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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. Bizarre use of duplication actually related to this threads topic; use it to duplicate Concelhauts Skull to summon double Concelhauts.
  2. Also, has anyone figured out how to make the gambeson look good? It's (I feel) the best armour in the game for my favorite classes (priest and druid), but there's not much that colour goes well with. Best I've been able to do is have the other pieces of equipment match eachother and try not to clash to hard.
  3. Clothes in general look very good, at least on women. It makes me a bit sad that durgan reinforcement made wearing them obsolete with robes also getting 0 recovery penalty.
  4. Wonder how you'll level up soulbound armor and shields. Damage taken (or blocked by DR)? Attacks against you that miss? Very happy to hear about new helmets, can be hard to find ones that match the rest of your gear.
  5. My last PotD run I had a ranger and got The Rain of Godagh Field, Durgan Enhanced it, and had angios gambeson (also durgan enhanced). That gets you 0 recovery without using Swift Aim when Alacrity is on. At level 13 get twinned arrows and when you have Alacrity on you'll be firing a fairly ridiculous amount of arrows. With stunning shots you can also stunlock anything your animal companion can manage to engage. It's not a one-shot kill build but it is strong focus-fire/death by a thousand cuts.
  6. No idea if stronghold adventures are random, I would assume so but maybe there's few enough of them that you'll get through all of them in time? I donno.
  7. Yup. Gambeson was durgan-refined, exceptional, and +2 Perception and it all carried over on duplication.
  8. I must be lucky or something because I beat him on my first try on PotD with no one going down using just my standard generic tactics and standing in the middle of the room. No consumables used. Used gambeson on my priest to quickly cast Prayer Against Fear>Crowns For the Faithful>Devotions for the Faithful>Shining Beacon while Hiravias cast Relentless Storm > Plague of Insects > Venombloom, Aloth did nothing but chaincast slicken, and my ranger focused Concelhaut. Kana just chanted dragon trashed and grieving mother shot at things with an arquebus so that was two characters not even doing much. Edit: Doesn't seem to have been luck, tried it again worked out fine second and third time as well even though party got hit by one of those push+prone attacks. The ranger does very good work on the Lich with gambeson alacrity (i have 2 gambesons thanks to the item duplicator from stronghold quest) which lets her shoot twin arrows with no recovery while wearing vambraces and cloak of frozen hunt (+10% ranged damage).
  9. Wael appeared to me and suggested I scatter the souls but there was never an option to promise to do it and get his boon. Didn't have a boon from any other god. Seems like this isn't a new problem: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80396-you-guys-gotta-tell-me-how-you-got-waels-boon/ https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/79142-the-parable-of-wael-quest-odd-but-not-a-bug-i-guess/ The talent exists but it seems there is no way (other than by console) to get it.
  10. Running a ranger with the double arrow modal + the superb speed warbow with durgan enancement + Angio Gambeson for double arrows with 0 recovery. She is top damaging in the group and that doesn't even count the damage from her stag companion. I feel wizard and cipher both have taken a hit now that almost everything you fight has a laundry list of immunities. This will be more interesting discussion in 4 days though.
  11. Oh i got the spear (should have phrased that better) but I didnt get the soul vessel after killing Nridek (he just dropped regular vithrak loot) so I couldn't power it up.
  12. As soon as I spotted the group of stealgar near the monk the elder stelgaer ran over and one-shot him and i failed the sealed missive before it could even begin.
  13. The description for devotions for the faithful says if affects ranged and melee accuracy, which I assumed meant it didn't affect spells, but it actually does. Don't know if this is a bug or intended. If intended it would be clearer if description was just changed to +20 accuracy. One fun side effect of this is that it actually buffs its own accuracy if the AoE covers both the caster and the enemies, since the friendly effect happens first. Edit: Also the accuracy when you mouse over the spell doesn't calculate that it gets the level bonus to accuracy, but it does on casting (so combined with the accuracy buff from the spells itself a displayed accuracy of 49 becomes 49+11+20=80 at level 11). Can be seen in these screenshots.
  14. It asked me if I wanted to upscale for white march 1 right now when I was level 9.
  15. Hit level 9 and went back to the encounter, cleared it out on first try. Plague of Inscects + Relentless Storm combined with Dragon Trashed made a big difference. Wouldn't be the first time after a patch. ;__;
  16. Have the 'random' drop tables been changed (which loot you get which day)? I'm not getting the drops I should.
  17. Unless they've bumped up the difficulty of level 8-9 though, you'll be overleveled for those by necessity now if you can get through level 7.
  18. The end-fight of Endless Paths Level 7 is SO much harder now. Changed from 5 spectres to 3 Spectres, 3 animats, 3 adragan, and 2 adra animats. It's a huge jump in difficulty now, was very suprised and wiped instantly. Seems a bit much to be honest, or at least the encounters before should scale up to it better. Everything before had been a cakewalk for this party and then this fight was like running into a brick wall. What other encounters have people noticed that have been changed?
  19. What I really don't understand though; how were Aggrandizing Radiance and Brilliant Radiance not buffed, when the bonus for Inspiring Radiance, already a better talent, was doubled? Aggrandizing Radiance is so bad I wouldn't take it even if it was free, the penalty is worse than the bonus without even considering that it costs you a talent pick. Brilliant Radiance damage really needs to scale with level. How was the indisputably best Radiance-improving talent the only one that was buffed?
  20. Inspiring Radiance now gives +10 accuracy to the entire party. In a way this also makes Druids a bit stronger, since lack of accuracy compared to wizards was a bit of a weakness for them. Priests also now even more Barbarian friendly than they were before, given that Barbs also tend to have accuracy problems. Combined with 'Prayer Against' spells giving full immunity 3.0 might not be a huge buff to priests, but as someone who's had priests as his favorite class for some time I am somewhat surprised that any buff at all was thought to be required. It's not exactly a weak class.
  21. CC is key. Ogres have large healthpools and the ogre-druids can put out lots of damage to your whole party, you can't really 'slug it out' with large groups of them (unless you are a paladin or something with defenses to high for them to even touch you). Wizards are good for Confusion, Slicken, and Call to Slumber. Anything to stop them from attacking you. Druids are good for Sunbeam (debuffing and damage), Calling the Worlds Maw (disable and damage), and Insect Plague (hits everything with decent damage even on graze and debuffs). Priests have Shining Beacon but it doesn't have the greatest range and they'll also want to cast Supress Affliction and Consecrated Ground.
  22. Elemental talents don't work on any DoT (anything that says it does X damage over Y seconds), has been a problem since forever (https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71355-480-some-damage-over-time-spells-still-have-problems/). Makes Spirit of Decay pretty useless since almost all Corrode spells do damage over time.
  23. Decided to actually to actually try this out, working well so far (PotD). Armor of Faith + rather decent base DR for animal companions is making life pretty easy early game. Had one stag go down against the boars (didn't have armor of faith up) but otherwise they are tough enough even without Resilient Companion (which I'll be getting at level 4). With Vicious Companion the carnage is basically ignoring the DR of foes this early in the game. Edit: Temple cleared now. Shades where no trouble at all but the 2x skuldr kings fight at the end was a pain with all the stags getting stunned. Edit2: Mearwald down, traffic-jam with all the stags in the back at the start of the fight almost killed me, Rangers got to 4th level after that and now have Resilient Companion, the jump from DR 9 to DR 15 is making a big difference.
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