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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Well when changes are made there's always a chance of regression. It's possible they implemented something that stuffs up on transitions. Could be related to a class, ability or item - dunno. Could be a Mac or Linux crash, could be RAM related.
  2. Shot on the Run was created to deal with the ranged move recovery mult that was added into the game in v301/v333 I forget which. Fast Runner doesn't decrease your recovery time. Basically what they've done Osvir is add a flat penalty for everyone when moving regardless of what talents you pick. I'm not playing with it. Just more bad design decisions we have to rip out of the game on release day.
  3. This isn't about ranged characters, this is about melee characters. If you want to know how easy reloading is while moving with a bow - check this out I'm fighting against this because it's not fun, not because of the opposite effects it may have on kiting melee characters. You already get hit by disengagement attacks from every character you're surrounded by, as well as whatever AoE and ranged attacks are coming at you. All of that can interrupt you as well. Yes it is. It penalizes the mobile melee characters, and it promotes a certain style of play - which is pulling enemies into a clump of your guys together and penalizes different initial positioning setups. banalsh1tboring.
  4. Yeah well I asked him what OS / System RAM via PM and on the forums, hopefully he stops to check. Stuff like this can hurt reception.
  5. If you've seen any of my videos, you'll see that the way I play Icewind Dale and the way I play Pillars of Eternity is completely different because I've adapted to the required style of play for Pillars of Eternity. The recovery time mult does not stop you from doing anything it just makes several decisions worse, and stacks the game more to one particular style of play which is the insanely boring stealth pre-positioning, mass per-encounter alpha-strikes followed by standing still in combat. Combat after the first wave could try and be less banal without having bullcrap like this added on top of it. This is not a turn-based game - it's an Infinity Engine style RTwp RPG. Infinity Engine style RTwP RPG.
  6. Another silly thing is that for some reason they coded auto-saves to happen AFTER you enter an area, rather than before you enter an area @_@ Bester and I warned them about that in v435 .... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70832-435-autosave-isnt-doing-what-its-supposed-to/
  7. This might be a good reason why auto-saves are SUPPOSED to be done BEFORE you transition http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71272-im-a-bit-worried/
  8. The cost of moving is moving itself, how bloody hard is that to understand for some RPG players. If you're using fast weapons, any movement at all is lost actions because recovery time is quick. If you're using a 2Her or 1H single you've got a bloody long enough recovery time anyway, especially in armor. And yeah on top of that, there's the engagement mechanics. May as well just use a max might/max dex Arquebus I guess? Interrupts don't reset reload animation time. No penalty for fighting in melee ... cool - way to have the opposite intended effect lmao
  9. Well, for anyone like me and veevoir, we can simply remove that code, no problem but I honestly am baffled at the decision to be honest.
  10. Contacted the guy and told him to quit the game next time it happens and upload his output_log.txt so I can pass it on to the QA team.
  11. Got this from NeoGAF, won't quote who the poster is.
  12. Hey, you can take prejudice against the pitchfork image all you like, I use it for style. Plus this decision makes me bloody angry. This game already penalizes movement enough with the engagement system, and the ranged recovery penalty. It's like hey guise - stand still, that's the correct way to play because we really wish this was a turn based game, but it has to be RTwP because we promised an Infinity Engine game. There is zero reason to add a recovery penalty for moving. What does it accomplish? Nothing. All it simply does is penalize builds that favor mobility, and if you want to play 'optimally' you have to put your characters in a retarded clump. The game used to have completely paused recovery while moving - were you one of the people that didn't care about that? (I assume so). Ranged characters are already penalized for moving because there is already a ranged movement recovery penalty and it it stacks with the general movement recovery mult - you can see it in the formula in the code i posted. That alone is retarded in itself, but I actually made that suggestion just to get paused recovery while moving removed from the game. You don't need either, as ranged weapons have a long recovery time anyway and there is basically no reason to move while ranged except to get in range of a new target. Have you actually seen people kiting with ranged weapons? I know I haven't. I've been the only person doing kiting videos and I run a single ranged character around in circles while five ranged characters stand completely still and pulverize everyone. I also removed all recovery movement penalties and Melee Engagement in an earlier patch and tested it and kiting with ranged was absolutely horrible - this is just overcompensation.
  13. WHY IS ALL RECOVERY TIME NOW SLOWED WHILE MOVING ?????????????? DO YOU GUYS JUST HATE TACTICAL MOVEMENT IN COMBAT? WHO MADE THIS DECISION? I fought hard to get recovery time pause removed from the game, and had to suffer slowed ranged recovery while moving (which I'm not a fan of anyway) and now for some retarded reason, all movement now slows recovery time - giving even MORE penalty to moving in combat and putting MORE emphasis on having to put your close characters together, which is dumb. There is already enough reason to use positioning as it is because pretty much everything else in the game demands it - all this does is hurt the gameplay. I want to move my units around - I and many others play these games like an RTS and you are basically designing the game so that penalizes my preferred style of play. Can you please stop trying to force people to play a certain way? Because it's not fun. I know it's not a bug because I checked the code, and there is this part of the update method in CharacterStats if ((this.m_recoveryTimer > 0f) && !this.HasStatusEffectThatPausesRecoveryTimer()) { if (this.IsMoving) { float movingRecoveryMult = AttackData.Instance.MovingRecoveryMult; if (((this.m_equipment != null) && (this.m_equipment.PrimaryAttack != null)) && (this.m_equipment.PrimaryAttack is AttackRanged)) { movingRecoveryMult += this.RangedMovingRecoveryReductionPct; } this.m_recoveryTimer -= Time.deltaTime * movingRecoveryMult; } else { this.m_recoveryTimer -= Time.deltaTime; It's pretty simple for me to remove that line from the code, but there's probably others out there that would like to have their say on this subject as well.
  14. Aloth's Leather Armor on Female Dwarves looks wonky as too
  15. Interdiction does not need the "affected" lines those are just a waste of log space Painful Interdiction hits should be put into the same sub-log entry as the Interdiction hits, or a separate one for Painful Interdiction weakening hits. This spell should only take up two lines in the log max when it hits people (aside from the sub-log entries). Also the lines for the hits needs to be cleaned up - it's displaying 0.0 seconds for some stupid reason
  16. You shouldn't be losing any spells, if the spell did not cast, it should not be used. If you get stunned while casting and you lost the spell, I think that's a bug
  17. These are items that are not from the beta. Technically I'm not supposed to be posting these, but I did promise Dimitri that I'd go through and find any issues I am cheating them in with the console command IRoll20s followed by additem item_name
  18. The text for "Page 1 of 2" is being stretched / stuffed up by something - incorrectly scaled ? Suffering from text stretching bug? Not sure Compare to other text in the screenshot
  19. breastplate_osrics_family - same issue as with the female dwarf Exceptional Plate
  20. The breastplate part of the Female Dwarf Exceptional Breastplate is too short, and is like a crop top Here is a comparison with the Fine Breastplate - which has a much better length
  21. Changing weapons adds a base of 2 second recovery to your recovery time. It used to add a flat 2 seconds, but now when you weapon switch multiple times in a row it only resets that 2 second cooldown rather than adding 2 every time.
  22. Interrupts do cancel animations, but I believe the player and AI will simply start to cast that spell / make that attack again. I believe when you get interrupted while reloading a firearm it doesn't reset the reload, but it continues from where it left off.
  23. It definitely is for all females - the male model it might be, it's hard to tell Appears to be a texture or shader issue? Expected Result: Opaque
  24. Alright, I'll try hiring some adventurers and see if I can reproduce it.
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