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Everything posted by danielkx

  1. I could see them expanding the AI with future updates. I would assume that they wanted to get the version they have now implemented to see how it goes and the responses they get before they expand further. Also they probably didn't have the budget to go all out within the first six months after release. I could see them adding more options with the second part of the expansion is released this winter.
  2. Actually, I second the "repeatable combat areas" thing. PoE doesn't give exp for merely killing monsters, so you have no worries about grinding. Besides, it'll let us try out tactics! I just gave Aloth the Rhymer's Summon for sh*ts and giggles. I want to take him, Kana, and my chanter PC and start a skeleton war. Assuming they do not implement this, you could always save a game in certain areas that you know have combat you want to play again for training purposes. Just reload those saves when you feel you want to train and once you feel like you got it, load your most current save that you want to progress with.
  3. No you don't, especially since this isn't a fps game. However I think he is just pointing out that the game is not well optimized so even though when looking at the game one would assume the minimum requirements wouldn't be too high, the reality is the game being fairly poorly optimized means it is more demanding than it should be.
  4. Doubtful. That is an entry level processor for laptops, plus with only at Intel HD 2000 series graphics card, which is quite weak, I am not so sure that you will be able to run it.
  5. I would wait until at least the first patch after 2.0/white march is released Whenever a big update/patch is released, there are always going to be some unforeseen issues as a result of such a large change the to game. If you can wait, then I would wait until the first, or even second patch after the big update is released.
  6. I am guessing the new surface pro might be able to run it decently when it is released.
  7. That's.... not how discussion works. You can't just enter a conversation and state something about it but outside of the current context. They were talking about Divinity: Original Sin going to consoles. You can't just blurt out "CONSOLE VERSIONS RUIN GAMES" and expect people to agree with your point, because while you were talking in general, they were talking about a specific situation. Also: you can't start out a part of the current conversation, which you did, and then claim you were speaking in general in order to save face or "still be right" or whatever. That's a **** move. So excuse me for not buying your "I'm just ignorant in what we're talking about" routine. Original Sin is already out on PC. How does making a console version possibly affect you, other than the tired "but other people are playing my games!" battlecry? This entire idea that companies don't care about people that play on platforms YOU PERSONALLY dislike is infantile. You think that if they knew they could do it right and without compromise, Obsidian wouldn't port Pillars? I agree with what you are saying, abaris was definitely trying to save face by changing from discussing a specific game to general gaming, however there is a chance that D:OS being ported to consoles can have a negative effect for future installments on PC. If the port sells well on consoles, lets say 500k+, then the devs might look at that and think that while developing the next game for PC that they should consider the consoles as well. This could eventually lead to streamlining some aspects of the game on all platforms. Selling 500k+ without doing much to favor consoles is quite good, they could start thinking in the line of, imagine how well the game would have sold if more focus was put on consoles from the start. I am not saying that will happen but we have seen it before. Just look at BioWare and what they did to the Dragon Age series.
  8. Voice acting should literally be at the bottom of the list for things that need to be in the sequel. I would prefer, if there is any voice acting (which there will be) that it just be 1st line of that npc voiced then the rest unvoiced. Save the money for everything else that has a much larger impact on the game. As someone said above, if you feel like voice acting for npcs is that important to you and that having to read the majority of the lines is not fun, then the PoE franchise is probably not for you.
  9. Most likely steam sales are around 65 - 75 % of the overall sales of the game. Taking that number (it is a guess on my part) and taking the roughly 310k non backer steam sales that would mean the game has sold roughly 387k-418k tacross all retailers. So it is pretty safe to say that the game will sell over 500k which is a good number to hit for this type of game/release.
  10. I know a lot of people don't like the voice acting, so I hope they at least design POE 2 in a way where the users can add voice acting themselves with extreme ease. Something like this: 1. Every NPC dialogue response has unique ID. 2. Choosing dialogue automatically attempts to play a wav file with the unique id as a filename if present (fileexists). 3. Modders can then turn on a flag in the console menu that shows a dialogue's unique id at the end of each response sentence, so modders know what to name the voice file for that response. This will allow modders to add custom voice acting and those who want it can download it. The problem with this is that if will still cost Obsidian a substantial amount of money to voice those things, money that could and should be used elsewhere in the game.
  11. Essentially unity 5 is free for all until whatever you make earns a certain dollar amount. So for modders you get virtually the whole of unity 5 for free since it is unlikely a modder will earn the minimum amount of money. Right now pillars uses unity 4.6 I believe which you have to pay for monthly if you want to use it. This makes it more challenging for modders. There are other advantages to it but I believe those are the most important.
  12. I assume they will upgrade to unity 5 for the sequel which would help modding tremendously. Also they would need less funding to make the sequel since they have already built the world and foundation for the game as well as having made a ton of assets that can be used for the sequel. Combine that with having actual experience with the engine that equates to needing less funding. As far as voice acting goes I would say they would do better with having less of it compared to the first game. Also since the game is reasonably profitable plus they will likely make a little money from the expansion I do not see them trying to crowd fund the entire game. If the first game cost them around 4.5 to 5 million. (I'm assuming they went over budget based on delays) they would probably be able to make the sequel with 4 million and the game would likely be substantially superior to the first.
