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Everything posted by SqueakyCat

  1. OP joins forum 02 July 2014 and first instinct is to start the 40th romance thread (5 months after Obsidian made the 'No Romance' announcement). 0/10
  2. Oh my ... wubbing?
  3. Bruce, by Philly Steak Roll are you referring to a Philly Cheesesteak? If you ever get to Philadelphia, you should try Pat's or Geno's. They're located near the Italian Market in Philadelphia (which also has great shopping). I prefer Pat's, but Geno's has a large following as well. Sounds like you had a great day!
  4. Hi Bruce! Oops, I must have forgotten.
  5. Pros: 1. A new IP that belongs 100% to Obsidian, and - No Romance 2. An isometric, RTwP, party-based game paying homage to some of my favorite RPG's, and - No Inventory Baby 3. Visually, the game is absolutely amazing, and - Not being hit on by companions with far below average pick-up skills 4. A new world to explore, and - No romping in a tent donning cloth diapers 5. Being able to read and use my imagination instead of everything being shown in a cut-scene, and - No romance Cons: 1. I'm curious as to how they are implementing the quest experience, but, for now, it's on the Con side. 2. Not really a Con, but having to learn a new combat system since I haven't paid particular attention to all the discussions of the game mechanics. Here' hoping for a really good manual. Any other cons will have to wait until the beta. I hope they are few and far between.
  6. I just saw this and you've may have already figured it out, but you have to be moving when you hit the space bar to swoop -- you can't be standing still. If you want to swoop past a lit area, hit W to walk toward the lit area and then hit space bar to swoop past (while still holding down the W). It's pretty vague in the description of the mechanic, but it will always work as long as you are moving when you swoop.
  7. That was interesting. I was born in Georgia, raised in Florida and live in the NE United States. Family is from UK so that must be the influence. Our top 3 guesses for your English dialect: 1. Welsh (UK) 2. US Black Vernacular/Ebonics 3. Australian Our top 3 guesses for your native (first) language: 1. English 2. Dutch 3. Hungarian
  8. Playing Wolfenstein: TNO and finished the longest prologue I've ever seen in a game. It's too early to really comment, but the difficulty is pretty low on 'Average'. The description of the difficulty levels is hilarious. The easiest mode is named Can I Play, Daddy? and is described as "Very easy difficulty for the spineless gamer" and includes a baby bonnet and pacifier on the character portrait.
  9. I guess nobody sensed even a little faux with me using the words 'equal but separate' in a thread about discrimination? Sarcasm and the internet. Also, see page 17 of this thread: I guess that clears that up (hopefully).
  10. Wow.. Okay, I'll slide back to the PoE forum to keep the status quo -- equal but separate.
  11. For Kickstarters, I'm looking forward to PoE the most probably, together with some on your list, Indira. Underrail may also be worth picking up as well as Dead State. For mainstream games, I preordered Watch Dogs with cautious optimism. It appears to be a pretty big game world. I hope they've designed it with enough distinct structures so I don't get lost like I did trying to get out of the South Quarter in Thief (game should have come with GPS or, at the least, a decent map). I may get Wolfenstein: The New Order, but I'll wait for user reviews first. It's a great year for gaming.
  12. Well, Bioware was apparently involved in this project to some extent. The 'eat your crew' is certainly a new twist though.
  13. I did a search, but didn't find any mention of this game. Sunless Sea is a Kickstarter game that's on Greenlight. It features: - Explore a vast underground ocean - Survive hunger, terror and betrayal - Battle cunning sea beats - Romance your officers - Discover lost cities - Consort with pirates - Lose your mind - Eat your crew - Make it back alive Probably not for me, but others may be interested. Maybe you'll be given the option to eat a crew member who tries to romance you.
  14. Bruce - I think separate but equal is inherently unequal. I certainly don't have the answers but, in this case, it seems to be a significant lack of moderation on the forum. Behavior like that certainly wouldn't be tolerated on this forum. Why aren't the abusers warned and then banned? Again, I don't play MMO's, so maybe there are reasons. Also, it's the internet so you really do need to take things in stride. If you're easily offended, the Codex is not going to be the place for you. Should they change their forum guidelines (do any really exist? ) to accommodate others? In my opinion, no. It's my choice to view their forum, or not, or only view certain sections. Harassment of any kind should be swiftly handled by the Moderators of a forum in compliance with the forum rules. That's my take on the situation under discussion, so I will now take my leave. I also have to formulate a dinner plan.
