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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. 1: No pre-buffing. You have misunderstood why they don't like pre-buffing. They removed it not because it was "OP" or the effects lasted a long time. They removed it because it was a non choice. "Should I pre-buff for this fight, or just go in without?" Non choice. Of course I should pre-buff. They fact that it only lasts 10 seconds is a non issue, it is still 10 seconds of buff versus 0 seconds of buff. 10 beats 0. So there is no choice, you do it. They want buffing to be a choice, they want you to decide that having your wizard cast party buff X is more important than throwing another fireball. That is why there is no prebuffing. They want to eliminate all "no brainers" and they want every choice to matter. 2: Programming reasons. I am not a programmer, I don't know what kind of crazy programming issues they are running into with abilities outside of combat. I know they changed paladin aura's because of something relating to the programming. We don't know what the issues they are having are exactly so it is impossible to counter them with any argument. Meanwhile I don't think adding yet another type of ability that requires even more programming is a good idea this late in the game. We are less than 2 months from launch, there is unlikely to be enough time to code it, test it, add it, and test it some more.
  2. This is definitely one of the things that makes it difficult to design a Pillars of Eternity UI is because of the differences between all the classes and their abilities - more abilities means more action bar slots and spells and other menus also make it a bit more complicated. That's why my original oft despised UI's did what the actual Pillar's UI does. Has the bars pop out the top of the party bar. That way there is always room. You guys better be careful. You guys keep posting this UI's you make me do another mock up again .
  3. Of all the old school mock ups I have seen it is probably the best. So it has that going for it. I won't reiterate all the reasons I don't like the old school IE UI's though.
  4. Nah. Everyone gets like 6 skill points a level or something. It only takes 1 for your first, 2 for your second, 3 for the third. So you could technically take a skill from 0 to 3 on one level.
  5. Yeah this is actually incredibly true because the first few skills levels are also the cheapest to buy. Even if a guy joins at level 3 or 4 it will be easy to pump up say mechanics if you focus only that on level 5/6/7.
  6. No one really knows. I wouldn't be shocked if they make some more refinements to it, like making those "gems" look less modern. Like I said mostly I think it just needs to be darker.
  7. I would like to see some humans that don't look like spell casters or rogues. The only male portrait that legit has on armor is for a dwarf. Really we need more of everything. I would say at least 2-3 more of every race male and female. That includes the subraces and godlikes.
  8. Well if yours didn't have the combat log in the middle (which still makes absolutely no sense to me why any of you want it there, terrible place for it always has been) and you didn't waste space by making the log ridiculously wider than needed thus forcing parts of the main menu off the primary block wasting screen space it would be okay. As it is the mock up looks nice but the Obsidian one is better because it takes up less space and has more functionality. There is one thing your log does Obsidians should copy though. Make the background for the solid UI darker. A cleaner darker differential is better for a solid UI.
  9. Unity doesn't support HyperThreading, so no Well that helps explain it. Though the game not being well optimized for AMD cards is still very possible. I am still confused when I see anyone using AMD products. Intel wins on processors easily and Nvidia is always ahead of the curve on graphics, is far faster on driver updates and features, plus is more supported in general by game devs.
  10. Well fortunately none of that is tied to being a Rogue. They just get level one bonuses for it. I wanted one for their class mechanics.
  11. Not sure if Eternity supports Hyper Threading. If it doesn't you can only use one core of the i7 and that could be an issue if the game is setting the processor to handle certain effects. If it does support hyper threading then.... you got me. Likely they haven't optimized for AMD.
  12. Not news, this is how game devs work. Unless you want to lay someone off you have to start the next project as the original project is winding down. Example... once the music is done what does your composers have to do? Nothing. Any idiot can adjust a volume slider. So all those people you employed to do all the music and sound effects are now sitting their hands on asses unless you move them to a new project. They have already confirmed starting work on the expansion, and I will be shocked if they haven't started real work on Eternity 2 before the expansion is released. Will they use Kickstarter? Hard to tell. Won't mind if they do, won't mind if they don't.
  13. Gotten a taste of what it is like watching your enemies flail around unable to hit back have you
  14. Only seems to be character creation. Works fine at the Adventurers hall. I have also noticed anyone with the Ayder culture apparently has a transparent body if they wear clothes only or are naked
  15. I imagine there will be some in game reasons for the day/night cycle. Like a one off enemy or two that is only around during the day, or night. A few quests you can only do at night or at day. Stuff like that. It also needs to be there for immersion purposes.
  16. Hmm I would go with the Witch considering you like spell casters. Maybe the Monk/Templar guy? Personally I started with the Duelist and enjoyed that pretty well. Oh... you mean Pillars of Eternity? I would suggest maybe a Druid, Wizard, or Cipher. Wizards are basically D&D Mages only you can switch out spell books for totally different spell sets. Druids are just like D&D Druids only horribly OP. Ciphers are like fghter/mages who have a far smaller selection of "spells" but can cast them fairly often and never really "run out".
  17. Personally I would say they can be fairly diverse. You have plenty of ability choices that run from raw damage, to control effects, to debuffs or buffs. I would say melee Cipher is a bit better than ranged Cipher though in my opinion.
  18. You can say that again. Accuracy getting removed was a foregone conclusion at this point, it is too powerful compared to the other stat bonuses and trivialized every other stat. It is okay to have a stat that is a "dump stat" for the grogs making a high damage two hand weapon user, but not a dumper for say a rogue dual wielder. That is a good thing in fact.
  19. Interrupt is highly undervalued by most, because like Luckman I believe suggested, it can interrupt anything. I do mean anything. Even standard melee attacks. Also I didn't mean to imply the reflex thing was new, it isn't, but it does also do that so you need to list it . I think it may buff it more now than it used to though, hard to be sure. Perception is a strong stat for anyone who attacks quickly, because faster attacks leads to more interrupt chances. I have experimented with interrupt dual wielding fighters in such in the past. No their damage wasn't the be all end all, but trust me, they worked and were effective.
  20. Should be sometime this week from what I have heard.
  21. Oh yeah in case no one answered this... No, range is no longer on the stat either. It now buffs interrupt chance (just like it did in the beginning) and it increases reflex saves.
  22. As long as accuracy is tied to your chance to graze and crit it will be a huge stat. The combat mechanics of Eternity simply place a huge amount of importance on the ability to negate misses and grazes much like certain uh other games.... Even in the current system which we will get to test for real soon I expect accuracy is still too strong, especially for people who use faster lower damage weapons.
  23. I myself am either going to play a human mercenary sea folk fighter, probably from the deadfire archipelago. Or I will be a human wander meadowfolk cipher from Aedyr. Haven't totally decided yet.
  24. Yeah Edér is a funny guy. Back when his name was Adair he was a fighter. Then they changed him to Edér and said he was a rogue. Based on the last stream though he is back to being a fighter again.
  25. You crazy, I can't wait to hustle some chump and drop a Ace of Eder on em! (lul seriously I do collect playing cards)
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