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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Seems I am late to the party. What was all the fuss about?
  2. that giraffe pic made me laugh But to answer your question, you mustn't see this whole thing in absolutes..there are grey areas So in this case the ideal design for a game like Deliverance would be a predominantly white character world but you should see some African\black characters and can interact with them so they have some identity This would seem like the most accurate and most reasonable portrayal of the era where there were African people but they were rare....I can't see how this would really dilute the aspired "authentic " vision of the game? How many times people originating from those regions need to remind filthy and ignorant colonials that THERE WERE NO FRIGGING BLACK AFRICANS IN BOHEMIA and FURTHER NORTH... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallus_Anonymus - this guy was on courts, among nobles and also flirting with church hierarchy in regions from Hungary, through Czech kingdom and Kingdom of Poland... That guy did not report a SINGLE appearance of a black/African person in those regions, and I am pretty sure he would, as it would be something noteworthy... Stop forcing modern political agendas on people whose culture was shackled and not represented in any mass form to this day... in fact people from central and eastern Europe are very often mobbed and ridiculed in other countries, including UK, US, Germany, etc. yet, it is ok to do that to them, after all they "are white" so what that they got hit hardest by two world wars, so what that they had to endure the political trade and giving them to Stalin's zone of influence, to appease the Communists after WW2... yeah, no let the same people who betrayed their own values multiple times, school them about their own history... It's as ignorant as thinking that suddenly the modern Western style of democracy and tolerance will be glorified and followed in Middle East and North African countries.... You seem mad? Why you mad? I'm not sure you right about there being no black people in that area of Europe ...I thought there was evidence in frescoes and paintings from that time that were black people? Yes I agree, nowadays East Europeans are vilified unfairly in many countries. In the UK for example there is definitely exaggeration about how Bulgarians, Poles and Romanians are "taking jobs from hard working UK people" ...but I condemn this. So lets not justify one social wrong with another...that is unhelpful I am talking about written records... not art pieces which can be motivated by a biblical story or a piece of art from a region further south... Show me the actual written recrods of historians from that time... I've pointed on of the earliest monk historians in that region, who left written records, and there is not a single word about people of other skin color, and trust me, it would be noted. Also, for some reason you do not see the people of color in pieces of art, that would be referring to that particular time period and place... do you see any piece of art at Czech king's court with a black person? Do you see any other painting, be that people, battle, royal/noble court and see a person of color there? I am mad, because ignorant people are responsible for more bad things in the modern world than if they would keep their mouth shut and stop pushing their own agendas... the Middle East is a perfect example of this. And how is depicting actual historical background now "a social wrong"? Also, if you want to find out, how hard it would be for a traveler from Africa to get to that part of Europe... a challenge for you: Start near northern Sudan border by the Nile. your only means of transportation are: 1) feet - medieval style shoes or sandals - also no modern clothing, get replicas of clothing from 12 century and use them in your travel. 2) Horseback 3) Sail boat with no motor, but with some rowing boards. The only food you get is the one you catch yourself or at some inn - you do not use modern currency, but try to trade with gold/silver or some sort of barter goods. Do not use English, use some african dialect and maybe latin (that would represent how difficult it was to bypass the barrier of communication) GOOD LUCK - experience early medieval travel to Prague from Sudan. Report once you are done. Important not, disguise as being black
  3. that giraffe pic made me laugh But to answer your question, you mustn't see this whole thing in absolutes..there are grey areas So in this case the ideal design for a game like Deliverance would be a predominantly white character world but you should see some African\black characters and can interact with them so they have some identity This would seem like the most accurate and most reasonable portrayal of the era where there were African people but they were rare....I can't see how this would really dilute the aspired "authentic " vision of the game? How many times people originating from those regions need to remind filthy and ignorant colonials that THERE WERE NO FRIGGING BLACK AFRICANS IN BOHEMIA and FURTHER NORTH... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallus_Anonymus - this guy was on courts, among nobles and also flirting with church hierarchy in regions from Hungary, through Czech kingdom and Kingdom of Poland... That guy did not report a SINGLE appearance of a black/African person in those regions, and I am pretty sure he would, as it would be something noteworthy... Stop forcing modern political agendas on people whose culture was shackled and not represented in any mass form to this day... in fact people from central and eastern Europe are very often mobbed and ridiculed in other countries, including UK, US, Germany, etc. yet, it is ok to do that to them, after all they "are white" so what that they got hit hardest by two world wars, so what that they had to endure the political trade and giving them to Stalin's zone of influence, to appease the Communists after WW2... yeah, no let the same people who betrayed their own values multiple times, school them about their own history... It's as ignorant as thinking that suddenly the modern Western style of democracy and tolerance will be glorified and followed in Middle East and North African countries....
