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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Color contrast of grass and trees is a fair point. Baldur's Gate 1 managed to get the Forest look down pat, even though it was more "pixel art" style. There is currently an issue with character sorting in tall grass, and character occlusion behind geometry isn't working properly. I reported some instances of it before, but I need to take more screenshots. I don't think these issues are a massive deal compared to the issues with combat and systems, but sure, they do affect the overall atmosphere.
  2. Yep as I posted in another thread, you 2D artists appear to be too little butter scraped over too much bread, if only there was more of you <3. Perhaps for PE:X / PE:2.
  3. I think that the movement might be too fast, but the recovery times can be pretty slow in many instances. On hard in the Dyrford Crossing, I think the first two beetle encounters are too close together. The top one should be placed further north so that you actually have some room to maneuver against the first mob, without having to literally hug the south side of the creek. There actually wasn't that many mobs on the map, but the map was small. Nothing compared to the BG1 Wilderness areas. Like less than half as big in "feel". Apparently the Stormwall Gorge is much bigger. I haven't been there yet.
  4. I liked the 16 slots from the E3 demo, YMMV.
  5. This would be great, but I'm just not sure if there's enough 2D Art time left on the project. I would love to get a Kaz drawing of these, but I'm just not sure if he'd have the time to do this without sacrificing something else: Area Paint overs, Portraits, 2D icons, UI reworks, etc etc
  6. an Interrupt plays a short (~500ms?) interrupt animation which interrupts character actions, and forces them to begin the animation again, and also interrupts their recovery time from ticking down.
  7. The IE games had a "minimum" option which showed the selection circles for selected units only.
  8. I think that because the map menu is not full screen, it would be weird if the game screen didn't move when you moved around in the map. The scrolling when you do it needs to be smoother though, and yeah I've always used double click in the IE games. The reason it isn't full screen at 1080p is because it's designed for 720p and up (which is annoying).
  9. While not necessarily related to attribute balance in combat, those are important concerns. I don't think there needs to be a pointer as to how much Perception will be used in dialogue, but as long as the description of the attribute states that it is used in dialogue for certain things (which I think it does, but I'm not 100% sure) then that's okay. I don't think attributes intersect with skills, and I'm not 100% sure if Perception affects searching, but it should I guess?
  10. Seems to be a lot of people online again, anyone got anything to add?
  11. I noticed that when I was making my Monk.
  12. I don't think that's true (and I'm also not the one who requested 6 attributes, as I stated in my attribute questionnaire thread ~ 9 months ago). Some of the issues with the attribute system are created by not weighing defenses against the other combat stats. There are enough combat stats in the game that you could apply over six attributes and create interesting choices for all classes in the game, with or without them. I don't think there's such a thing as permanently balanced attributes, but I think the design goals are achievable within most of the restraints that Josh Sawyer has outlined so that every class has a reason to invest in each attribute.
  13. The formation menu causes huge FPS lag. Also I can't even make the formations I want (such as characters close together like in the IE games - which is MUCH EASIER for traversing through the maps. The square positioning seems completely bugged as well.
  14. Yeah I was a bit disappointed about not having a special monk animation for unarmed (or a more interesting unarmed in general).
  15. all other groups have one though, personally doesn't bother me - just an observation
  16. Adding deflection back into the mix isn't something Josh Sawyer is willing to do I don't think. That would be another option though, I would rather tie that to Dexterity than Perception, and have Perception control accuracy instead if that was the case. Your idea for Resolve alters the fundamental way that the attack resolution system works, and that's something that they want to be consistent across all rules, avoiding the edge cases that D&D has.
  17. The Ruffian Group is actually missing a bow or cross bow, too.
  18. Sorry here's the non-thumb version http://www.upload.ee/image/4217413/Untitled.png
  19. Damage as a whole is already negated by DT. That's like a pointless secondary system on top of an already very clear one (no offense). Percentile reduction of DT is also bad as well, Might still wins out until you start adding some really wonky values - which will throw out the attribute balance. You have to keep in mind that you're limited to what would be balanced alongside a +1 rate of Accuracy and a +2% of damage & health/stamina, which seems to be the flat rate atm.
  20. Yes it does. I've been a top level competitive FPS player for 10 years (retired recently) and no_one plays with vertical sync on, because even if you are getting 333 FPS and have vsync on at 120Hz, there will still be mouse lag. I don't care what the default setting is, as long as you can turn it off.
  21. I go into this a little bit here in my video: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67075-sensukis-suggestions-003-main-ui-tooltip-stuff-with-video/ There's also no health number display on the character tooltip, and there's no mouse over tooltip on the health bar.
  22. Perhaps the progression of attributes should be changed to be weighted or triangular (like skills are) That way racial and cultural bonuses represent more worth than points can buy. Attribute bonuses might need to scale the same way though, rather than representing the current even progression?
  23. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67042-perception-resolve-and-dump-stats-oh-my/ Already a thread a page back
  24. Nothing wrong with the feeling of the scrolls, as the IE games used a parchment anyway. However the scroll could be bigger, and perhaps have a border - and all UI elements as such should be closed by the same method. In this case you just click off the screen, whereas the other ones have an [X] in the corner. I think a big obvious CLOSE button down the bottom would be a better option, and for the game menus they need OK, Apply and Cancel.
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