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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. I discredited this nonsense pages ago. If you don't have some masochist tendencies (and some argue that this also means that you enjoy playing the game) or get paid to play game and review it I will claim that it is non-sense to claim that there are nothing that you enjoy in game if you play it over 100 hours. It is just absurd to think that somebody would use their free time when they are free to do anything the like to do something that they don't like to do over 100 hours especially when there is no benefits from it. But maybe I just don't understand other people which is quite often the case. I assure you scrotiemcb is correct. One of my friends is a fan of Daggerfall & Morrowind, when Oblivion came out he was beyond ecstatic. He played it for at least 100 hours. He didn't like it. I watched him play multiple times and having no fun at all. He kept playing in the hope that the game would get better. He didn't like Daggerfall at first either, but once he understood it he loved it. He's actually the one who got me into elderscolls. He was hoping that Oblivion would be like Daggerfall; rough around the edges and not fun to the uninitiated, but great once you understand it. It wasn't like Daggerfall though. It just sucked (to him, I actually think it's good WITH MODS), and it just took a long time for him to accept it wasn't going to get any better. I so don't understand people, why mash their heads against stonewall if they don't like it, are people so insane or what? I liked quite lot Morrowind which is why I preordered copy of collector edition of Oblivion which I first found pretty and then I found it mechanics and world to be boring compared to Morrowind, but after couple hours I found play style that I liked and found things that I could enjoy in the game quite lot and at end I spent about 120 hours with the game and in my opinion it is good enough, but not nearly as good as Morrowind which I played over 300 hours and which I played with multiple characters. Of course in those 120 hours include Shivering Isles expansion which was actually much better than both expansion for Morrowind combined. I for example haven't enjoyed Divinity: Original Sin that much and I have played it only 7 hours (beta and released version combined) and I also found Wasteland 2 become boring after while and stopped to play it in 59 hour mark (beta + released version combined) I have never even left from Arizona, because it becomes dull after your characters rise over certain level. I hope that those games get patches in future which allow me to enjoy them, but if not I probably will not play them again, even though I paid several hundreds of dollars to get them. But as I said I probably just don't understand other people in this, which is often case with many subjects.
  2. I used word bug because it was what OP used, but as you see I actually used expressions "bug or flaw" and "bug/flaw" to show that I don't think that it is actual bug in software necessary (if it works as developers have intended, which I don't know because I don't have any knowledge how they intended this system to work), but it is something that they should but in their issue tracker anyway to be fixed regardless is it issue in mechanics or descriptions.
  3. No it don't work as it is described, because DR values are given as integers, which don't necessary even tell you real DR value, as for example mail which says that it has DR 5 against crush, even though in game mathematic it actually only has 4.5, that is not in my opinion anyway describing player how it actually works. And enchantment say that it gives +3 to DR in question not +3 to armor's default DR multiplied by DR multiplier for that damage type that armor has. So it don't describe anyway what really happens. My comments aren't aimed towards you anyway, but instead of Obsidian's QA people that read these topics to point out that there is bug/flaw in the game when it comes to mechanic that OP asked about, even if it works as developers indented, because game fails to message their intend and accurate information to player, especially when we speak information that actually has effect on decisions that player would make in the game if they had accurate information instead of inaccurate information that they are now presented.
  4. I would say yes, because it don't match how armor values and enchantment bonuses are described to player. Same goes to lash enchantments in weapons that do 25% (or what percentage is said in enchantment or ability which have similar effects) of weapon damage to 25% enemy's DR , against that damage type and weapons DR bypass don't have any effect on this, which is again feature that is not communicated to player in anyway or form. If player can't see mathematics of system from descriptions in the game then lack of such descriptions is in my opinion bug or flaw in the game.
  5. I discredited this nonsense pages ago. If you don't have some masochist tendencies (and some argue that this also means that you enjoy playing the game) or get paid to play game and review it I will claim that it is non-sense to claim that there are nothing that you enjoy in game if you play it over 100 hours. It is just absurd to think that somebody would use their free time when they are free to do anything the like to do something that they don't like to do over 100 hours especially when there is no benefits from it. But maybe I just don't understand other people which is quite often the case.
  6. That is how it currently works, but it is not how enchantment description say they work, so it is bug in mechanics or how enchantments are described. Because player can't remove enchantments from equipment it would be quite nice if enchantment would do what they say they do. As now game don't anyway communicate that armors lower DRs are actually percentage based and that those percentages also effect all enchantments that are placed in those armors.
  7. Aquaria disagrees. Which is probably why Bit Blot has not released new game after it release in 2007. And their last updates in their Twitter and Home page are from 2011 when they released iOS version of the game.
  8. You can finish BG2 under 60 hours (which you can also do with PoE). PoE offers quite lot of content that you can discovers and there are some content that unlocks when you return maps later in the game. But how long finishing it take depends lots on how you play and how you pace yourself and how much you use things like faster game speed to travel faster. My first play through took me about 80 hours, but it is probably because I tired to seek everything that there was to be found. BG2 has more content at least in number wise, but my first play through of it took about 75-85 hours. But there is over decade between these two play throughs so that don't actually tell much because I am quite different player than what I was then.
