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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq
I havent seen another thread on this but it's incredible now. Per encounter 40 second duration and instant activation means it might as well be constant. Best part is, the only reason it's got a small area is because stag has 5 int, base area seems to actually be the same as for a barbarian, here's a picture of what happens if you cast Crowns for the Faithful with the stag in the radius (Stag also looks pretty sweet with the crown-halo):
I don't really see how -10 non stacking would punish fast hitting builds; they would get the same defense reduction as slow-hitting ones. Rather the current way it works over-rewards stacking attack speed (which is already very strong even without disorienting). Lowering the duration would punish slow-hitting builds even more.
So Barbarian with a Speed weapon (+20%), Durgan Refined (+15%), Gauntlets (+15%) and Frenzy (+33%) wearing a Breastplate (-40%) that is Durgan Refined (+15%) using a Durgan Refined Shield (+15%) would get: 1.2*1.15*1.15*1.33 - (0.4 - 0.15 - 0.15) = 2.01 = no recovery? Cutting it as close as possible.
For combining fighting and magic, the options are generally Cipher, Chanter, and Paladin. Of those three, Cipher is more offensive and fragile while Chanter and Paladin are more tanky. Ciphers also require more micromanagement than the other two while Chanters require the least. Chanters are the most bard-like but the stats and equipment they want is very different than Baldurs Gate bards, they are best with high intelligence, might, and constitution, low dexterity (they gain very little from it), heavy armor and shields.
If they nerf it to not stack it should at least be increased to -10 (it was originally supposed to be -20 non-stacking after all). Given that another weapon property gives other people +10 accuracy to target the same enemy as you and doesnt require you to hit them leaving it at just -5 seems pretty weak in comparison.
I can't get faith and conviction over 8 (or 8.8 but it rounds down) deflection even with DispositionAddPoints to get 4/4 in my favored disposition, and I had to level up after raising them to get that to work. Is this a bug or a nerf? 8.8 seems a weird number to cap at so it feels like a bug. It used to cap at +11 deflection +22 fort/ref/will.
Best Healer
limaxophobiacq replied to crutchy's topic in Pillars of Eternity: General Discussion (NO SPOILERS)
Many classes can heal (though priests are still probably the best at it) but for buffing defences you definately want a priest, the 'Prayer against' spells are lifesavers and with 3.0/white march will give you immunity to hostile effects. -
Int isn''t really more crucial for barbarians than it is for Priests or Wizards though. I'd say actually a bit less than it is for Priests. As a priest most the things you do are area & duration based, while barbarian abilities are area (x)or duration based. I don't feel it's fair to say there aren't different ways to build barbarians. Going for on-hit effects or interrupts (high Dex and Perception) or damage (Might) certainly affects how you choose your attributes.
For priest I'd go: 1. Halt (I feel this doesn't get enouch love, in many fights it lets you just ignore the thoughest enemy while cleaning up the trash and it's Fast. Would be withdraw if it actually did what it says it does.) 2. Consecrated Ground (Doesn't feel wrong to just use this at the start of every fight.) 3. Dire Blessing (It's always usefull and it's Fast.) 4. Devotions for the Faithful or Shining Beacon (Depends on how many weapon-users, including weapon-summoning wizards, you have.
Deprive the Unworthy is pretty buggy, it also has no save and just 'affects' anyone you use it on like if it was a friendly effect rather than getting a hit/crit/graze/miss (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79617-deprive-the-unworthy-autohit/). Makes the Thaos fight kind of a joke and enemy paladins way more dangerous than they should be. This should probly be Technical support as another bug.
I haven't actually used a chanter since 1.06, when was Dragon Slashed damage (and chants in general) changed to account for Might? It always used to list modified damage when you took it on level-up but just apply the base damage if you looked at the combat log. Attributes not meaningfully affecting chants was a big part of why i completely stopped using them.
In addition to being item dependant, barbs also strongly benefit from buffs if you want them to really shine. F.ex. if you're running them with a small shield as an interrupting off-tank, Crowns for the Faithful not only gives them a defensive bonus like it does for all tanks and off-tanks, but also gives them a big bonus to their offence by increasing carnage AoE and their interrupts. Barbarian with a priest and barbarian without a priest are quite far appart in effectiveness. As a class, barbarians have pretty bad innate stats, and beyond their starting ability and savage defiance their abilities aren't all that great (compared to what say a rogue gets), but their starting ability is great and has huge synergy with items and buffs. The class is really all about carnage and finding something it synergizes well with.