  4. SP (PvE) is a standard MMO boring grind up, and it gets really bad when you get into high veteran ranks... the redemption are some end game pledges and Craglorn, but notthing to blow your mind away. PvP is an unbalanced PoS... the best PvP you will find is in the non-vet campaign.
  5. So as suspected... no stats.. perk trees... action game with no story focus in any presentaton.. yup fallout as it was is dead. Now we have some adhd stepchild instead
  6. Well considering that Iran is a pretty big country I see an economic reason to have a different power plant than mass oil burning powerplants... i am more worried about their ability to run such a place safely... and it would also paint itself in a big red color as a target for extremist groups.
  7. So far I have tried several Beths games and I did not really enjoy any of them, though i admit i did not use much mods for them either... Morrowind was meh, Oblivion could not hold more than 2h, Skyrim was boring... really boring, and seeing bandits in high end armor pieces just killed the game for me... Fallout 3 was meh, so no really good track record... the best game under Beths flag was FO:NV developed by Obs, but even this game had hard time to get finished and explored... I am fairly sure, no, I am sure, that I will not buy FO4 until it hits GOTY version with all DLCs on some 75% Steam summer sale...
  8. I have no idea what did you expect from a Football game and its yearly releases to match seasons and periodical events like EuroCup, WorldCup, etc... I mean...... sure I'd love them to expand for example a career gameplay, coach/manager stuff, but for that you have yearly releases of -wait for it, wait for it- Football Manager... and the movement of players and stat changes of players match what happened in the season and the performance of those players... It is milking the customer base, but it is hardly a fraud... fraud would be a false advertising or a **** port that does not meet the criteria of operational product like the most recent Batman, which resulted with its withdrawal from the Steam and mass refunds... The problem is that even those **** products would have hard time being called out a fraud...
  9. Yet nobody kicked up a stink when people exclaimed on the Pillars subforum that the existence of guns in their fantasy is a dealbreaker. Why is being upset over having/not having guns in a fantasy game in any way a more valid preference than being upset over having/not having the option to freely choose your character's skin tone? I mean, both of them can be seen as silly on some level, yet only one of those complaints triggers a wave of harrassment in response. Because fantasy is FANTASY setting, it is taking on some late renaissance advancements and puts them in the premise of a fantasy setting... also PoE is hardly a first fantasy setting with firearms... look at Warhammer setting and you will see even gyrocopters and steamtanks... what people were upset about is that they wanted a copy paste of Forgotten Realms setting, which is something entirely different. Personally I would prefer more of FR flavor myself, heck, probably even entirely a FR based game, but the setting they created in PoE is believable, and again, it is fantasy with magic and stuff... KC:D is trying to be medieval RPG, not a fantasy RPG with medieval flavor...
  10. If by could, you mean stretch the the reasoning to something which had like 1% of likelihood, then maybe... if it would be set in Byzantine empire and Constantinople city itself, then there is a likelihood of it being believable that people of color could be represented, but if you move up north to the land of German forests, Polish farmlands and Nordic longhouses, there is near zero chance of it being realistic... You want make a game about Crusade or a Spanish war with Moors, you will get some ethnical diversity. The best you got to some ethnically different person in the tales was Naziir from tales of Robin Hood, and even then because a very specific situation after the Crusade. 1st, the only "international language" at that time was fairly dead latin, but due to widespread heritage of Roman empire it was used by scholars and lords when communicating with each other in various countries, other people would speak various local dialects, which were used by illiterate people, and was not even a written language until the fall from grace of latin among the scholars and lords (so no reading, no writing) - hence the role of criers in that time. 2nd, again, the religious situation in that time, and peoples mentality... a non-christian, would have a really hard time, especially of a very dark skin color, so unless that person would be a servant on King's or some very influential lord's court and you would encounter that person there, there is really low chance of seeing a person of dark skin color... I mean... travel to Poland in today's environment, and check how many people of color you will see on the streets... with exception of the Capital city and 3-4 more major cities, you will probably not see one, and in 99,99% you will not see one in the rural areas of that region. (I mentioned Poland, as it was not and is not really a target for economic migrations). Pre 90s you would have a very hard time seeing a person of color there even IN major cities, so why people think that there could be a better representation in less friendly times at a time of much harder, costly and dangerous travel is what I would call ignorance, and trying to fit modern perspective on the time period, which never was a part of the culture of people who try to fit it in... EDIT: look for random pictures of early 20th and late 19th century from the European Cities in Northern and Central Europe, and try to find people of color there...
