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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Recovery time calculation is additive, not multiplicative. I asked Josh whether they were supposed to be additive or multiplicative - he said additive, but they were coded as multiplicative (everything was), so between v392 and v435, they changed the formulas for lots of things. Plate no longer slows you by exactly 50% (* 0.5 or whatever) E.g., plate will slow you by 50% if it's the only multiplier, but Plate and Defender will slow you by 70%, not 90% as it would have before (I think that's right?)
  2. I believe it is in, however with the amount of **** going on in combat, over the top spell FX and all the semi-obtuse UI stuff they have going on in combat, it can be hard to notice.
  3. Related to the movement recovery slow, the heavier armor you wear, the slower the movement recovery mult is going to be.
  4. In the last few builds, I think the consensus has been that rangers are better at melee than ranged - I think that's not exactly the aim for the class, or what people were expecting which is where some of the disappointment comes from. I haven't done too much mucking around with them so far, but I'll def try that out sometime.
  5. All three, but we need a person with a MacOS and Linux assembly to send their Assembly-CSharp.dll files to Bester.
  6. Progression through the game (from what I've seen of the world map) is actually fairly linear (way, way more linear than BG1) but there are some "side-paths" with like 1-2 optional areas together that you absolutely don't have to explore. I'm pretty sure the game will take you through the majority of exterior maps, even if you skip the content.
  7. I just need a heatsink that fits my Noctua fan.
  8. I've seen Rogues use Escape (currently bugged and causing invisibility)
  9. I don't think they're very fun - and I like summon type classes, but that's just me.
  10. Still the worst class in the game IMO. Design-wise and implementation wise. They're a bit less terrible in v480, but no news on any tweaks in between. I think it would be good to look at them again in the expansion like what happened in D&D 3.5E
  11. It is buggy in v480 but apparently they've fixed the disengagement attack exploit finally. There's also some minor bugs with engagement slots as well, reported them. And there's bugs when you combine engagement and abilities like Dimensional Shift and Escape - will be writing those up soon.
  12. Yeah, it is. I told ushas to look into that spell for me in case I didn't have time - he should have a write up coming soon ?
  13. https://twitter.com/jesawyer/status/578985350766325760 ask there
  14. The only one in particular I know about is Amplified Thrust, do you have twitter?
  15. Josh said he individually tweaked all Cipher powers yesterday apparently. However any discrepancies you find between what the spell says it does and what it actually does - report it in the bug forums
  16. Yeah, well Karkarov is making the art - he gets to use those if he wants to, and maybe some people will prefer his borders, so I think they'll both be going in I think. We'll discuss with Obsidian at a later stage to get some changes made to the atlas, because the log texture in particular is VERY restrictive, unfortunately (as well designed as it is). The main problem with their UI is that the log stretched over the Solid UI border looks really bad.
  17. I don't believe the most current version of his atlas is included in the file on the website as of yet, Bester and I aren't a huge fan of the new portrait border so Bester wanted to edit them and implement a toggle or something I think (yeah, we're pretty stubborn lol) All of the HUDs are in, just not those specific portrait borders or log outline. The current version uses slightly modified versions of Obsidian's portrait border and log textures. I assume the options will be updated soonish.
  18. Guess who predicted this outcome Sorry man, I actually was wrong. I'll find the correct calc. I have the correct attack speed formulas There is still a global recovery mult of x1.2, but recovery penalties for style were reduced Assume 10 Dex, No armor 1H Fast, single = 20 frame animation, 36 frame recovery 1H Normal, single = 30 frame animation, 54 frame recovery 2H = 30 frame animation, 54 frame recovery Dual wield fast = 20 frame animation, 24 frame recovery, 20 frame animation, 24 frame recovery Dual wield normal = 30 frame animation, 36 frame recovery, 20 frame animation, 36 frame recovery
  19. I haven't bickered with Tartantyco for a while (since October or something I think). He only started it when I posted about the recovery stuff lol. BruceVC and his bloody romance stuff would be a funny "Noober" style NPC.
  20. Unfortunately for us, I think the combat is more designed for the people that didn't really like the IE combat that much. npz edit: Most of the balance stuff I see from Josh is pretty good (the tweaking of numbers) - he's responding to Druids being too powerful, bumping some not very good Cipher abilities (this is from yesterday), fixing the OP Bloody Slaughter. Gameplay decisions though - not always on the same page.
  21. Don't insult the QA guys man. It is partially a preference thing - they have a tabletop culture in their company and a lot of them play turn-based stuff, when you're coming from that kind of background I can see the reason why you would probably like/not care about this kind of stuff. The guys up in arms about it like me are all diehard IE combat guys / people that like RTS games I assume. However, it's clear that it was not tested to prevent kiting lol The few gameplay issues that Matt Sheets (the QA Lead) has posted about I have disagreed with - I didn't think Accuracy needed removing from attributes because it was the way damage was calculated that was causing the high damage/need accuracy issues, and I thought that there was something wrong with Dexterity/it sucked back when it wasn't even working (I think it was GordonHalfMan who actually proved it). That doesn't mean that he's not doing his job though As much as we may disagree with them about the gameplay. They've fixed hundreds of my bug reports
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