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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. You are kidding right? Tanks exist to soak up damage. Party tanks can snag enemy AI by running to intercept them just like you do now. This gameplay element does not change whether disengagement attacks exist or not. An enemy tank is a melee character. Enemy tanks will have simple AI, they will most likely attack the closest unit/unit that targets them first as per the current attack clauses. Have you seen my recent Sensuki vs Medreth videos? What do I do? I send my BB Fighter in first to take aggro. He does not take aggro because of the Melee Engagement system, the takes aggro because I ordered him to go in first and he is the closest unit to the enemy mob when combat begins - that is how you get your party members to take aggro. However the BB Fighter will not benefit from Engaging enemies, because none of the enemies will disengage. You are assuming that is a side effect of bad AI and not engagement. I have seen enemies plenty of times just run right by my "tanks" and ignore them.
  2. Right on Doppel there is nothing wrong with engagement, it just needs some fine tuning. You take away engagement and "tanks" are nothing but DPS characters who suck because their damage is poor.
  3. So I am off putt enough by some of the changes in 3.01 and 3.33 I had to make a video about it. In general I feel this is the best the beta has been so far but some of the core basics of character creation and mechanics has just been changed a bit in the wrong direction I feel. If you want to hear me briefly speak about what should be changed about Skill selection just skip to around 32:58 or so. My Skills rant starts at 16:34 if you want to skip my stats rant. http://youtu.be/SBX00na6nmQ Feel free to share your feels, agreement, disagreement, etc etc. I do apologize because I do get very verbose.
  4. That's why, you are missing or grazing. Perception is king now.
  5. Lul you guys went from no loading screen at all to some nice high quality cool looking loading screens and you complain ;p. Sure a loading bar would be nice, but it isn't "required" and the screens themselves look great.
  6. I like that hiro pointed all that out, maybe that is why I have beetles coming out of my butt now, so they can be sure we max the bestiary entry for beetles and test all that. That said, there are still too many beetles. There are now more beetles on normal than there were in the original BB release. I am still a little mystified as to why they took out that extra gear which was really helpful for testing different things at the start, not to mention gearing your pc who is still wearing level 1 junk. So far other than the massive beetle overpopulation issues, the change to the skill system (just change it back please), and the stat system being the same as last release I think this is a positive step in the right direction.
  7. Your feeling are right. If you want a lore-fueled you will miss the talents you want. For your athletic wizard; again the answer is yes. All the change has done is limit our options. Not exactly. As it stands now playing a high lore fighter isn't something you miss, it is just plain impossible. Only like 1-2 of the skills for fighter actually give lore. All talents are still useful, Namu is blowing it slightly out of proportion. There is no talent you can pick that is "useless to your character" and if you go for muscle wizard with high athletics you will just have to pick a ton of weapon type talents. Which would be good for a muscle wizard. But yes, choice is removed. For a game so focused on no bad builds I don't get why they took away the ability to distribute our skills manually.
  8. Nope. They have said they are going to be sure the game is "moddable" but they aren't going out of their way to do anything specific to support it. There will be no specific website and maybe no specific mod tools for example.
  9. No there aren't. Every ability has a combat use, period. There is not even one clickable ability that is non combat oriented, in fact, many of them require being in combat before you can even use them. The closest it gets is a stam regen spell I guess, but why would you use it out of combat everyone regens stam outside combat anyway.
  10. Not a bad idea but I think it would be better just to do plain old objective exp. Bearing in mind Objective EXP could be "you entered town X" have some EXP. You don't have to be on any particular side quest for that. The big thing I think people keep forgetting is the whole "well what about the people who don't want to do sidequests?" Short answer: Who cares? The devs have already said the game is designed so the main plot scales and a person can only do the main plot from start to finish and complete it just fine. So the people who don't want to do sidequests don't have to. It was designed that way from the ground up. That said this isn't Elder Scrolls. You can't do the main plot without doing the quests associated with it so if you just don't want to do any quests.... this is the wrong game for you don't play it. So there is no point in considering the opinions of people who don't want to do sidequests, they don't have to, there is no reason to change the game for them it already works fine.