  11. I am so hyped for this game... If only we could get some sweet RPG in this setting... IT HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER... (wink at Obs, wink HARD - it has badass dwarves, so you have to make it :D) Now, I think it was very cool from the CA to explain some bits about various terms when it comes to video presentation... http://forums.totalwar.com/showthread.php/160022-About-our-trailers-and-what-quot-in-engine-quot-and-quot-gameplay-quot-mean. Now, If anyone missed the announcement CGI... it is till here for you and here is what they call In-engine trailer (super cool one), which definition you can find in the forum website link above... enjoy.. I personally cannot wait long enough for this game :D a must buy, even with dubious DLC policies of Sega/CA in their most recent TW titles.
  12. Art historians seem to disagree. Although, to be fair, that's from a different period than the one the game is set in, I think? Keep in mind that history isn't one of my strong suits, but couldn't the very same thing be said of male protagonists as well? It was more common to send young men for local lords militia for example, or if he would be talented, some craftsman could get him as an apprentice. He could also be sent by the family to serve under a knight, but it was mostly reserved for people of "better birth", yet it could be possible to get into service under a knight as a farmer's origin boy, although in 99% exclusively through service in local lord's militia first. That was one of the ways to get into nobility, by serving a knight and then becoming a knight through features of valor, if you would get recommended to the king by the lord/knight noble landowner IIRC. In vast majority of cases a farmer boy would remain a farmer boy, but it was certainly in realms of possibility to advance... I have no exact details on females, but the career of court lady servicing the aristocrat's daughter / wife or a courtesan, were probably the peak, that or serving the church (which also applied to males)... There was no formal education, aside of the one held by priesthood and the church internally and for the lords, that's why it was so influential in that era on the court of kings and nobility. Majority was illiterate and had problems with basic counting... considering also a much stronger position of a male in that society, there was VERY little room for adventurous females.... Fun fact is that women had some more influence and were even seen as warriors in certain societies during the Roman Era, but with the "Dark Ages" the roles have somewhat changed as also tribes formed countries, etc, and rule of church became more relevant... the period of 8-10 century what I would call Dark Ages, although many modern historians avoid that term nowadays, as it has purely negative outlook, while there were some advances made.. given the whole period of Middle Ages (5th to 13th cent) there surely were various cultural changes, but in the period of 9-10 century, it would really not look so great... The best you would get were the contacts with the Byzantine empire in that period of time and that's where most of the diversity could come from (as well as contacts through Italian peninsula and merchant ships through Sycily to northern Africa or in case of France, the Iberian Peninsula with Moors in the south). Jews and some other migratory ethnics would appear in Northern Europe in the parts of various German stats/Holy Roman Empire, Polish kingdom and Czech kingdom, but while their skin tone would be slightly different it would still be considered similar, unlike if you would send some Saharan Numidian there....
  13. Sure, but that works both ways- if it's low on the priority list to complain about having a black or female protagonist because it doesn't effect how the game plays then surely it is low on the priority list to complain about not having a black or female protagonist because that doesn't effect how the game plays either. On the other hand, I can kind of empathize with the desire to be represented a bit more, because games with a fixed black or female protagonist are kinda rare. (Although, to be fair, there seems to be an explosion of female protagonists lately. Dishonored 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Hellblade. Progress?) Isn't it, though? sooo... you want to imply (or the author of the poor text) that in the 10th century you would see more people or similar level of people of different ethnic origin than you have nowadays, where like 98% of populace or more is of standard CEE-nordic/slav origin? you need to take notice, that those pieces of art are just that, piece of art, and were in most cases transcriptions of events and people presented in other art coming from areas near Rome and Jerusalem (in times of Crusades)... the authors of these art pieces in 90% probability have not seen a person of color with their own eyes... you can clearly see that from the features on the faces of the people presented on those paintings... Does a person of Moor/African/Arabic origin have those kind of facial features as are presented on the art pieces? I know it is hard to grasp for colonials with less than 250years of history, but things were much different those 1000years ago in Central Europe... the most you see the contact was the time of great mgirations during the late Roman empire era when the Huns were rampaging eastern fringes of Europe, and later during Mongol Invasions, and last but not least, during the Ottoman Empire, that reached as far as Vienna with their military expeditions, and their occupation time of Balkans, which is longer than existence of NA modern countries, left a significant imprint on genetic composition of populace in that region... Traveling in 10th century was not easy, and certainly not for individuals, from the perspective of time cost, travel cost, and dangers on and off the road, traveling was fairly restricted, especially for people of different ethnic origin, as they would clearly stand out, and we are talking about dark ages, where there were witch hunts, etc. where your dark skinned person would be considered a bad omen and most likely killed due to prejudice and religious fears... Just to bring an example... early christian pilgrims in 10th century, form neighboring regions would get in most cases killed, and those were not vastly different in appearance than inhabitants of the "pagan" land... for example a christian pilgrim sent by Polish king killed in Latvia. As for female protagonist... realistically if she would not be of some wealthy aristocrat family, she would have hard time doing anything else than work in the field, pasturing pigs, and doing typical activities in around of homestead.... Even in the noble and wealthy family it would depend a lot on her father how far she would be allowed to do... we are talking about 10th century, and not 16-17th century where residents with citizenship rights of bigger cities and various guild castes would emerge to power... people from rural areas and from towns without "city" rights would be much more limited....
