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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I think this is just a feature that hasn't been implemented yet. When engagement was announced Josh had an idea of what the visual indicator would look like.
  2. I think NPCs should have blue circles by default, rather than using the same color as the party.
  3. Monk rapes the Fighter as a tank so far ...
  4. There's a Slow-mo and Double speed. I'm personally not interested in either of those features, though - as it all scales.
  5. Agreed, Stealth should be per-character rather than per-party.
  6. Definitely agree about the one click purchase if you have the gold.
  7. Also try different armor and weapons, as well as attributes.
  8. decreasing Stamina damage to health seems like a no-brainer to me. It does make it harder for characters to permanently die, but is that a big deal if encounters are hard anyway?
  9. I think the micro managing will be just fine once the bugs are fixed and a few more auto attack clauses are added in, at least for Hard difficulty.
  10. I think the endurance:health ratio needs to be revamped overall, but that BB Fighter character isn't a great character I don't think. Try making your own Fighter first and see how you do there. My unarmored/unarmed monk is a _way_ better Tank than the Fighter, besides his knockdown ability, which is strong.
  11. I think the IE games did a good job of abstracting movement speed to make it tactical, whereas so far PE doesn't do a very good job at that, it verges more on simulation.
  12. The problem with attributes is larger than shifting a few bonuses around I think. A month or so ago I posted my revised attribute suggestion based on the IGN video I think I had like Human: +1 Con, +1 Res Elf: +1 Dex, +1 Per Aumaua: +2 Might Dwarf: +2 Con, +1 Might, -1 Dex (same as you) Godlike: +1 Dex, +1 Int Orlan: -1 Might, +2 Per, +1 Res Two ways to get a bonus to every attribute except Int, probably not perfect but another array to consider.
  13. Posted my response in a different thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66950-combat-feels-activeness-speed-and-pace/
  14. Dialogue is in XML so it's very easy to add in.
  15. The game uses up about 2GB of ram for me (with a map loaded). That said the maps I've been to so far have been on the small-medium size. (That is on top of what my system already uses with Chrome open [~2.5GB], so ~4.5GB total) I don't think it's the memory usage that makes it run bad. It's just engine/code optimization.
  16. I'm going to wager that most of the portraits for the game haven't been done yet. However I am also a bit worried about it because time is running out (or is it?). Their in-house 2D artists are clogged up with work I'll bet (UI screens, Scripted interactions and area paint overs).
  17. Performance is pretty bad overall. UI elements lag the game, dialogue lags the game and some areas for some reason have a horrible frame rate (such as the Dyrford Ruins). Mind you it's not as bad as Wasteland 2's beta until they fixed it like 2 weeks ago, so there's hope yet. I've noticed that the game doesn't use any of my logical cores. Haven't checked GPU usage yet. I think it's the 2D/3D animations that cause FPS drops in the environment. I get 120 FPS+ in Shadowrun Returns and Expeditions Conquistador, no reason I can't in PE if they optimize it properly.
  18. The issues with melee are hugely magnified by * Auto attack bug (if you're not paying 100% attention, characters will do nothing) * Pathfinding issues (you really have to control your melee characters every step of the way) * Engagement system (movement in close range is costly) * Movement speed (makes it crazy) I think the auto attack bug has a huge effect on the *headache* of combat, and we really need to wait until it is fixed before complaining about complexity, because it literally triples the amount of actions you need to make (or more even). It's not just auto attacks that don't work either, you sometimes have to issue commands twice (such as casting spells etc).
  19. This is probably due to the fact that point buy is not weighted, and rolls are not being used. In 3rd and 4th edition, they used a weighted point buy, the +1 / +2 was more valuable because it was "free" rather than costing heaps of points. 2E had a system with a lot of different factors - racial minimums and maximums and class minimums and maximums, which made the bonuses matter most of the time. Attribute bonuses mattered in Knights of the Chalice because you can only reroll once (toggle-able in the options) If it is important for attribute bonuses for races and cultures to be a big deal, perhaps a new point buy system needs to be used
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