  9. Reviews always represent only that one's/ones' views who wrote it, regardless where it is published. It is just nature of reviews.
  10. I don't get it. Are Hispanics and Blacks incapable of being conservative? I would say that they are very capable to do so, but when they become majority of Republican voter base then that party will be something different than its current quite extremist movements desire it to be. Which will accomplish for many same goal as what making current Republicans (emphasis on those previously mentioned movements) a permanent minority. But I am not that convinced that such actually helps ambitions that those maybe more liberal minded people who speak about such possibility have.
  11. Obsidian please debuff paladins they are too strong, as people can still finish the game using them
  12. As it is, souls already break apart and reform all the time as part of Berath's Wheel. Only Woedica and Rymrgand's choices are harmful in the long term. All of the others have their pros and cons. I think it depends on the Watcher's opinions. If he/she doesn't care the Gods are not real, supporting Woedica is not necessarily bad. If Rymrgand is right and all souls are fated to disintegrate, then satisfying him is not harmful in the long term, because it won't change anything. It may be harmful on the short term though. If there is reincarnation, death is not really a problem, people will die anyway and forget everything. Except for those whose souls are destroyed, but many don't care about it, like the pale elves in Noonfrost, some people that sacrifice willingly to the Ethik Nol (for the first time I notice the "ethics" in their name lol) and the people that "became" Woedica. Anyway, many souls go through the wheel without breaking apart, but if you turn the holloborn into essence, they all will cease to exist as individuals. Sorry, let me rephrase - only Rymrgand and Woedica offer options which are possibly of to the detriment of the Cycle, in the sense of removing resources from it. One way or the other, the souls in all of the other options are going to work their way back to Berath's Wheel eventually. Although destroying souls is part of cycle and it don't seem to have harmed or caused population of world to decrease, so one could argue that destroying souls free their energy which will let new souls to born. And because we don't know what those souls moving and changing machines do it could be better for the cycle destroy them and let their energy create new souls that aren't tainted by those machines to cycle.
  13. Also, if I remember right, the whole "miss-graze-hit-crit + DR" system was advertised as a solution for preventing the "miss fests" that allegedly plagued the IE games. Yet in those games I have never experienced such hopeless stalemates as in situations in PoE when tank-Eder and random-enemy-boss were the only ones left standing. Miss after miss after miss, with an occasional graze for single-digit damage. Could sometimes have probably gone on for fifteen minutes if I hadn't been impatient and reloaded. It is ACC-DEF system that makes such thing to be possible or maybe more accurately the fact that defenses can rise so much higher than accuracy. There was bit same problem in some of the IE games where you could get your AC in negative numbers. But they also give player ability rise their THAC0 such that they usually were able to hit even such characters in high level. Although low level fights suffered quite much from "miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss, miss" syndrome. In IE magic usually helped to solve stalemates as it spells always hit, but their target could save against their effects, where in PoE spells use same ACC-DEF system than weapon attacks. So miss-graze-hit-crit system only gives larger variety of hit types.
  14. Thaos explains you how he see the things and he also tells you that it is not his fault that you are incapable to understand how his vision about world and his philosophy are the only right ones. I think that his answer to all things is written to be so unsatisfactory is because writers want you to kill him and they don't want to give you any good reason not to do so. And to OP's question it quite nice how things where tied in the end. In my opinion it worked quite nicely.
  15. That is not correct. I just tested it in deep: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/78400-deep-wounds-tested-damage-over-time-ticks-timedmg-int-value-influence-and-how-toolip-is-wrong/ And I finally know exactcly how does Deep Wounds talent and damage work. Check it out. It does 4 damage per tick, ignoring DR, tick is per 3-4 sec and reaplying only makes DW last longer and tick is still per 3-4 sec, same 4 damage per tick. INT value does not matter at all. Details of test in link above. It seem that your results are correct. When I tested it I just looked what tool tip said not how much actual damage it did. I just had so high hopes that this would be real thing, which it sadly is not as it seems
  16. In that case Deep wounds does 13.3 points of damage in 7 seconds. In case you reapply deep wounds when target already has deep wounds effect then timer is reseted in this case in 7 seconds and amount of damage that it will do is increased by amount of raw damage that deep wounds does minus amount of raw damage that previous deep wound has already done (so if timer show for example 3 seconds, then there is 5.7 points raw damage left, so new damage would be 19 points raw damage in 7 seconds if deep wounds causes 13.3 points of damage, which isn't necessary the case as deep wounds seems to change amount of damage that it does depending of factors that I don't know) But as general rule every reapply of deep wounds resets timer deep wound effect that target has and adds it damage to that damage that there is left in previous effect.
  17. Compared to games like DA:O and Fallout 3 that constantly crash and DA:O's wonderful slowing bug when you played it over 3/4 hours was also very wonderful thing. And in Fallout 3 I especially enjoyed dropping in dark void in even floor. So on and so forth. PoE has have quite minor bugs, which of course don't necessary help those who encountered worst of them.
