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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The balance of all the elements is not right. I am fine with trash mob encounters being more engaging, but you should be able to have a longer adventuring day. The IE games also had Bears that did not attack the party unless you "pissed it off", PE doesn't have this AI implemented. It would be nice if various animals had the same behaviour, so that those that wanted to kill the Lions / Bears / Wolves etc could do so - like in the IE games and others who don't want to kill the Lions could simply just move on. They should attack where it makes sense, but I think some neutral element to some of the creatures would be a good thing, rather than just have everything hostile. Older games like Dark Sun Shattered Lands handled this pretty well through dialogue with intelligent creatures as well.
  2. Trash mobs ARE more threatening in Pillars of Eternity than they are in the IE games. They require more attention to beat, rather than just select all -> left click, wait, encounter over They take longer to bring down than an IE trash mob encounter. The current Health:Stamina ratio only allows you to do a few of them before you're nearly out of Health.
  3. Yeah while culture defining your gear is cool, I think this is a valid point. What if you want to start with an arquebus ? The original original KS pitch was you'd be able to buy your gear at the start of the game. This was then changed to Culture + Trading with Heodan. That said, the CC is meant to take you to the beginning of the game, which has far different circumstances than the current BB, where you will probably have your desired gear for your level when you get there in the normal game.
  4. I tried to add them. <b></b> broke every string in the game. <strong></strong> doesn't break the strings, but also doesn't show up in the game.
  5. Noticed today in character creation that the class ability descriptions were a bit inconsistent in formatting. Descriptions have strange grammar and missing information. Instead of pointing out suggestions I thought I'd just re-write them all considering you have exposed the string files for the game. My re-writes are not perfect, but in most cases they are probably better. I have tried to add consistent formatting, attempted to use better and more consistent grammar, clearer wording and even added in some missing information. I put more effort into the first strings I did, the Wizard one took me over an hour to re-do as the current blob of text is a clusterfuq. Mine is still a giant blob of text but I think it displays the relevant information a bit clearer, YMMV. I do not know all of the ability mechanics like the back of my hand, so some (Chanter, Cipher, Druid etc) may need some more upfront information. I noticed that the Spiritshfit Druid ability is missing it's casting limitation. I haven't created a Druid yet so I'm not sure what their starting Spiritshift is, but I think it's 1/day or something. The Chanter really needs an expanded description about Phrases, such as being able to learn them upon level up and finding them in the world. I didn't re-write those as I'm not 100% clear on the exact mechanics. Here is my gui.stringtable file http://www.upload.ee/files/4218552/gui.stringtable.html You can back up your original file and replace it with this one if you want to use my changes in your game. Feel free to correct my mistakes if I made any. And obviously, feel free to use any of the text in the game. Here are some previews: Previous Suggestions: Item Descriptions / Contextual UI Area Map Functions Main UI / Tooltip Stuff Selection Circles, Targeting Indicators Disable Vertical Sync Previous Discussions: Combat Feels: Activness, Speed and Pace
  6. Or the thickness and contrast of the selection circles gets too confusing with so many enemies on the screen?
  7. Since strings are exposed - here's my edit of the Fighter's starting ability descriptions in the UI You're welcome.
  8. Right gotcha. In that instance I would put: Defender (Modal) - decreases the Fighter's attack rate to raise the maximum number of targets the Fighter can engage from 1 to 3 and also increases their deflection.
  9. The reason you cannot zoom in any further is because the background art would become pixelated/distorted - just like it would if you zoom in closer on a jpg image. Zooming in further than source resolution is horrible.
  10. Yeah beta is Your pledge + $25 for beta key Beta key is included in tiers above the $110 range
  11. What? "their" is singular possessive when you are referring to no one in particular. "Someone didn't close their car window" If you know it was a man or a woman "He didn't close his car window" / "She didn't close her car window"
  12. You should NOT be able to zoom in closer than the source resolution of the 2D backgrounds.
  13. I get the feeling that one of the character artists is still working on the extra head and hair variants at this time. But I'm not sure.
  14. You can just press the formation icon on the UI too ?
  15. I like the main theme, but I would have preferred more IE style wilderness tracks. Combat music is very Michael Hoenig (BG1).
  16. I think some form of protection against a crit is a good idea. Perhaps slide the critical thread range down a point or two for the character wearing it ?
  17. Also I've noticed that this game doesn't change the character's selection mode. In the IE games when one of your party members is targeting an enemy, that enemy's selection circle changes into a targeting reticule. Same when one of your characters is casting a targeted spell on an ally. This would REALLY help with combat feedback.
  18. Vsync is set to always off in my CCC, but it's not working. Games do not always use the settings in your video cards control panel.
  19. I already posted a suggestion in the thread about attributes. Fair point, although not with granularity. Also a fair point, although Deflection is the most attacked defense.
  20. The difference between 8 DT and 12 DT against an attack that on average does, say, 15 - 25 damage on a Hit is substantial. The 12 DT would easily shrug off grazes, the 8 DT armor would not. Sliding recovery time via attribute not only affects mechanics (and we all know how valuable attack/action speed is), but also the visual presentation of combat and many feel that actions in combat are already too fast. No it would just affect the recovery timer. The difference between 8 and 12 DT is not mattering much at the current situation with the Stamina:Health damage conversion rate, equip all your characters in 12 DT plate, how many encounters can you survive? Probably exactly the same amount as wearing whatever other armors. That's besides the point though because as I said, characters would have the opportunity to invest in the attribute, and characters with the same score but different armors would have exactly the same difference as they do now. To me, if creating six ~equally compelling attribute choices is a primary design goal - recovery time, deflection and hostile effect duration reduction are the three best things I can think of to choose from.
  21. You can change the selection circle color by unticking colorblind mode. I also think the selection circles are too thick and I think a single pixel circle in the IE style would be better.
  22. You're definitely right about stuff like stat changes, however I think those should not be displayed when you right click the item, but when you click the item / mouse over it. Games like Grim Dawn, Diablo 3 etc compare items against what you're wearing. That would be a nice feature to have.
  23. Personally I don't think the differences between DT values of the current armors/recovery time penalties are really that distinguishable, especially considering you need to rest after a few encounter anyway. The difference between 8 DT and 12 DT hasn't really had enough time to make much of a difference. I'm not saying that an attribute that controls recovery time is the only solution, but it is one of them, and character A with 18 Dex that gives -X% recovery time and Character B with 18 Dex and Plate armor are separated by the same amount that they would be currently. It would add another compelling option for all characters.
  24. 2D Item sketches are a luxury item. I think we can skimp on the luxury items and focus on getting the important sh1t right so that it's a good game and PE:2 happens (which we then get item sketches).
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