  11. Just to clarify, this isn't true. There is no such thing as a "non combat skill". The "abilities" you pick all have combat implications period. The "skills" like athletics all have multiple functions that can be useful in all sorts of ways. Technically mechanics is not an "in combat" skill, but you would have to be a loon to not understand the combat benefit of being able to fight in a room not filled with traps.
  12. Yeah I made a fighter, didn't really matter what I picked, it was giving me +2 athletics. I was not happy.
  13. I haven't gotten to play much but so far this is my initial opinions in the order I saw them and felt them. 1: Man character models have stepped up, they look cleaner, the hair styles are a bit better done, and everything looks more polished. 2: The stat system is the same as 301. I am not particularly thrilled. 3: Loading screens are cool, well done. 4: Characters seem to pop a little more off the background and proportions/character size looks more on the money. 5: What happened to all those extra items we got last time in the inventories? 6: BB Fighters hair is sticking out of his helmet and it is RED. 7: Dammit Sensuki there are beetles all over the place now and I blame you.
  14. 1/2: right on, my exact thoughts as well. Turns out in the case of #2 that is almost always true as well, it is normally the faster route out. I also agree that I would rather see them go back and do real objective exp, I think that is what most people who understood the EXP goals as originally stated wanted and expected. Rabbit.... no. I am not thinking you used that as a conversation ender, I just don't like people using it at all. Unless it is popping up in some heinous in your face cant be ignored way... such as the biggest occurrence of ludo narrative dissonance (why cant you just say "it doesn't make narrative sense") of Dexterity = action speed.
  15. How did this thread turn into a "we hate ME2 and ME3" thread? Come on guys let's find something better to talk about.
  16. People will hate me for saying this but you aren't missing much. It is just a super old school game with all the super old school game problems just a somewhat fresh coat of paint disguising it. I wont say it sucks, but it isn't great either. The fact that it's start is about as boring and uninteresting as any I have ever seen in an RPG doesn't help.
  17. I am not sure you did get me. My whole point is EXP has nothing to do with it and most people will open the locks, doors, and disarm the traps just because it is in their nature to do so. As far as EXP goes it has nothing to do with RP. A serious RP'er will do what fits for their character and never consider the EXP connotations, a person who only cares about maxing out their power and loot will never care about RP and will always do what rewards the most EXP and loot. This is all nonsense anyway because most people assume that some large chunk of game EXP will be gated behind "illegal" activities like stealing from some innocent slob. Fortunately past IE games show that situation was few and far between and represented a very very tiny part of the trap disarming and lock picking you did over the course of a game. I would say less than 5% even.
  18. I don't know Nipsen's posts are over the top, but I also agree with his main point he is just stating poorly. Obsidian (or Josh if you prefer) had a clear design goal and idea for Eternity. Much of it has been changed since the backer beta started. We don't know how much was due to whingeing on the forums, QA feedback, or internal tests. I hope Obsidian is not willing to compromise their key design principles to satisfy a bunch of whiny people on the internet. I do know that I don't like the current stat system. I don't mind the 10 being 0, I do mind how tiny the stat changes are going up and down. I do mind that Dex was changed to something that has nothing to do with Dexterity, that Int has Deflection, and that the fairly neat idea of interupts being in a stat was removed.