  15. Don't fret, AGX, they really do exist.
  16. Great update, thank you. So, Bruce, are you going to go with a Paladin of the Kind Wayfarers order?
  17. I really hope so. That would be great for Obsidian! Any guesses?
  18. Who is an elite Codexian? Sensuki? I've heard that's a fabulous and inspiring place. I believe I've read somewhere that they're mad at David Gaider and David Gaider is very mad at them in return. Yes, it seems that D.G. has become a video game celebrity for romance content, sort of. Sarcasm is such a difficult thing for me to capture on the internet. Yes, a request has been made on Site Feedback for a very special smiley of D.G. riding a unicorn (although the horn has been replaced by something much more Codexian). This thread has been derailed enough so I'll move along.
  19. I know it's a slow day at the Codex, but have you finished reading the RPG Codex Top 70 PC RPGs (Now with User Reviews!)? You being an elite Codexian and all, I would think your time would be better spent engaging in that discussion. As Valorian said, hugs for everyone!
  20. I'll respond with the following disclaimer: I am not a typical female gamer on many levels. I've been tossed from the Ladies Club on more than one occasion for not 'toeing the party line', and I'm married with a grown child. Indira brought up a good point a few pages back. In the PoE section of the forum, a great deal of the discussion is centered around game mechanics. I know little about them, so I tend to just read those sections for the most part. It's interesting to learn more about them, but they'll never be a subject of great interest for me. This section of the forum is populated mostly with members who have been here for many years. From an outsiders point of view, you appear very much like a family, including the typical family squabbles. I'm pretty shy, so posting in this section feels like I'm interfering in someone else's family. As far as females/males being given special accommodations, as a general rule, I think that's wrong. Of course, there will always be exceptions to every rule. I don't play MMO's, MP type of games so I've never been subjected to that kind of behavior in a forum. I haven't been as lucky in real life, though. Just my 2 cents so you can return to your 'freedom of speech' discussion. (Where the heck are the other females?)
  21. Lephys, I'm not sure I understand your post completely (a little under the weather), but you left out the part of my post where I said, "I'm waiting for the beta before I voice an opinion.". I never said the game would play poorly. There's simply some features JES has included that I have no familiarity with, or simply don't recall (like the sticky engagement). I understand what he's trying to achieve with it, but I was hoping someone would point me to a game that utilized a similar feature so I could give it a go. Anyway, I really prefer to not get involved in these debates as I'm sure everyone on this forum has more knowledge of game development than I, so I don't really have anything meaningful to contribute. I much prefer reading the forum. This is my fourth or fifth post in a week -- waaay over my limit. With that, I shall retire to the bleak background.
  22. Bruce, your incorrigible, simply incorrigible! Monte, I agree about finding information about the game at other sites first before someone posts the information here. Then again, Infinitron is very good at his job. Thanks, Sarex, for the information. That feature just seemed a bit odd, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out.
  23. PJ, I don't believe Obsidian reneged on their KS pitch. The problem is, we all read it and formed our own individual interpretation. For me, it was, "Finally, another game just like BG!". For others, it may have been for something more Planescape or IWD. Our expectations just grew and grew and grew. To be fair, it was clear by the end of the KS that they would be creating their own system, and there would be regenerating stamina and quest experience, among other differences from the IE games. They didn't hide that information. We were free to pick up our marbles and go home if we saw fit. I share some of Monte's concerns about how the game will actually play. It certainly looks amazing, but how will it play? I'm waiting for the beta before I voice an opinion. I've never played a MMO or MOBA or even a MP game, so I'm unfamiliar with those systems. Is that where this 'sticky' engagement thing comes from for melee players? I can't remember playing a game with a feature like that.
  24. Gromnir, I've always enjoyed reading your posts because they usually make me smile. This is no exception. I have to ask, though, why all the boob hate? Did they become 'dirty little pillows' again while I looked away? I'm guessing it's the lack of realism and the fact they were significantly hidden with the plate, but not the scale. I was just expressing my opinion as a female since someone had asked about that in the other derailed thread. It's simply not a big issue for me, but I can see it is for others, so I will leave you and others with a strong opinion to the discussion. It is good fun!
  25. As a female gamer, I find nothing offensive regarding the depicted armor. If it helps people distinguish their party members, that's fine. Not everyone has great vision, and the characters are quite small in these games. I just fail to understand all the outrage over such a minor detail. I guess it's a 'realism' issue (in a fantasy game).
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