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Everything posted by evdk

  1. You know where you can see a lot of that? Reading conspiracy theories. Or TVTropes.
  2. I voted no because binary choices are stupid. I would like to have some nuance in my games, thank you very much.
  3. Police Academy Edition.
  4. It's more like this: Oh man, someone has been looking at me sleeping for the past 20 years, unseen. Kill him now before he makes a funny hat out of my scalp. That is called "projecting your fears" and nto paying attention, thus condeming a character beforehand. First of all she (Elaniee or something like that, wasn't it?) had a job to watch over you. She was your guardian. So keepign an eye on you was her job. And doing it from the shadows to not cause problems is purely logical. Secondly, just because she looked at the PC while he was sleeping occasionaly doesn't make it creepy. You have some strange mental image of her spending hours just staring at you like a cannibal. Newsflash for you - people do it all the time. And they do it out out of love or because someone/something is eandearing. Mothers look at their childern when they sleep. Lovers often take a minute just looking at their significant other sleeping and feeling glad they are there. Heck, people can even watch a puppy sleep and go "aaaaaaw...so cute". It ain't creepy. It's only creepy because you choose to see it as that. The problem is you. Newsflash for you: people who you do not personally know or even know about watching you sleeping is creepy. And this whole cliché "I fell in love watching my charge from the shadows" storyline needs to die a dog's death, that's how ****ing creepy it is. Were you voted by your highschool "Most likely to become serial rapist" or something? And I am not your puppy.
  5. I was expecting her to kill the PC if he rejected her. If anyone told me they watched me sleep from outside my window..... Both of you are weird. Oh man, someone looked at you. KILL HIM!! KILL HIM NOW!!! It's more like this: Oh man, someone has been looking at me sleeping for the past 20 years, unseen. Kill him now before he makes a funny hat out of my scalp.
  6. I demand Felicia Day to be in this production. Voicing all the roles.
  7. Come now thats a bit dramatic and exaggerated? BSN also has thousands of people who don't talk about Romance\Sex and contribute constructively towards threads But the BSN is dramatic and exaggerated. The only they're contributing towards over there is decline.
  9. SIS. IS. NOT. A. GOOD. CHARACTER. Walking cliché. Mute. Petite. Broken. Has mad skillz. **** you Joss Whedon.
  10. ITT: trolling overload As the meme goes, I don't know who's trolling who anymore.
  11. Hey, I'm only saying what publishers believe about review scores - anything under 8 is a kiss of death. Logic has nothing to do with it.
  12. Meh. Don't care either way, but I don't play these games to match my sword with my boots.
  13. No, unless it makes sense. Like in the wilderness you probably won't be able to genocide all the wild life. On the other hand after cleansing an undead infested temple an removing the artifact that mad the dead rise it would be pretty stupid if bloody skeletons kept spawning afterwards.
  14. Not that reviews matter much, but just for the record - Metacritic: PC Critics - 72, Users - 7.5 Not steller, but not "bombing hard." Bombing hard would be closer to at least Game of Thrones Genesis if not Postal III. Those games bombed hard. It would be more accurate that Alpha Protocol garnered a mixed reception, the median opinions being that it did some things great and some things not well enough for a decent game overall. Given that in modern gaming press 10 means excellent, 9.5 means good, 9 means OK and 8 means that the bribe money got lost in the mail, 7 is pretty bad.
  15. People didn't really care about Alpha Protocol, period. People are stupid, news at 11.
  16. I don't know, the constant switch of perspective in Albion bugged the hell out of me. Also IIRC the travel will be done a la BG2, so no traveling per se.
  17. Agreed. Though I don't see that type of system being done in this game. I really do wish more cRPG's would follow Bloodlines excellent model. Bloodlines would have done it perfectly if it would have less combat. Especially near the end when you had to hack'n'slash for hours with no reward what so ever. Edit: Or at least it felt like hours. It has been years since I've played it. Obfuscation 5.
  18. I like how you are attempting to paint the opposition as a bunch of whiners that haven't even pledged any money. Cool story.
  19. people are morons. To wit:
  20. And now I am once again reminded that Tony Jay is dead
  21. Feminist Frequency on the fringe of feminism? HAHAHAHA Friend, I guarantee you that you do no want to see the fringe of feminism. Radfems are a whole different sport.
  22. RTFM. A separate tutorial a la Starcraft at the most, but that would still be a waste of resources.
  23. Absolutely. The Joker doesn't think he's a bad guy at all. He would argue that "He's just ahead of the curve" in this dog eat dog world of survival of the fittest. Joker does not think he is a good guy either, he just does not care. He just wants to get into Batman's pants.
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