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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. Importance of perception depends on how good offensive spells the rest of the party has. If you have 3 offensive casters like druid/wizard/cipher, you can focus pretty much only on buffs and heals while they CC and do damage and then perception isn't very important since it does nothing for either.
  2. According to steam, only 0.40% of people who have the game have beaten PotD, so the set of players who post on this forum seems not exactly representative of the playerbase as a whole.
  3. Abydons hammer on a priest-buffed Vailian fighter using barrage is slightly ridiculous. Stunned everyone in the room including Concelhaut for 30 seconds. Strickly speaking would probably have been better of using it earlier than waiting for all the buffs to be up but I wanted to see how big it would go.
  4. Have tried all of them fighting Concelhaut and Thaos. Form of Delemgan is a good enough buff for its level, but the 8th level ones all blow in any kind of serious fight. The stag has pitiful defenses (defensive values in the 60s, I pointed my archer ranger at it to see its defenses and it insta-died), takes way to long to summon (slow cast time), and doesn't hit very hard. The storm one is like Relentless Storm except they have to hit your druid instead of it hitting everyone all the time so plain worse, and Tornado has a bad AoE and moves slowly meaning you have to spend time you could spend casting more effective spells positioning your druid to set it up. I'd give all 7th and 8th level druid spells per day for more casts of Relentless Storm, Earth Talon, and Plague of Insects. Why put all the best druid spells less Venombloom on one spell level? I played through the entire 3.0 beta with a druid and didn't cast one 7th level spell, and I'd most likely play through WMII without casting any 8th level spells either.
  5. If they didn't think she was strong enough without more attribute points than other NPCs, they could have just buffed barbarians a little.
  6. Putting Deleterious Alacrity of Motion on a weapon that requires reloading (Twin Sting) is just cruel, though I guess you can use it and then switch. How are you finding the item codes for the new items?
  7. Perception is probably second most important stat for wizards now. I'd say most important attributes are Int>Per>Dex if you want your wizard to focus on CC, and Int>Might>Dex if you want to focus on damage. I think CC is something wizards are better at than damage though, most classes can do damage but no other class can CC quite like wizards can. The only one you really need to max though is Intellect, the others have much less significant impact. As long as you don't do anything silly like put your points in raising Resolve and Con you do fine. I wouldn't hard dump Consitution anymore since it was increased to 5% per point, you get very low health if you have Con at 3.
  8. A high int fighter also seems like a good choice to wield the soulbound Abydon's Hammer for the Ring of the Ancient Forge power (http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84278-wm-ii-items/?p=1776020), use barrage and you get fast high-accuracy foe AoE stun per encounter.
  9. I'm waiting to play white march 2 untill some bugs that annoy me are fixed, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. What do those abilities do?
  10. They stack? Wow. Prone your tank with these and cast Defensive Mindweb and your party is invulnerable.
  11. Damn, why do wizard get so many more new toys than the other casters? I'd get them getting like twice as many but this is ridiculous, they get more new spells than priests, druids, and ciphers combined. Wonder how Dread Haze works when you cast it on enemies. Does not knowing its endurance change AI behaviour?
  12. You fail and you try different things and you learn. If you play on a difficulty low enough that you never lose you never really have to get any better at a game.
  13. LOL. I reloaded a grand total of 3 times on my 3.0 beta PotD run, and that was playing white march I for the first time blind. Even if someone does reload a hundred times being mad at people on the internet for how they play single player games is pretty silly.
  14. Fighters are actually the best class to use offensive scrolls thanks to Barrage, way higher accuracy than a wizard ever could get with them. Same with the watcher ability that causes AoE paralyse if it's your main character. I feel perception of fighter doesn't really do that much, even on PotD between Barrage and having a priest around fighter never has any trouble hitting things with 10 perception and interrupts aren't that big a deal unless you are a barbarian. Might of course you need and a little Dex helps but using speed enchant weapons and durgan etc. mattters so much more for attack rate than Dex. It's not so much that Int does so much as it is that you'd basically be fine with 20 might and 10 in every other attribute on a fighter so why not?