  19. I agree with what you say in most of this thread Rabbit. I do have to chime in here though. There is little to no argument behind "forcing players to compulsively unlock chests or doors". Because Wanderon's point, which is valid because it is true, is that almost all players are going to try to unlock that chest, or door, or disarm that trap regardless of whether or not EXP is involved. I certainly don't care that for example in the recent Risen 3 there was no exp for picking locks. However when I rolled into a town with a barracks and found 6 locked chests in there you better believe I waited for nightfall and everyone to be asleep then snuck in there and picked every lock in the place. I will be the same for the most part in Eternity regardless, barring RP reasons cause in Eternity I will likely not be playing the role of a pirate who just happens to like saving the world. The point is this, where loot is involved most players will shelve "good guy RP" and go out of their way to get it. Even if that means picking the lock on the chest in Old Widow Jones house and stealing her last 50 gold. EXP being involved is a non issue because most players will do it anyway. Secondly... please don't use that insane ludo narrative dissonance argument. It is a video game, not pride and prejudice or 12 years a slave. There will always be things that don't make sense, because it is a game. Decisions on gameplay and character progression need to be made for reasons of balance, fun factor, and function. Not because they make narrative sense. Meanwhile I hate to burst peoples bubble but 90% of what you do in a video game makes no narrative sense to begin with.
  20. Quoting truth. Try to find a "gaming" graphics card released in the last two years with less than 4 gig ram. There will be some, but for every one you find there will be a 4 gig version of the same card for like 10-20 dollars more.
  21. Even though I agree with Besters reasons for stopping work on it, at least for now, it is nice to see Pandora has made some strides too. Keep up the great work guys, a solid, bug free (well as bug free as possible), and functional character and save game editor will be a huge boon at launch.
  22. That's probably the real reason for the delay. I know I am a heathen scum but I doubt WL2 has anything to do with anything, and frankly, I found it to be mostly disappointing. It just starts super slow, has clunky controls, isn't particularly hard, and has many of the same problems as old RPG's like dead end skill lines that serve little to no purpose. Grimrock 2 I am enjoying though.
  23. First games ever played is being discussed eh? Well my first game was Pong on the aforementioned Pong System I owned. Boring. Then I think the first game I played on my uncles computer was some version of pre nintendo Donkey Kong. Once I acquired my Atari (in the end I had a 2600 and a 2800) my first game there was either Dig Dug or Galaga. I was best at Dig Dug and Centipede though, sadly if I played today I would probably only make it about half way before getting taken out for the final time but as a kid I could actually beat every level of all of them without dying even once.... of course this just caused the game to start over and laugh at you in their never ending cycle ;p. Then the first really good (don't even think about shooting me) game console game out... the Nintendo Entertainment System, aka NES. First game I played there was the Legend of Zelda. First game I actually beat, you know that didn't just start over and actually never ended? Don't laugh it was balls hard people... Ducktales After that it gets more hazy. I know my first SNES game was the same one as everyone else Super Mario World, and on Genesis it was actually Sonic 2, the first legit great Sonic game. It was also the last legit great Sonic game. Strangely even though it is tons more recent I couldn't tell you past that my first games or which I beat first. I think for PS1 it was Resident Evil but that's about it. I do remember around that time I finally got my own PC and all I ever did was play Oregon Trail, an ancient version of Jeopardy, Ultima games (tons of Ultima games), and Castles 2 which I would always win by exiling the Pope.
  24. Thanks! It will be interesting to see if people get some custom pic mods running for release. Somehow I think someone may manage it.
  25. Other than the main HUD ;p? Just niggling things. I don't care about stat details on the inventory page. I would be happy with damage numbers there, but final numbers, not the math leading to them. Let the gross detail be on the stats page as that is what it is for. Or in a side comparison window ala most MMO's and action games these days. They all do it for a reason, it works. Meanwhile I still need to play Banner Saga. Also Indira... contrary to popular belief, Origin is actually fine. It is fairly simple, easy to use, and unless you have an old system not particularly demanding. It does everything Steam does, just not as intrusively. EDIT!!! Oh also animations... actually no it isn't that big a deal. You can create an animation, tie it to the rigging, save it, and then simply add that animation to every model that has a similar rigging structure. So basically you make the animation for generic human, perfect it, then export it to all humanoid races. Then you go into say dwarves or orlan, and just make adjustments as needed.
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