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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Just bumping this for those who want to give custom portraits a run. Would rather it not get lost in the 100 other beta threads.
  2. Nope lots of people are seeing this. The only thing I have heard that "might" fix it is literally getting the rogue killed on purpose then when she gets back up it is supposed to be normal again.
  3. I cant get the grappling hook to work either, it doesn't matter though cause you can get to the area with the key without it. The key you need is called the "Old Dungeon Key". First you have to enter from the Tanners side to find it unless you can pick the lock past the stone bridge. From the tanners door you go into the water filled beetle room, head into the cultist area, go through the big double doors to the south wall, go east, then it is in one of the rooms on the east side of the hallway near the door that actually leads to the stone bridge.
  4. I think you just get bonus hp because you are the main character actually. I have noticed the BB guys in general have lower HP than the main dude. The math on them in general may be wrong or they may just be over tuning the hp on the main character. It is hard to say at this time.
  5. Also the pike is pretty long, I used an Exceptional Pike for quite a bit in game and it was easily twice my characters height. Maybe it is slightly short for "realism" but in reality no one outside of a shield wall would ever use a spear in the type of fighting you do in a underground dungeon etc. Well maybe a short spear, certainly not a pike.
  6. Nah I am in the backer beta, everyone has BB Priest, and BB Priest has that morning star every time, it is her default weapon. It is a two handed weapon but she does carry it with one hand when walking around. Meanwhile I have not found a single one hand mace, they have all been two handed unless you count flails. There is a one hand hammer though, it is quite easy to tell the difference between them.
  7. Uh hate to burst your bubble man... that is the same character using the same mace in both pictures. Just in one they are in town moving around so they carry it in one hand since they are not actually using it, and the other they are actually swinging it so they use both hands.
  8. Going to have to disagree. Playing the beta myself and Great Swords are easily about 75% the height of a human with very wide blades. They are not weapons you could swing with one hand my any stretch of the imagination.
  9. Okay so did I mention I am playing on normal yet? We got lots of broken mobs on normal. Here comes the spider called "Crystal Eater". Not only will he hit you with an attack that will do 60-70 damage per hit, it has an "additional effect" that if it doesn't graze will cause 400% health damage.... aka instant death. Like, real death, not knocked out due to stamina loss. Hey Stun if you are reading this.... good luck with that solo playthough on hard with trial of iron I think I will start a new game on easy tomorrow to see if all these blatantly bugged enemies are spawning in that version of the game.
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  10. I love two handers and got nothing else do with my money so I bought this for my Cipher. The thing is broken as heck. It does something like +1000% crushing damage per the tool tip and fighting beetles I have seen it land crits for high 90 to 100 damage multiple times practically one shotting the poor guys. I am not sure if this is intended or not but the sword is beastly as all heck. For the record I am playing on normal and yes my Cipher is a little mean with a 19 might to start with.
  11. I haven't tried killing her yet, I guess that is what it takes to fix it.
  12. I have also seen alot of gear go missing. It is never the stuff they start with though, only items I give them. My main who is a cipher will always lose his weapon set 2 gear on a reload, ALWAYS. The priest always loses anything in her off hand on set 1 and sometimes loses her weapon set 2 as well.
  13. I wish it were that simple. Nope, the ability is locked. It shows a green highlight and says "activated" if you mouse over it, and it is impossible to deactivate it. Well I haven't tried getting her intentionally killed yet....
  14. There is like a forced dialog and everything before this fight pretty sure you missed it.
  15. Slight mission spoilers for those who might look at this. If you care about those stop reading. So I am not sure if it is my choices that caused this but here is the skinny. When confronting Wyrmond I choose to basically mind blast Aelys to remove the influence of the blood. During the ensuing fight I went out of my way to make sure Aelys took no damage despite not running away and being marked as hostile for some reason. When the fight was over though.... she just stood there. I tried talking to her, she didn't respond. It is worth noting I was not on a quest here, I found the dungeon while poking around in the tanners and cleared it out without ever being given a clear "objective" to justify being there. Key issues: I am assuming she is supposed to have some kind of dialog after the fight? She didn't. I go to the inn to talk to her uncle and choose to kill him for his misdeeds. Problem: I never spoke to him before going in, and apparently his death and her just standing there isn't good enough to be counted as fulfilling an "objective" so despite clearing the whole level, saving her, and taking down all the baddies (Wyrmond and Halrond) I got absolutely 0 EXP for my efforts. Pretty sure that isn't intended.