  18. Agreed, but I think it's recoverable. It needs to be more of an attack-of-opportunity and not a death-grip. Sadly the review in the OP chooses not to look past faults and posit solutions. I actually like the concept of engagement. The problem - to my mind1 - is that engagement is such a static event (the tank becomes a doorway, blocking off opponents from entering) and carries so many terrible penalties to it. Imagine a swashbuckling film with people dueling back and forth and moving everywhere. They're engaged but they're not immobile. What should happen is that once engaged the engaged parties can Party A and Party B stop and fight; minimal back and forth movement between pair (typically this would be the result of Party A and Party B having targeted each other) Party A continues for destination; Party B maintains engagement and therefore they fight while moving towards Party A's destination. Movement is slowed. (typically this would be the result of Party A having targeted an opponent other than Party B while Party B targeted Party A) Party A and Party B take attacks of opportunities against themselves as they pass each other to their (both parties targeted other opponents and strike at each other in passing towards their respective destinations) only slowing during their AoOs. Breaking engagement would be possible but would make the disengager go defensive as they extract themselves from combat (and hits against the disengager might be more damaging - if the non-disengager can get past the disengagement defense). This would allow for an engagement system that restricts dog piling the mage or other range attackers provided someone tried to engage those parties directly before they completed the dog pile. I'd add penalties for casting/ranged attacks while moving (as this engagement system would have to allow attacks and movement at the same time), thus kiting could be possible, but with severe penalties if the distance attacker has to become mobile. 1Not the mind of a programmer, designer or otherwise talented gaming individual One problem that I currently saw in combat is how AI keeps to hitting tank character even when they aren't engaged with them. This makes it possible often block enemies to attack your ranged characters even with characters that are prone. This makes tank characters often much more effective than they should be in the fights. Although tank fighters that can engage 5 enemies would still be bit absurd, as they don't even suffer flank status before there is sixth enemy engaging them. But that isn't systematic problem.
  19. In my opinion DA:O, DA2, DA:I, Cities: Skylines and PoE all are good games, any single one of them is not perfect game, or near perfect game, they all have features and issues that I dislike, but overall I enjoyed to play them and I have spent at least 100 hours with every single one of them, I have hundreds of games from which I can't say same, so they are good games because I have enjoyed them and they have been able to keep me interested quite long when I have played them. Can't comment anything about SimCity (2013) as I haven't played it and probably will not play it.
  20. I would change this to following: Increase DR by 2 for every wound that monk has. Hmm... would probably make it OP as then you can stack it on top of armors. But I see what you're going for. Maybe this could be a default class passive... I don't think it would make it any more over powered than passive +12 DR which combined with that robe that gives you 7 DR and other DR bonuses would give you about 20 DR which is about same which you can get with buffed Plate Armor. At least in this case you need to take hits before your DR rises high, and higher DR you have longer it takes. I would say best that is you can hope in fight is about 10 wounds, which would mean +20 DR, so with boosted Plate armor it would be about 40 DR, which would make them very though but not immortal, But its bonus probably should be dropped to +0.5 DR per wound so that it would be about same level as other talents in the game. But in my opinion talents as general could have much bigger impact in the game than what they currently have. But idea behind my change is that it would go with that mortification of flesh theme that monks have in PoE, first they let enemy whip them so that they become angry and then they start to hit back.
  21. Depending on your choices and actions in Defiance Bay people can find other sources to blame.
  22. Eothas like all the other gods is just big soul power controlling machine which has set purpose on the world. As long as that machine exists Eothas exist, but Eothas probably put lot of his power in his avatar, which destruction by godhammer probably weakened him lot and it's also quite probable that other gods used similar methods to lock him out of his power as they did for Woedica in distant past. So I would say that it is possible bring him back same way as Thaos tries to bring Woedica back to power. Or it probably is also possible that other gods could bring him back especially if player decides not to give Woedica souls of hollowborn children. Priests don't get their power from gods but from their own souls, which is why Durance can use his powers even though Magran don't know that he exist anymore.
  23. A nice third route would have been taking the kid and returning them to the Fisher Crane tribe.... If there is a way to do it in game I didn't find it. I am not sure about that but at least you can
  24. Title of this thread brings this to my mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDUFL_HW_7A
  25. This is absurd as it implies isometric gameplay is somehow objectively superior to other styles of gameplay. It's not. I like to think that the Fallout = Isometric gameplay crowd would take a Fallout novel and turn it 45° on its X-Axis and 35.264° on the Y-Axis before reading, so that they were ensured the novel was good. What you tell me that everybody don't do this? How is this possible? I am extremely shocked from this revelation, I think my world view starts to crumble and I descent towards darkness.... No that can't be true I am always right so you must be lying to me... yes that it is you are just kidding, I see that smiley face and understood how you try to troll us... My world has been balanced again to be in safe 45° - 35.264° - so all is well.
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