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Everything posted by septembervirgin

  1. Arcanum actually does fit the genre announced, albeit not to a tight resemblance. However, what you should consider, dear stranger, is that Arcanum fits more than Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. Eternity will be in a fantasy milieu but with guns, toilet paper, and the occasional sewer system; Arcanum had guns and a sewage system (might have had toilet paper too). Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines was set in the modern world, not in a fantasy setting. Since I liked Temple of Elemental Evil more than BG & IWD, I shan't be answering this poll? I also liked Arcanum, at least the written portions of it outside dialogue (you know, lore and documents) and also the music. I thought the music in ToEE and Arcanum was far superior to anything found in the IE engine games. But that's really just my musical taste. Typically, I'd prefer Diamanda Galas to Suzanne Vega, even though I find Vega's music charming enough.
  2. Both. In droves. A cat and a pink unicorn walk into a bar... The bartender says, "Let me guess. Lovecraft got laid?"
  3. A fire breathing Kerfluffulupugus would be a fire breathing slime monster. Also, paladins shouldn't be incinerated given the unique history and struggle of those people.
  4. Well, just have a pink unicorn stand in place of Mohammed if they do any Super Best Friends. The Pink Unicorn could be wearing a green shirt in some cases, a grey shirt in other cases. This refers to the Obsidian party for their successful Kickstarter campaign, where two people danced with a toy pink unicorn, one wearing a grey shirt, another wearing a green shirt. The pink unicorn must be drunken.
  5. I think the Green Shirt Girl rocks! Nicole ROCKS THE PINK UNICORN! ... several people rock the pink unicorn, actually, there was a grey shirt guy dancing with the pink unicorn too. GREY SHIRT GUY ROCKS THE PINK UNICORN TOO!
  6. Not only that but we might have around seventeen levels of a dungeon to explore. SEVENTEEN LEVELS.
  7. How about guest appearances resembling characters from every game that the game designers worked on?
  8. This thread is getting heated. I think we're not talking about Easter eggs now. Maybe if we talked about pink unicorns?
  9. Well, I think pink unicorns should appear in the game at any rate. And I still think Nicole rocks. She's a graphical genius, she is.
  10. Sounded to me like people were just joyful and maybe a little drunken. Anyway, why don't people mention (nor seem to have noticed) that incredible pink unicorn! Didn't anyone else see people dancing with a pink unicorn?
  11. It appears we can still give and give til it hurts. Please do. It excites everyone when you give us what we need. From http://eternity.obsidian.net/ survey the page to the farthest right column, then select a donation denomination, scrolling down if necessary. Pay special attention to the fact that Add-Ons still are offered. If this is an oversight and remains by mistake, go ahead and ignore my suggestion -- I do apologize for my heedless excitement.
  12. You're welcome, green shirt girl -- I mean, Josh Sawyer. PINK UNICORNS!
  13. I think there should be no city nearby. After all, the ruins are in the middle of the darn wilds, right? The ruins are rumored to be evil and deadly, the ruins are known as a quantity and they've been there for a remarkably long time. I think that anyone who builds a city there isn't going to be thinking, "Let's get money from rich adventurers," because adventurers aren't a constant flow of people. Not even once a year, I'd guess. So no city nearby. Now I do know what you're saying is "Please make this convenient," and I'd have to say, "Please play Baldur's Gate." You're not going to have to maneuver your character for hours to get that character out of a hairy dungeon. You're going to end up in the world of Mankind soon enough, through zoning procedure, world maps, etc. It will take a week or so in the game though. Maybe half-a-month.
  14. Check your email. They'll direct you to an Amazon link.
  15. I can't believe PE was streamed. Say that aloud. Presently, say it.
  16. now i know they're gonna vanish and leave behind a bag filled with silica and violets.
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