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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Bester and I reported this as a bug in v435 http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70832-435-autosave-isnt-doing-what-its-supposed-to/?hl=autosave Hasn't been acknowledged though
  2. I just realized I fell asleep reading this thread last night holding a can of coke, and woke up with it spilled all over me. Cool. Btw if it's not removed - not a huge deal for me, we'll be modding out out though for anyone interested.
  3. It's supposed to be made up for by their "more powerful" abilities.
  4. Here's how you kite in this game, btw Not quite as easy to do because they fixed targeting - but you can still do it Slowed recovery time does not stop that
  5. No he's talking about recovery time PAUSE, which was removed in v333 Recovery time isn't paused while moving, when you move, your recovery ticks down. It is slowed though.
  6. Possible bug with summoned weapons and weapon switch Minor bug with inventory combat tooltip Incorrect combat inventory tooltip for summoned items Hilarious Grimoire / Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff bug (thanks Bester) v480 Character Art Issues Shot on the Run misleading talent description - REPORTED Issue with combat log lines for Interdiction and Painful Interdiction - REPORTED Simple Clothing (cloth_outfit_generic) is transparent - REPORTED Game Breaking bug with summoned weapons (thanks bester) - FIXED
  7. It's possible they were trying to similuate D&D 3E where if you move you only get a partial attack. But yeah ... this ain't D&D or turn-based so ...
  8. It's not an AI problem - if they can't see / detect your other characters and you keep the character they're chasing close to them. AI programming is difficult and in the majority of cases, the most sensible thing for melee AI to do is attack the closest unit - especially with the Engagement system. That's the first time I've heard ANYONE accuse Pillars of Eternity of being simulationist. Are you really sure you've played the game?
  9. To engage enemies you have to stand still. Movement is penalized in melee if you're engaged. Recovery time is now penalized if you move. It's quite simple really. All of these things make movement based tactics not really worth it unless you absolutely have to. It's not a choice. It only removes it.
  10. Do you have the beta? In previous builds, you could kite neutral NPCs by cancelling your attack animation after the hit frame before engagement started to avoid engagement in melee. I reported that as a bug and it was fixed. Now, I just use a guy with a ranged weapon, a Monk with Fast Runner and whatever their speed ability is called - they're super quick. Just run them around in circles while 5 guys with guns stand off to the side without moving and pound the guys that you're kiting every time they come past. Ranger Wolf Animal Companion is also stupidly faster than anything else - perfect for kiting. You can start with a ranged shot from someone else but have the Wolf be the closest, so the enemy AI aggros to it. Neither Engagement, not slowed recovery stop kiting. It only makes it worse for melee enemies being kited.
  11. Have they nerfed that ability yet? It was nuts in v435 (Soul Shock).
  12. Says +25% ranged recovery - which appears as if it's adding recovery (by the description) Should be -25% Ranged Recovery penalty or something I suppose.
  13. Combusting Wounds and Kalakoth's Minor Blights are pretty good too I suppose.
  14. Oh come on - the recovery penalty makes it easier to kite because the melee enemies that you are kiting have their recovery slowed while they are moving. That's one of the (many) reasons why this is a silly mechanic.
  15. Definitely not. They would be just as bad as Shot on the Run, which you should never take because it gives you basically nothing. Actually didn't they remove that talent ?
  16. Slowed movement recovery is not tactical though. Adding in arbitrary talents to compensate for penalties from bad systems isn't going to improve the moment to moment gameplay - which is what this is about. erragal I don't think you've actually played the game. This is the case through ability and talent selection. Slowed movement recovery does not add to or take away from this point.
  17. Or - instead of trying to simulate realism (and I don't think a penalty to recovery while moving is realistic - ever heard of charging?), you could instead make decisions that create good gameplay - like not penalizing recovery while moving. In realistic melee combat - combatants move around quite a bit, usually circling though.
  18. Yeah man unique armors look awesome. Still got a lot more character art to go through but I got sidetracked after I found out about slowed movement recovery. I'll get back to it tomorrow when I'm less angry xD
  19. The guy got back to me - he's going to send his output_log.txt when he gets home from work (probably later today for US people).
  20. I will reply this time but this is completely incorrect. You are simply against player input.
  21. Yeah I didn't like that about 3E either. In AD&D, from memory you could run 30 feet and then do 5 attacks per round. I think it was Anthony Davis who said he was mad that you couldn't do that in the Infinity Engine games though haha, because the rounds ticked down when you were moving.
  22. Really because I'm pretty sure a fair few people have posted that they don't like it either. Or are you simply ignoring half the posters in the thread?
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