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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. This will all be done through the fulfillment website. Which includes a new Project Eternity website with it. They are still in pre-production. So the backer submitted content doesn't need to be submitted just yet. From the sounds of it though you are a $500 backer? This is stuff that can be handled in post-production. Don't really need to worry about it yet. But I do have a suggestion regarding who they use to make their mousepads. They should get a gaming mousepad company to do them like Razer, Puretrak, Steelseries etc (or one of the lesser brands) because office mousepads are terrible. Mac builds are being built right alongside the PC, but yes it's true we haven't heard much about the Linux version yet. Darren Monahan made a post not so long ago about Linux Digital Distribution suggestions. An audio update would be a good idea though
  2. It also makes you special I am pretty sure. If you go riiight back to the teaser lines from before the launch of the Kickstarter, the "Watcher" sounds like it's the PC.
  3. Oh yeah my bad, I didn't see the silhouette on the right. Looks Bizarre I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for this comment I made on this image in the Update 46 thread Josh actually mentioned that comment on another forum and I felt bad. I did not think of the time it must take to do full color versions of concept art (such as the Godlike portrait) which Josh Sawyer said took you over a week to complete versus the amount of concepts that you have to do. I did actually really like the drawing and am excited to see the area. Sorry if I gave you guys the wrong impression.
  4. Character Attributes were designed by Josh Sawyer after the rest of the systems were in place. Based on the Skill design in Project Eternity I think I know how Attributes are going to work, but I could not tell you what they are or how many there are. Josh Sawyer's design mandate for Attributes in Project Eternity is create a system void of dump stats. Every attribute should be useful for every class. I believe the way he has done this is provided every attribute with systemic bonuses that are useful for every class and perhaps systemic bonuses to class abilities as well. Armor design in Project Eternity brings Dexterity back up to the same level of importance that it had in 2nd Edition, so an ability score such as Dexterity providing Deflection and Reflex defense bonuses is useful for every class. An interesting point about this is where in previous editions the Monk gained AC from Dex and Wisdom, this is not as useful for the P:E monk because they want to be hit to fuel their special abilities, so maxing Dex may not be the best idea for them. A fairly traditional design works for a score like Dexterity, but it doesn't really apply to Strength, Intelligence or Charisma. One way to fix this is to apply direct bonuses to class abilities. Charisma might apply a scaling benefit to the following: Barbarian's "Frightening Presence" Some Cipher powers Rogue's feint abilities Paladin commands Chanter Roars Fighter intimidate style abilities Wizard's enchantment spells Ranger's bond with Animal companion Monk ??? Druid ??? Select Priest auras and prayers That way every ability can be made useful for every class, like the skill design. I also do not believe Attributes will provide negatives. It is possible that you will not be able to decrease an attribute below 10 if they are quantified the same way as D&D, or they will start from 0 and cap at 10 or something like that (for PCs).
  5. A recent Josh Sawyer quote stated you will only be able to have one skill maxed, and two high skills. So the amount of skill points you get per level is not enough to max out two skills. 6x2 = 12 and there are 17 in the 4E PHB. I do not believe there will be Acrobatics, Athletics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Endurance, Heal or Intimidate. But there may be some 3E stuff coming back and some stuff exclusive to Project Eternity that is not in D&D (such as Animancy, Glanfathan Lore etc). So I think it's safe to say somewhere between 12-18ish maybe. I would say that less is probably more in this case. Expect to see a lot of generalization.
  6. Update's been and gone though so too late! Shafted bAdley What is that on the tablet btw? From the looks of it it's either an area concept in the works or a weird view of environment art that you're painting over
  7. The national parks bit reminded me of The West Wing. President Jed Bartlet the National Park guru who'd corner his employees and start going on about National parks haha. Sword Spear Spider haha, one of my favourite BG1 creatures.
  8. Play a straight Kensai in ToB: You get hit every single attack from pretty much every enemy, so those Potions of Extra Healing are usually a good idea. No consumable use also implies rest spam abuse. Yeah for the harder difficulties. I guarantee normal will be easier than BG2 normal because then it will appeal to a wider range of people.