  15. It's pretty bad. The damage and prone is decent but being Foe only, AoE having a small width, and moving as a projectile instead of instant hitting everything in AoE makes it quite bad. It's not random though it moves in a straight line and bounces on walls or other impassable terrain. Why couldn't they just get a big circle-shaped tornado AoE that repeatedly damages and prones people in the area? Basically like Slicken was at release but with some damage. Does it show the bounce trajectory? Nope.
  16. It's pretty bad. The damage and prone is decent but being Foe only, AoE having a small width, and moving as a projectile instead of instant hitting everything in AoE makes it quite bad. It's not random though it moves in a straight line and bounces on walls or other impassable terrain. Why couldn't they just get a big circle-shaped tornado AoE that repeatedly damages and prones people in the area? Basically like Slicken was at release but with some damage.
  17. Of spellcasters I'd say Druids got the worst deal on the 8th level spells/powers, with Ciphers getting the best. Druids also didn't get very good 7th level spells, so it's a bit sad for them. For my druids Relentless Storm + Plague of Insects opens every serious fight from level 9 to the end of the game, and I wish they got something that would motivate me to change that on higher levels. Priests, the AoE buffing class got no new AoE buffs (again unless Eothasian) same as for 7th level spells but I guess AoE buffs stronger than what they already have on levels 4-6 would be crazy. On the other hand Defensive Mindweb is crazy so why not.
  18. You can also combine one character with high deflection and one with high other defenses, since it takes the best of both. Have priest cast Minor Avatar for +32 to Fortitude/Reflex/Willpower and wizard with hatchet and shield use Hardened Veil for +75 deflection,, and then Defensive Mindweb gives everyone the Fort/Ref/WIll of the priest and the deflection of the wizard.
  19. Oh and for Ciphers Defensive Mindweb is crazy strong. I used it when one character with Preservation (+50 defenses while prone/stunned) was proned and suddenly everyone had 200+ on all defences. If you use consumables (I don't), you could stack a whole bunch of defensive buffs on a paladin and then your whole party will get those defences and be practically invulnerable. Reaping Knives might be cool, but if you just build one defence stacker and then cast this your party becomes godlike.
  20. Loaded saves right before the concelhaut fight and then Thaos (PotD) to try out some of the new spells with the help of the console. Wizards: Best level 8 spells feels like Freezing Rake (I don't really get the AoE though) and Wall of Many Colours, very much worth it on the time to cast vs. effect. Wilting WInd just takes to long, Minolettas Piercing Sigil requires letting your wizard get hit, Imprint is a gamble and a waste of time you could be spending CCing or doing damage. Blackbow might be cool for non-boss encounters if you built around it. Druids: Stag takes too long to summon and is too fragile. Also why do I have to select it and then activate it's carnage ability that should just be a passive ability for it? Avenging storm I could see for those that use spiritshift a lot but I don't. Tornado has a good effect with high instant damage and prone but the AoE is to thin and really awkward to use, especially if your druid isn't on the front line. Priests: Since Priest play in a hard fight is to always buff your party and cast any 'Prayer Against' spells that you need before anything else, you're casting 3-4 other spells before you even start to think about casting any of the new level 8 ones since none of them are AoE buffs*. I'd rather cast spells to keep people from going down in the first place than cast Watchful Guardian since IIRC they lose their buffs when they get knocked out and then revive (someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it's a powefull effect. Hand of Weal and Woe is an improved Ectopsychic Echo so of course it's very good, but I didn't get to cast it in either fight because when I was done buffing and throwing down Minor Intercessions for one or two status effects that got through the fights were always over. *unless you are an Eothasian, in which case you essentially get a Circle of Protection spell that is actually good, and you should probably cast it right after Crowns for the Faithful and whatever Prayer Against spell you need
  21. Shadow Step: Teleport to another possition on the battlefield, and then automatically teleport back to where you started after 'a few moments'. 1 per encounter. Feign Death: Like the Play Dead ability ranger has for its pet but for the rogue itself. 1 per encounter. Constant Distraction: When rogue is flanking someone, they are also automatically distracted. Passive.
  22. This bug now appears in released non-beta 3.0. Should one make new bug reports in the general Tech Support for bugs previously only reported in beta?
  23. But I really need those new Barbarian abilities! 10-15 raw retaliate on melee hit and killing blows having no recovery sounds sweet. Edit: Hand of Weal and Woe and Ectopsychic Echo keep working when you leave the initial range of the spell when it is cast.
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