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Everything posted by Katrar

  1. I'll come right out and say whoever wrote this terrible copy should find a new job. This is the equivalent of an unedited self-published novel on Amazon.
  2. Is it too late? Really, after a long fought battle it would be nice to have an option to slap my companion on the fantasy buttocks and grunt, "You da man." I imagine the ensuing return text would be suitably bromantic... If this is not possible for PE at release, perhaps some (free?) bromance DLC. Or at least serious consideration for PE2. Anyone else hoping for this?
  3. The earlier poster that mentioned managed expectations as the key to enjoying this game is exactly right. I'm expecting a decent game in the spirit of the BG series, that plays at least similarly to it. I'm expecting the content to be well thought out, creative and nicely implemented. I'm NOT expecting 80-100 hours ala BG2. Fact is, they raised a lot of money but they didn't raise a LOT of money, ya know?
  4. Perhaps Disney wants an old school isometric Star Wars rpg. =P
  5. LOL Why is someone (or multiple someones) who apparently hated the IE games, and hate that this game is a spiritual successor to the IE games, even here? If there is a game announced that I know I will not like, I don't generally wander over... create a forum account... and well I suppose in this case it would be push the bomb release lever.
  6. To be honest, if OE follows all the advice in this thread, there won't be much of a game... "Ok guys, we need a boss for this dungeon level." "No bosses, the community thinks they are cliche'd." "No bosses? Ok... How about... hmmm... what kind of game are we making again?" "We don't know." The End.
  7. lol It sounds like some of you hate everything about crpgs.
  8. There was this rpg I played years ago, I don't remember much about the PC except I was yellow, kind of round (a bit fat maybe) and had a large mouth. There were these ghosts chasing me, and I ran around this maze-like location trying to avoid them. The real hook though, the thing that made this quest different and memorable were these strange pills you'd find in out of the way corners. Eating one of these pills transformed you into some kind of ghost eater, and for a moment the tables were turned. I think it must have taken place in a mad scientist's laboratory.
  9. I'd like my psionicist-type PC to be protected by a mental force field. She'd go buck naked, and her melee weapon would be a day old turkey leg (with a bite taken out). Should I post pics for dev inspiration?
  10. This quote reaffirms every reason I chose to participate in OE's Kickstarter.
  11. It seems that a game that will probably have expansions (or at least one expansion) and maybe some kind of dlc in between (just speculation, don't shoot me lol), might benefit from a "credit roll" upon completion of the game then a dump back to the world to finish side quests, explore, be able to take advantage of expansion/dlc content, etc.
  12. I thought I had read that while it will be a custom system, they will be using the basic gameplay of 3E/3.5 as inspiration. If this is true then knowing how those editions of D&D worked, while not at all necessary, would probably allow you to learn the system a bit quicker.
  13. I think that in a game with unlimited random encounters, it can be OK to have characters earned their own XP. It's simply a matter of "taking them out for a spin" to close some of that gap. However, in games where most of your battles are set piece encounters, and you have a more or less finite number of XP you are able to gain during a course of play, it makes - imo - more sense to have some sort of peripheral xp gain for unpartied characters. Full or partial can be argued in many directions, but it helps keep unpartied characters from quickly becoming permanently crippled.
  14. I would enjoy if hidden inside my keep was a smaller keep. Hidden inside that keep was a smaller keep. Hidden inside that keep was a yet smaller keep. Hidden inside that keep, an even smaller keep. Hidden inside that keep, a tiny keep. Hidden inside that tiny keep, a minuscule keep. And hidden inside that minuscule keep, an insane albino raccoon.
  15. I totally get your question. And I agree, it would be an interesting look behind the scenes at a part of the game making process we rarely get to see. But no. Please, no.
  16. Posting feedback? Good. Not liking boobplate? Fine. Barfing all over these forums with accusations of sexism, male chauvenism, and male privilege, demanding PE women be "covered up", lamenting the horrors of all fantasy artwork and literature since before the 1970s, equating the aesthetics of console action games somehow with the CRPG genre, man... seriously? You know what gets me. At the end of the day your "side" or whatever it is never acknowledges the fundamental plea to let OE design their own game. That's really what it boils down to. Let them design their own game, without getting all up in their grills with the angst and the anger and the hate and the sound and fury of your righteous crusade against cleavage in a fantasy setting.
  17. Awesome, all they they have to do then is colour the armour pink and you'll be happy Indeed. Doesn't change that the original Cadegun armour was butt ugly in a suspension of disbelief hurting kind of way. If it had been ceremonial armour, then maybe, but as work clothes it was ridiculous. And yes, that from a testosterone oozing male who loves chainmail bikinis (in fact, having invested a lot of money on large Boris Vallejo posters over the decades). If that particular armour is your entire basis for arguing why women should be "sexier" in video games to make you happy, then you need to learn how to pick better fights. Yes, it *was* that ugly in it's first presented form. +1 for Boris Vallejo. Proof that there really is no such thing as oversexualization in the fantasy genre, simply a divide between the amateur and the professional. Anyone who looks at Vallejo's work and sees nothing but oversexualization really has no business looking at fantasy artwork to begin with. =P
  18. I'd generally agree with you, the difference here is that we've seen inklings that the game's aesthetic decision making process may have already been affected by this small band of what are effectively wandering internet protesters. Badmojo makes what I think is the fundamental point: LET OE DESIGN THEIR OWN GAME. This project may have been community funded but it should not be community designed, and that's what this particular crowd seems to be doing: demanding that OE conform its design decisions to their real world political needs. Now, perhaps OE would have done this naturally, and great. But what if they have been second guessing their art department because of this? Or second guessing their aesthetic/artistic options in general? Would a real gamer want this? Someone here solely for political activism might, but a gamer would - in my opinion - respect the creative process that is just now being set in motion without trying hard as they might to restrict or redirect it.
  19. I hope they lean heavily on the tried and true (the familiarity of the D&D monster manual types of monsters), empowered by the quality writing we all expect, and add their own flourish, their own personality with some key monsters of their own design. Here's the thing... budget. I don't know how many of you have ever actually tried to come up with a proper monster ecology, IE a writeup-breakdown, in depth description, history, etc of a monster. It's a long road to walk down to do properly. And I hope you are all of like mind that a proper monster is not just a nicely drawn picture. Passing up decades of entrenched fantasy monster ecologies would be idiotic, in my opinion. Better to take something good and make it special with your own (speaking of OE) contribution. Then you have a solid foundation, and you have that little bit extra that makes it unique.
  20. The term tree hugger isn't an unbalanced view on nature, it's a phrase that was given to over 300 Bishnoi Hindus that were slaughtered protecting the trees within their village in the late 1700s. They clung around trees, holding hands, as their bodies were sawed through. Most of the village's adults were massacred in order to built a new palace for a local prince. This real world example is what I view as the epitome - the cornerstone - of the fantasy druid. Someone who is willing to die in an effort to preserve the natural balance, or some aspect of it. Hippie dippie aspects don't really come into it. Unless, of course, the druids (wisely) enjoy granola.
  21. I don't think there is anything at all inherently wrong with "tree hugger" druids. I think the problem has been lazy writing in the crpg genre that has failed to take advantage of all the possibilities. Do we really want to reject every trope of fantasy literature, just because some people took the easy road? Arboreal druids are no more inherently boring than rock loving dwarves, magic loving elves, violent orcs, or ancient treasure hoarding dragons. Boring writing is boring writing. You could give a talented writer any one of these and end up with an awesome story. So long as the writing is interesting, there's no reason whatsoever to simply say... druids + trees = OFF LIMITS. No reason at all.
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