  9. They omitted Concentration in 4E, so I think it's safe to say Concentration is out for P:E too.
  10. The difficulty in this game will probably be a step down from the Infinity Engine games by default, so if you were a Normal difficulty IE player - Hard will probably offer you the same challenge. Sawyer said Normal will not require the use of consumables.
  11. You can get Korean WQHD screens for pretty good money, free or cheap shipping from Korea. Catleaps and whatnot.
  12. In Icewind Dale, turning on Heart of Fury mode meant that your level 1 characters couldn't even hit the bugs in the basement in the very first Inn. If Path of the Damned is actually playable from level 1, then I may select that straight away. From what I understand it turns enables every possible creature in the encounter.
  13. There won't be any Mercantile skills in Project Eternity I don't think. Value of stuff might be linked to faction reputation but that's it. Having a skill or ability score that reduces the cost of items means that the PC needs to have that skill or ability to be able to do it, because when initiating dialogue I believe George Ziets said that the PC will always be the intended speaker, companions will only interject.
  14. Take what I say out of context and you can put whatever spin on it you like. All classes will have no systemic penalty to attack and no gulf between their attack and damage with a Longsword or a Crossbow. Attributes and Class abilities however will affect this. Wizard level 1: +0 to attack with Crossbow, 8-12 damage Fighter level 1: +0 to attack with Crossbow, 8-12 damage and permitting the same items and no optional talents to buff the Fighter's accuracy with Crossbows, they will be just as effective later on, their accuracy bonuses will be the same at each level.
  15. This isn't new information. Skills in Project Eternity were never going to be like AD&D's weapon proficiencies or Fallout's or whatever, Josh mentioned ages ago that there will be no Weapon Proficiency only Specialization available through talents like New Vegas. Every class will be just as good with a Longsword and Crossbow as every other class. Fighters get a small Melee accuracy bonus, Rangers will (unconfirmed but almost 100% guaranteed) get a Ranged accuracy bonus. Tumble would make absolute sense in a P:E P&P game, but in a CRPG, Tumble is just a combat skill, it has no other use outside of dialogue checks. Therefore I do not believe Tumble, or Parry, will be a skill in Project Eternity. All Project Eternity's skills will fall into the exact same design principles as Stealth (and the now defunct Crafting), where they have an out of combat use and a systemic (or auxiliary as he puts it) direct bonus to combat. In my essay I gave the example of Mechanics giving a slightly faster reload time, this is a bit pidgeonholed to certain character types but it applies across every class (except perhaps the Wizard unless it counted to Implements as well). Mechanics has an out of combat use (picking locks, disarming traps, using devices) and a combat use (which we do not know, but it will be something like what I suggest). Every other skill will be like that, so Tumble (and other style D&D 3E combat skills) probably won't be in. But then again ... Concentration ?
  16. Nope. Dragon Age you select a target, wait and spam ability cooldown buttons when they come up, and sometimes switch between characters to stop them from doing stuff in retard mode. Expeditions: Conquistador you have to actually think about your moves a little bit oh and you have full control of all your units - which is more fun than derpon age combat.
  17. The combat is still crap, it's a lose/lose either way. Nothing about Dragon Age: Origins is fun. Even making fun of the game is not fun. The writing is not good enough to suffer through the combat again on any difficulty, I hated it that much. Also notice the contrast I made to a game where the combat is not completely terrible
  18. ?????????????? I played Dragon Age: Origins on Insane difficulty on my first go and the combat was so **** it made me never play the game again. Pretty much involved cheesing your way through everything. Every encounter was 10 archers with knockdown arrows trolling u hard (yes I finished it). Combat was also ridiculously boring. The hardest fight was definitely against Ser Kauthrien in my opinion, to beat that (insane, v1.0 of the game) I had to cheese the resurrection timer/distance and doorways. In contrast to a game like Expeditions: Conquistador where it actually optimizes your tactical play significantly and is generally fairly enjoyable (even if the combat in the game becomes a bit stale over time due to lack of assets etc)
  19. Actually no, Double Fine and Tim Schaefer have a history of being over-budget, late with deadlines and mismanagement. Just look at the inflated budget for some of his adventure games and the recent comments from Bobby Kotick about Brutal Legend. It seems this is nothing new for Double Fine. It was sad seeing their Art Director try and convince himself that a game in two parts would be better.
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