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Everything posted by evdk

  1. Give me a few "facts" and I swear I'll pay them attention and respond. You are welcome to read what has been written in this thread. Too bad it makes little sense beyond "I like romance". I believe at this point any sort of consesus is unreachable. We will both have to see what Obsidian will come to the table with.
  2. Link ? So far I have this: http://forums.obsidi..._120__p__725311 Not entirely what I had in mind but still informative. Yes, very informative. J.E. Sawyer doesn`t hate romance in games, he just hates how it`s portrayed in games usually. Seems he agrees with me based on his post in that thread. I hate repeating myself but do they have the resources to make such better romances? We'll see how much money they managed to cajole from the faithful.
  3. Why? Not everything has to be cookie cutter.
  4. If I won the lottery. I am maxed out sadly.
  5. Link ? So far I have this: http://forums.obsidi..._120__p__725311 Not entirely what I had in mind but still informative. I very much like his statement here, which also sums up why I dislike Bioware's approach while still hoping for something better: http://forums.obsidi...120#entry725311 But I don't think they have the budget on this project to go down the "more" path, so I would them rather do without. Personal preference (although objectively true ) Also if you want to see Biowarean waaahmbulance in action take a step this way: http://www.rpgwatch....98&postcount=32 Patrick Weekes presents: Spectacular Meltdown
  6. Link ? So far I have this: http://forums.obsidi..._120__p__725311 Not entirely what I had in mind but still informative. I very much like his statement here, which also sums up why I dislike Bioware's approach while still hoping for something better: http://forums.obsidi...120#entry725311 But I don't think they have the budget on this project to go down the "more" path, so I would them rather do without. Personal preference (although objectively true )
  7. Link ? So far I have this: http://forums.obsidianent.com/topic/44687-romances-in-nwn-2-and-rpgs-in-general/page__st__120__p__725311 Not entirely what I had in mind but still informative.
  8. Obsidian games had romances foisted on them by the publishers. Several of important developers are on record saying that they dislike them. We just do not want them to succumb to disgruntled ex-Bioware fans pressure. Coincidentally DA3 has been announced. Just saying.
  9. You could solo BGs if you were cheesy enough. I believe there is a quote from Josh floating around somewhere, in which he confirms the possibility to finish the game just with your MC alone. It probably will be somewhat difficult though.
  10. Hey, giving a pity **** to a distraught widow is the hight of emotional maturity, don't you know?
  11. This is clearly an insult, you are suggesting that people that want sex in the game must be sexual deviants I admit I am a sexual deviant. I watch porn and go to stripclubs. But I can understand why others would be insulted as this is not a positive view for many Secondly you seem to think that your definition of an RPG is sacrosanct and we can't deviate from it. You say that your view of romances in RPG is fact, its not. Its your opinion and subjective. What is fact is that the poll is clearly showing that most people want sex and relationships in this game. So you need to deal with it, sorry Most people posting on these forums at this moment. So not a lot of people, in truth.
  12. But it is a lot cheaper to romance an NPC! Yes, computer game romances definitely are cheap. It's good you understand our position at last.
  13. Why? This need not necessarily lead to reload, just to suboptimal conditions in further parts of the main quest. It may even open unexpected venues for progress or at least side quests.
  14. Sure did. They are now selling it as DLC which was their intention from the beginning. ME3 was gutted by incompetence and stupid business practices.
  15. All right, if it will make you feel better - I am pretty selfish, do not want any resources dedicated to making what I view as glorified dating simulators and yes in this case my wants are very superior to yours. Objective fact. Not at all - the ending was product of Bio writers being incompetent lackwits with delusions of literary mastery. Not even two years more time of development could have saved that trainwreck.
  16. If they won't put in time sensitive quests it would be nice if they avoided urgency in quest descriptions then. "Oh noes, noble adventurers, the trolls have taken away my sheep (and my wife) and they intend to have them for dinner on the morrow. Please rescue them!" three weeks later "Oh noes, noble adventurers, the trolls have taken away my sheep (and my wife) and they intend to have them for dinner on the morrow. Please rescue them!" Oooookay...
  17. Does the difficulty scale with the number of people in your party?
  18. So, like in Wizardry. I assume trying to overcharge a spell without sufficient skill would mess you up?
  19. Fargo bought a stake in Unity and now is aggressively marketing the engine to his former co-workers, using the stock piles of black mailed material acquired during their tenure at Black Isle as leverage. True businessman.
  20. Don't even joke. EDIT: Just a question - they are deciding on an engine now? Isn't that a bit late?
  21. And how exactly, pray tell, would you balance the game around this special snowflake philosophy? Cheat codes for everyone?
  22. The hell do console TBS games (and whatever Harvest Moon is, I never could tell) have to do with PE? And if anything is massively ego stroking in modern games it's the romances and all the player sexual characters who see you as the centre of their otherwise pathetic worlds. Coincidentally I do not remember this "dark side of relationships" ever explored in wRPGs. Do tell.
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