  16. Update: Nope. Once the Crippling Strike bug has happened you are done. Even a full quit and reload did not fix it, my BB Rogue on that save file can no longer perform the move crippling strike, period.
  17. No that is the boss fight this guy is in, it is just I ran back to the previous room cause I am trying to win it without also obliterating the elf girl.
  18. To further clarify the specific cultist that does this is the one standing behind and to Wyrmund's right when you enter the door. He is wearing red leather armor duel wielding daggers.
  19. It isn't even a move, this one cultist just walks up and if he hits you then you take deep wounds and you die.
  20. This screen shot says it all. Please bear in mind everything you see in the combat log happened over the course of like 2 seconds. Literally two of my party died from the same attack in what would be called one round of combat. Okay so after replaying this I have seen it. There is one Skaen Cultist with daggers who doesn't even do any moves. He just walks up and attacks once, if his attack hits, he scores Deep Wounds, and your character instantly dies. Considering he just soloed my entire party because due to another bug I can't cripple him and he killed the mage in one hit before he could get a spell off.... we might want to make this one a high priority fix. Specifically it is the one wearing the red shawl.
  21. I most cleared out the ruins, killed almost all the mobs. I came in through the entrance at the tanners, fought my way all the way to the entrance that leads to the skull marker ruins. At the time I didn't know where the second entrance would drop me so I decided to check it out and discover this. When I went back in I found that every enemy loot pile from every mob I had killed respawned and let me loot them again. Pretty sure that wasn't intended. As an aside enemy loot drops are also not highlighting with Tab. More serious note, not sure how it happened, but at one point I used Crippling Strike with BB Rogue and instead of actually performing the attack it simply "activated" it and BB Rogue could from them on never use the move again as it was stuck "activated" and could not be turned off. This also happened to Escape after I used that once this bug happened. No idea how to reproduce or what caused it. It did happen in a fight where a Skaen Temple Guard used the move on me at the same time I did it to him I think? Or perhaps the guard reflected it somehow? I will post an update once I learn if a quit game and full reload fixes it.
  22. There is also another issue and that is character creation is not clear on the far reaching implications. Yes Perception has a crappy little interrupt chance... but just how often is perception applicable in coversations? How much of an effect does it have in game on spotting secret doors or hidden items? Does it give bonuses to certain skills? We don't know for sure, because Perception has a poor combat implementation we dump it even though out of combat it could be one of if not the most important stat.
  23. I hate to tell you, and Obsidian this, Sensuki but if you wanted to avoid dump stats you shouldn't have gone with a 6 stat system just to be reminiscent of D&D. The same D&D that is king of the dump stats. Also perception makes far more sense for deflection than Dexterity because the biggest part of parrying an attack is anticipating it and knowing where it will land.
  24. Just make perception give a deflection bonus and give it bonus critical damage back. Make resolves impact on your defenses stronger and more obvious (everyone gets hit, the bad guys have ranged characters too), and or give it a bonus so high resolve makes your non direct damage attacks more likely to land/stronger. Such as charm spells, fears, diseases, blah blah blah. That will make it plenty attractive to casters. Though really I think the best thing to do, which may not be possible and is a little balsy.... Is admit a 6 stat system is not well balanced for what we are doing here, scrap perception and resolve, create a new stat that does everything they do, and rename it something like Acumen or Acuity.
  25. No prob Balgin, I am sort of a portrait nut so I had to figure out how to make it work.
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