship him (or her) because they gain some short-term benefit from doing so. This idea doesn't seem at all implausible to me because there are always some people who are willing to do anything, no matter how utterly vile and despicable.
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