  13. Then don't use the exploit. The exploit isn't even one that is noticeable unless you are intentionally trying to find a way to cheese the system.
  14. In difficulty settings there is a check box to auto level companions... Uncheck it. However if you already have the companion prior to changing the setting it won't do anything.
  15. I wouldn't update it if I were you. Save the update for your next playthrough. I finished the game with launch version even though before I finished 1.03 was released. I wasn't experience game breaking bugs and I was already deep in the game so there was no reason to alter that playthrough.
  16. Or if Obsidian decided to take 3-4 months to convert the engine to Unity 5 people could download it for free and be able to mod the game. Would be nice but I am pretty sure they said that they would not be doing this.
  17. If they do not reduce xp gains by 1.05 you can always use the latest IE mod which gives you the option to increase how much xp is needed for each level by 25%, 50% or more. That is my plan if they do not adjust xp by 1.05.
  18. Yeah, I played through the game with the release version, never experienced any of these bugs I read here. I am however waiting on playing through a second time until 1.05 is released in hopes they fix some of the balancing issues.
  19. It is doubtful Obsidian will switch this game over to Unity 5, but no doubt the sequel will use Unity 5+ Unity 5 allows you to use it for free I believe. I know Wasteland 2 is/did convert the game over to Unity 5.
  20. They have been talking about it for a while, you can do a search for it. They specifically said 1.05 will be a big patch with some balance changes and that they've been listening to the community specifically about balance.
  21. 1.04 probably before Wednesday would be my guess. 1.05 around the end of the month/first week of May. They said 1.05 is a big patch so I imagine it will take longer to do as well as taking more time to go through QA since it will be a large patch. 1.03 was released on April 3rd I believe, 1.04 will be a good 10+ days after that one and since 1.04 isn't that big of a patch it stands to reason that 1.05 being significantly larger will take more time.
  22. I got to level 10 around Act 3, had only done the first tier of bounties and first 8 levels of Od Nua. Also did a reasonable amount of side quests, certainly not all. Once I got to Act 3 I did not do any more quests besides the critical path because it was extremely easy and I wanted the last fight to be a challenge. I am not upset about it because I intend on playing the game multiple times, I am however waiting until patch 1.05 before I start my second playthrough...hopefully they balance the xp gain.
  23. They could change the formula to having misses go from a roll of 1-15 to a roll of 1-25...would reduce some grazes. Also they should reduce how effective a graze is, instead of 50% damage it should be around 25%. And while they're at it they should remove the 20% minimum damage, or reduce it to 5%.
  24. Some things to take note of: Damage scaling has been split between Fitness, Perception, and Intellect. This is part of a larger goal which is making sure that Every stat meaningfully contributes towards damage. This creates more character customization options, as maybe your rogue is excellent at shooting people but perhaps less so at stabbing them. It also helps create a "no wrong choices" situation, as no matter where you're putting your stats, you can be assured that they'll be useful both for offense AND for defense. Health gain and Endurance gain have been split between Fitness and Resolve, and switched from being percentage scaling to flat/level scaling. This allows for more customization, creates a tradeoff between short term survivability and long term survivability, and forces anyone who wants to be pure-tank to spread their stats out a bit more. Scaling on all stats has been set to 5% per point. Why? I personally don't feel like 3% felt noticeable enough on many abilities. + or - 1 might would usually be less than a single point of damage. Now, any change in stats should be noticeable. Duration was brought in line with damage scaling for the simple reason that debuffing is extremely important in this game. AOE was brought in line with damage scaling because a 5% increase in radius is actually a 10% increase in area (10.25% technically). This means that with +8 Coordination, you DOUBLE the size of your AOEs. Concentration and chance to interrupt have been removed. I personally found these mechanics to be rather lackluster, and think that they could easily be confined to weapon-choice. If you disagree, that's fine. They could be added to these stats without breaking them, I think. Interesting change in regards to attributes. I definitely think separating melee damage and other damage is a good idea. You have ability power, is that for casters only? If so I am not sure I agree with it. Basically all casters will max intelligence on every build without question. And then coordination and resolve would be the next 2 primary stats without question. This leaves several dump stats and makes it so there are minimal penalties in not maxing 3 stats and dumping the other 3. Essentially it would go against what Obsidian (JS) wanted for character design, which is to have all class types to have use for all attributes in some way. Even if that design isn't the best design they would not go with what you are saying. Sticking with your attribute names I would do: Fitness: Melee Damage, Endurance/Health Coordination: AoE, Reflex, Deflection Speed: Action speed, reflex Perception: Non Melee Damage, Will, Fortitude Intellect: Duration, Concentration, Will, Resolve: Interrupt, Fortitude, Will, Deflection I think this would make for a little more variety in build types. Yes it is unlikely that casters will put points in Fitness but it is OK to have 1 true dump stat for some builds. Edit: Also I agree with others that having talents that reduce recovery speed penalties on wearing armors is a good idea.
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