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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Be nice to have some incentive to actually use some different weapons other than a sword for a change. Can't wait to smash some ribcages with a pollaxe.
  2. Nah I meant AMD/ATI as in we both have Radeon HD7970s By the way I have about 1000 of these in my output_log.txt file in the SRR folder "(Filename: Line: 1385) HandleD3DDeviceLost HandleD3DDeviceLost: still lost Skipped rendering frame because GfxDevice is in invalid state (device lost)"
  3. Me OS: Win 7 64bit SP1 CPU: Intel i7 870 1156 M/B: Gigabyte GA-P55-UD3 Graphics: Asus HD7970 DirectCUII Sound: Asus Xonar Essense STX S/B: I think it's a VIA chipset The hitching also happened on my NVIDIA GTX 560Ti but I reckon I'll go install SRR on my server and test it out to check if it's an AMD issue.
  4. FOR 14 year olds, not BY 14 year olds. When I first played Baldur's Gate 2 holy **** did I enjoy the romance with Aerie. I was 13 years old and it was just like <3_<3. Now I find it laughable. I also remember really enjoying the Jade Empire one when I was 16 or 17. But yeah I can't even really get through that game now because of the corny dialogue, because it's a cinematic style game it really gets in the way, whereas it's less bothersome in an IE RPG more focused on gameplay like BG2. Mass Effect 1's is also absolutely HILARIOUS. You get about two dialogue sequences between you and Ashley or Liara (soz haven't romanced Kaiden before) before you have to decide who you're taking to bed before the final mission. Complete and utter LOL. And The Witcher 2 has a bit more of a mature take on The Witcher 1's rather cheesy (but still entertaining) style. Thankfully this is Obsidian, and I thought KotOR 2 was okay.
  5. I think Josh is going to try and make people micro their characters around a bit more. Positioning will be important to Fighters because of the Melee Engagement system. Rogues will need to flank to get some bonuses Barbarians will probably need to be positioned correctly to get their aoe damage off Priests, Paladins and Chanters all sort of have Aura like abilities which requires relative positioning as well. Monks need to take damage to use special abilities, so they need to be - in the firing line.
  6. I think the way they're doing it is fine. As long as they don't lose the art assets they can always go back and release a UHD maps pack at some point in the future or whatever.
  7. I tried disabling HyperThreading and HPET, didn't do a thing. I'm running Win 7 SP1 64bit Hitches on both : NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti and AMD HD7970 What brand of motherboard do you have? / What southbridge / sata chipsets etc
  8. does your CPU have Hyperthreading ? Tried the fix out but it didn't work for me. I still get the hitching.
  9. I don't think there's been many romances in cRPGs that hasn't felt like it was written for 14 year olds. I thought The Witcher 2 was ok, since it was canonically built into the story that Geralt had a past history with Triss and the other ones are just flings which fits with Geralt's character. Also KotOR2 maybe because it was explicitly related to the Exile's "Hole in the Force" thingo that seemed to affect companions around him/her. Anyway IF there is any it would be nice to see something on a more adult level than some horrible hollywood garbage. People like BruceVC are still in Aerie-mode where they want to be able to 'win' the relationship game and live happily ever after or whatever. It'd be nice to see something more about how close friendships are developed - you've come together with a bunch of people to solve a mystery, you're probably going to be going through hell and back to solve stuff and be in many tough situations, this type of stuff does form a bond between people. It would also be interesting to see some conflict/conflict of interest stuff where you have opposing goals with a companion and either the PC or the companion has to choose between the goal of their faction/religion/whateva and the other person.
  10. One of the things Obsidian mentioned during the Kickstarter was the fact that they will probably be tying in the Megadungeon into the main story so that there are tiered levels of progression (even if it is something as simple as finding the 'key' to the next tier while doing the main plot). For instance, to prevent you from going straight from the Prologue to the Megadungeon and then going Diablo 1 style all the way down to the bottom, coming out overleveled for 85% of the remaining content in the game and blasting through it. I am not for or against that, I don't think it's too much of a problem if people want to go and attempt to do that, but if people can do a run from Prologue > Megadungeon all the way down and completing it without some wizard speed run abuse of game mechanics I would say that the dungeon gives too much XP progression or is simply too easy / not challenging. I don't really want to have too much input on the dungeon I think the designers have some very specific plans about what they're going to do. I wouldn't be surprised if the dungeon is tiered and split between a few designers with an 'overseer' designer to keep tabs on consistency with the area design document and the game world (probably Josh or Bobby). Some things I would like to see: Good mix of combat / exploration and dialogue Positives and negatives for each major CNC option Some decent minibosses / battles (this area should really have a look at some of the BG2 fights such as Twisted Rune, second last level of Watcher's Keep, Guarded Compound etc) Unique items / Artifact pieces Wide variety of areas (I think a raising/lowering water level or levels would be great down here) Wide variety of creatures (I'd especially like to see some incorporeal stuff down here) I'd like to see the upper levels of the Od Nua Castle thing have content in them as well like Durlag's Tower did, even if it's just a few quests/etc The fact that you've been to Od Nua and returned etc etc reflected in the gameworld Antagonist NPCs / Factions try to foil you / take over your expedition once you've reached certain points in the dungeon / try to retreat from it and have to fight / convince them off it somehow
  11. Out of curiosity samm, what CPU do you have ? I have an 1156 chipset Intel i7 870 here is the steam shortcut btw -force-gfx-st
  12. Got a message back from the Shadowrun Returns producer. Apparently the issue is a multi-threaded processing bug with the Unity framework renderer. To fix this issue I have to force single-threaded rendering.