  14. I am not sure where to post it, but I found it a nice vid. Two models in their 19teens that earn some good buck showing the more entertaining part of their life. I have to admit I like the vid, and it made me want to go see those places :D To think what good genes and workout can give you
  15. It seems like anyone can get a license just not Obs :D it has to be some dark circle of evil license owners that make sure Obs is getting none of that awesome pie... or they are simply not interested in the setting...
  16. DIdn't they say that it will be separated by a few hundred of years and in a completely different galaxy? Why the timeline is a nice try of a fan fiction, I would be really surprised if they would go with it as official Bio....
  17. Nah, it is just a good PR move that will most likely turn into better sales of a paid DLC/expansion and future CDPR games, like Cyberpunk 2077.
  18. Not impressed... some of the things were so stupid in that gameplay that they made me do "Wut?" expression to the max... from the parachute landing sequence, through odd horizontal and downward grapple to 'splosions everywhere... Not my type of a game... i will leave this to kids...
  19. I guess the old saying of an enemy of my enemy is my "friend". I would not be surprised that what allowed to make this deal is the very real support that Iran can give in fighting ISIS and US do not have to use their own ground troops for that then. Iran has its own issues with these ISIS guys and here is probably what allowed to make this deal. I am fairly sure that in near future we will see some kind of deal between Iran and Iraq for a military assistance and Iran's troops will be more active in the region. This is probably a lesson US learned in these last years. The known regime is better than a web of terrorist cells to fight with. Further weakening of the Iran's regime could only lead to more powerful terrorist cells. You also have to remember that the leaders of regime are not retarded, they appear to be to a public, but they are damn good, pragmatic leaders and will change their narrative to whatever they need, as long as they suddenly will not openly claim that USA is the best friend in the world... Another thing is, that Iran sooner or later will complete their researches, and now it is more about removing it from the Russian grasp of influences. It is a typical US geopolitics for decades. If you can't fight them - buy them.
  20. We can blame the bat-**** crazy Greek hive mind and, of course, the cretins who thought it was a great idea to allow Club Med into the euro in the first place. Do not worry... socialism will eventually kill itself... those countries which had over 50years of pure socialism and governmental economics with 5year plans etc. know all too well how that road will end... everyone will be equally poor... I like the idea of Free trade etc., but in the last 10-15 EU became more of a political beast, with tons of needless acts, bureaucracy, etc. that it will eventually collapse... there is way too much regulatory bodies and too many "socialistic" ideas. I liked EUR as a currency, but it needs to be implemented in countries, which have healthy fiscal policy and meet the convergence criteria... ALL THE TIME, and not like for example France, who decides to opt out of it once every 2-3 years to help their internal politics when some elections are coming etc. (although they start to suffer from that kind of internal politics) If the data was fake, like in case of Greece, the only real solutions is for that country to leave the EUR zone, while remaining in EU zone, repair its economy, and then apply for EUR again, if they will ever want... common currency has a lot of advantages, but it also has some disadvantages, and those disadvantages show, when economies are hit by an economic crisis. Then all the weaknesses in the structure of given economy show up, but they would not be this impactful, if you would be constantly running a healthy fiscal policy without a bloated governmental owned sector.
  21. Heres an article and ~9 minute video on the DM mode. My understanding is that the DM can construct the entire dungeon from scratch. The Deluxe version of the game includes an additional tile set and Beholder (?) monsters. Unfortunatly not. The already stated in the SCL-Community that you can't build a dungeon tile by tile. They're pregenerated and randomized. Only things customable are size and some interior stuff like chests, traps and props. Not near the Aurora toolset. That means it is a no-go category. Would be a waste of money. Better to use that 50$ as a toilet paper...
  22. And where do you think they got their data from?
  23. And that 5% difference is based on what? Greek statistics?
  24. I had a good laugh reading this: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/woman-pleasures-herself-while-driving-125238219.html She definitely gave a whole new meaning to a hands free ride :D
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