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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I'd rather have 15 levels at Mega Dungeon Budget+Time+Effort/15 than Mega Dungeon Budget+Time+Effort/16 thanks.
  2. The next art update and yeah info about the less talked about classes (Druid, Chanter etc) at this stage anyway, there's a lot of tidbits that would be very interesting though.
  3. I have Smallworld, but unfortunately never played it (oh that says It's a small world)
  4. Sure the pathfinding sucks, but I couldn't tell you the last time where I had to reload because someone like Imoen or Dynaheir got caught out by an encounter ... but I suppose I remember where 99% of all the encounters in the game are so ....
  5. I'm going to assume attacks/etc will be handled more like an RTS or a MOBA, except with RPG 'to hit' mechanics
  6. Well also Baldur's Gate has a certain amount of attack animations per round even though only one is real (at the start of the game), I think that's because the other ones are then used when the player gains more attacks per round. They're not filler, they're there for a reason. I think Icewind Dale changed this so the player only had an attack animation when they attacked, afterwards they returned to the 'ready' pose.
  7. As I said before, they could use a PRD situation to 'tame' the PRNG. http://www.dota2wiki...om_distribution http://www.playdota....read.php?t=7993 The Warcraft 3 / Dota version actually has an error in the math that causes values after 30% to deviate to much less % chance than listed though, but that's because the game was tailored to ladder play, where the highest % chance of anything in the stock game is 25%.
  8. Actually nothing hampers movement speed in BG except weight loads and spells like Grease / Slow. Usually the character you gave the Boots of Speed would run ahead first, everyone else trekked behind.
  9. BG1 had some areas that were just about right, and others that could have used a couple of extra encounters. Something inbetween BG1 and 2 would be fine as I and many others have said.
  10. I would just like to point out that there is a way to normalize % to hit values a bit better, using a pseudo-random distribution system, rather than a pure PRNG. http://www.dota2wiki...om_distribution - examples here I think this is a good way to go about it, one of the most important things to me is the 'feel' - pacing, timing, animation style, but hopefully with increased smoothness (I always bumped the FPS of BG up to 40, not because it increased the game speed but so it didn't look choppy). Many misses would likely be reduced to fractional Stamina damage and, by association, even smaller Health damage (we do track the fractions). Currently, our DT system has the same minimum 20% system as F:NV (excepting Crushing weapons, which currently do minimum 40%). Decent armor would turn that 3 Damage into 0.6 Stamina damage and 0.15 Health damage. Ten "missed" blows would result in 6 points of Stamina damage and 1.5 points of Health damage. That seems fine to me. I'm okay with the change in the system under the hood. The Health and Damage systems aren't the same, so the weapon attack systems don't need to be the same either. Those numbers there against a high HP enemy are pretty miserable in terms of damage, and you'd really wished you'd hit some of those attacks, so I'd say that's fairly punishing, but like when he's got absolutely crap all hit points left, you only need to hit him and he goes down (which is fair I guess). That sounds pretty good to me. You could also do the same with really good hits (50% above the target number) if you wanted to (edit: read your posts on Something Awful which clarified that for me.) What would you do regarding special effects such as Fear, Sleep, Hold, Slow etc ? Would you follow a similar system or something different ? There's quite a few ways they could be done, I was just wondering how homogeneous the systems will be.
  11. I'm quite happy to just download patches from an FTP server or via torrents (seems a popular way now). Does depend on how the files are packed, if we have to download the whole modified files, rather than an installer patching our current files then that can get annoying, but whatever. If I can avoid getting a Steam game I will, I'd prefer to own my game, not a license to play it.
  12. I don't think we need a Medicine Ball flail, a Flail of the Aegis however
  13. Great update. Everyone has said it already but it was fun to read and had a lot of juicyness. That Aumaua concept art does look 'similar' to half-orc, but different enough, and they come with your own choice of army camo. Desert, Woodland or Digital ? I also liked the building at the top. The style reminds me of the Thief-like game demo in 3Dmark2001
  14. Yeah I'm gonna go with the total garbage crowd.
  15. The Wire isn't just about the Police though, I thought Season 2 in particular was an absolute tragedy. Season 4 as well. Law and Order might have some 'dark tales' in it, but the show itself is not thematically dark or pessimistic, YMMV.
  16. The reason Law and Order is so successful and popular is because there are lots, lots more people who just want to sit down in front of the TV and zone out compared to those that actually want to be intellectually stimulated. Law and Order is designed so that any person can sit down and watch an episode and they don't have to know what happened in any of the other episodes before. It's not very dark and there's never an 'unsolved case', the detectives always win. There's no swearing, no controversy, it's politically correct. It's a feel good show. The size of the viewing audience is significantly reduced when you need to watch every episode to be able to understand what's happening (hard for people who just watch TV, and don't necessarily have access to 'On Demand' or Torrents), when a show is pessimistic and reminds people of the real world, that bad things do happen to good people and no justice is served, when you chuck in the swearing, the grittiness and of course, the majority cast of black people. I have a friend from the UK who isn't interested in watching the show simply because he doesn't give a fig for african american culture. It's also a show that doesn't really rely on hooks or cliffhangers. The first episode is essentially, a bunch of people sitting around talking for an hour, and something happens right at the end (but off screen). I know quite a few people that simply haven't been able to get through episode 1 because nothing happened. It's not comfort TV and it's not for people with short attention spans. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Comfort TV. For the majority of people, that's what a good TV show is. But ever since I started watching more challenging shows (Carnivale was the first show I watched that was 'next level') I've never looked back. (Also if you like SVU, and are a fan of Richard Belzer (John Munch) you should check out Homcide: Life on the Street, his character is way more awesome in that show, actually has a personality)
  17. While I can understand why some people find the BG2 dungeon annoying, that's about the length a proper game prologue should be. The Icewind Dale 2 prologue was also alright. Other games just cheapen out on it hard.
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