  13. I think it is a fair call to say "How will this be like the IE games" in regards to System design. Because Josh Sawyer has implemented a lot of new/altered systems (sometimes unnecessarily IMO) for trial.
  14. In every Unity game I have played so far (including Expeditions: Conquistador and Shadowrun Returns) I experience microstutter and audio crackling when the game loads assets from the Hard Drive in real time. This happens on the campaign map in Expeditions: Conquistador and it happens in LOTS of places in Shadowrun Returns, every time an area is loaded, when my avatar is being generated in the character sheet (for some reason it's not already loaded by design), when opening items in the gameworld and in various parts of dialogue throughout the game. Not everyone is experiencing it but I am, and I have tried 3 sound cards in both games (onboard sound, EMU 0404 and Asus Xonar Essense STX). I am starting to worry I will get the same thing from the rest of the Kickstarter games and if so that's going to be depressing. So I don't know if Obsidian has any access to the source code/sound code for the game, but there seems to be a problem in there that causes the game/audio to pause/stutter during the loading/caching of assets. I could try moving my game(s) to an SSD in the future and that would possibly lessen the issue. If this is an unfixable bug in the source code of Unity 4 then I would like to enquire how levels are loaded for Project Eternity, are all assets loaded and cached upon area transition ?
  15. No it was never bi weekly. Between The Updates 56-59 was no break.Before that we had two weeks with an update and then a week with a break Kickstarter updates etc are hard to edit once posted, so I'd put more stock in what the forum says.
  16. One thing I am really liking the sound of with regards to companion development of this game is that it seems that in contrast to previous Obsidian titles, the companions (and general writing level) will be of a more adult content - and by that I don't mean nudity or swearing but in tone, quality and theme. The writing in most RPGs is clearly aimed at a PG audience. Games like Dragon Age attempt to be edgy but fail miserably in delivery. I'd like to see some companions/dialogue on the level of The Wire or A Song of Ice and Fire (as much as I hate the TV series, the book dialogue is great). with a character mix of something like McNulty, Kima, Daniels, Freamon, Herc and Carver would be an interesting party haha.
  17. Pre order it man, give them more development money for the budget. Recommend pre-order to everyone you know. That might be an extra line of VO'd dialogue you add to the game, or a fraction of QA time that contributes to bug fixing etc.
  18. It's a secret. Good decision by Josh not to reveal anything about the story or themes before the beta. One thing I wonder is out of all the core four classes, they haven't announced a Rogue character yet. You would think that because it's a 'core four' class that the game kind of demands a Rogue companion. Hopefully that's not necessarily the case though, even though it probably will be.
  19. Nice to hear from Chris again. Cool update, sounds like the companions are going to have a lot of depth. Looking forward to playing with them. Do you have the companion list down to a final 8 ? Also George Ziets has said that he hasn't had any Eternity work to do for a month, will he be doing any area design as well as narrative design ?
  20. I use a Logitech G400 which by default is 1000Hz. On my secondary system I have a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer v3 which defaults to 125Hz, but I use that polling rate program to overclock it to 500Hz. Since I play Call of Duty 4 at top level (currently not competing because of uni though), it's pretty much a requirement to use 500Hz because in CoD4 the game has these random instances where even when you're getting 250FPS, it feels like 30FPS because of mouse jitter from 125Hz polling rate. 250 or higher fixes it. There is a bug in the Windows XP usb drivers for Intel P55 and H55 chipsets (and newer models too I think) where the polling rate is completely messed up and spikes all over the place. Using Windows 7 or higher (or installing a USB PCI card or something) alleviates the problem.
  21. Wrong. Crafting was a gamist system, not a simulationist one.
  22. This is substantial information. It means instead of D&D-FixT or SPECIAL-FixT we're getting Guild Wars/jMMO style stats. This is not what I thought I would get when I payed for this game.
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