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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Expected Result: Percetion: +0 Interrupt Resolve: +3 Concentration
  2. Like we've said many times before - any gameplay changes will be optional. There's like 3-4 minor UI fixes that are not optional, and that's it.
  3. Cool, did you just copy them into your Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity folder? Tried to send a few people saves before and it didn't work. And yeah for most of the beta my characters have either had single digit names or symbols like that lol I love that this works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Has anyone had any luck transferring save games between computers? At least in this build so far when I've sent people a save I haven't been able to load it. Here are my saves if anyone wants to try and get their game to recognize them http://www.upload.ee/files/4577830/Pillars_of_Eternity.rar.html
  5. I will be modding Perception and Resolve in the IE mod post-release, and probably other talents and abilities as well.
  6. XP - needs tweaking Wizards don't have per encounter spells Crafting - meh Enchanting - I prefer BG2's way but being able to upgrade gear is fine Romances - couldn't give a hoot, if you can't do one properly then don't bother Memorization - Don't care Engagement - horrible, one of the worst decisions regarding combat Pick pocket - Don't care, you can do it through dialogue I think Pre-buffing - Not a great idea to remove it, pre-buffs just needed balancing Inventory - meh, but better than the first beta Health/Stamina - really needs tuning Healing spells - they're superbad at the moment, don't like Josh's philosophy about them Invisibility - they will come, as Invis was implemented late The biggest thing combat needs is counterspelling.
  7. Well I know that Divinity and Wasteland 2 are both undergoing large changes to core systems in patches, so there's no reason why PE cannot follow suit.
  8. Yeah well, I am not sure that +3 is enough either, even if you had Accuracy back in. They won't change them before release because of: So regarding any changes to this stuff, it will happen post-release with a large pool of feedback I suppose.
  9. Wrong. Accuracy is not like it used to be. The reason why it was so powerful in v364 onwards is because damage calculation was multiplicative and you were given +2 per point. This means that every crit multiplied *all* damage and the more damage multipliers you had, the more powerful the bonus damage from crits was. Thus it was essential to have - simply better than anything else really. Now, damage calculation is additive, and the best that accuracy can do is give you a bit more of a chance to get a +0.5 to your damage multipliers. Grazes are also less bad because now instead of being *0.5 to all damage, it's only -0.5 from your multipliers, so if you already have a damage multiplier of 1.97, it now only becomes 1.47, which is better than normal damage with no multipliers anyway, rather than being always worse. At +1 Accuracy per point, I honestly cannot say that I would always max Perception - because the bonuses from Might and Intellect are going to come in handy more often. I think it would create a very, very interesting choice between Might, Dexterity, Perception and Intellect for offensive characters. It would also give casters an actual reason to take the attribute (currently there is none). Regardless of what Obsidian do, I am going to mod it into the IE mod to try it out to see if I'm right.
  10. They are integer bonuses now. Personally I would prefer +1 Accuracy and +3-6 Interrupt, and +2 Deflection and +3-6 Concentration as I do not believe that Interrupt and Concentration are things worth investing in on their own, as they do nothing but deal with the interrupt system. Interrupts require two random rolls to occur (attack roll then interrupt roll), and is very reliant on accuracy to have an effect. Fast weapons have a short interrupt length now as well, so stacking interrupt on fast characters doesn't really do much.
  11. Just wanted to update this Obsidian definitely went through this thread, because many/most of the issues have been corrected, some of the things I reported were probably not bugs, or bugs with items that have been cut from the game. Regardless here is the list of items not fixed in v480 food (special dishes) - none of them give a dexterity bonus hat_backer_dandy_hat_of_the_diseased_yak - incorrect icon (is a helmet, when it should be a hat) hat_backer_munacra_arret - No 3D model and likely incorrect icon - don't think this backer would be happy if their item didn't have a 3D model hat_crested - bugs out orlan ears (havent checked female elf or male orlan) hat_liripipe_of_thinking - incorrect icon and 3D model hat_waages_hat_of_leadership - Likely an incorrect icon/3D model, has an equipping sound of chain mail helm_footpads_hood - incorrect icon helm_bleak_hood - incorrect icon, incorrect 3D model, no gold value and if it's supposed to do anything, it doesn't (like have a property). helm_cl_helm08_hood - incorrect icon helm_eothasian_crest - incorrect icon, no value helm_frog - has a hat sound effect, should have a plate sound effect or something helm_full - possibly incorrect icon helm_nasal - can see through Orlan heads helm_pl_helm06_animat - can see through Orlan heads helm_pl_helm10_conquistador - can see through Orlan heads helm_plumed - kinda covers the eyes of Male Dwarves helm_the_dunryd_demon - might not be a bug, but it's using the default helm icon/3d model helm_stag - the female model for this helm covers their eyes (all races), but it does not on males - some example included. padded_armor_fine and padded_armor_exceptional use the same model - incorrectly mapped model for exceptional maybe? All Unique Padded Armors also use the same model ... this is the only armor type that has this issue, could it be incorrectly mapped models or lack of unique models? padded_armor_02 - no color for females scale_armor_backer_hirbels_protective_skin - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_eder - incorrectly mapped models on females scale_armor_pikes_pride - incorrectly mapped model on males shield_medium_adra - incorrect deflection and -accuracy shield_medium_animat - incorrect deflection and -accuracy shield_medium_ilfan_byrngars_solace - no sound mapped to equip/unequip/pick up
  12. I think the delay between starting to chant again after an invocation is meant to be 2 seconds
  13. When I use the item, the game actually stops (in Bandicam it recorded a drop down to 17 FPS but the mouse and the game actually froze) It did not do this in the last version, even though it was bugged Is probably related to the VFX added to the item Expected Result: No microstutter/game pause - no FPS lag
  14. Health Bar is still untidy Voice Volume slider is way too loud, poor dynamic range There's still glare from lights in the 3D Model viewer
  15. I think that build variety is a strong point in the game but there are large drop offs of efficiency for weapons, and there's still a long way to go to get more mixed builds worth considering IMO.
  16. However it only happens on hair models, it seems. Is it possible to adjust the lights a little bit to either reduce or remove the hair bloom/glare ?
  17. I can't say whether this is a bug or not, because there are suppression rules for items. Because Mirror Image/Wizard's Double are considered abilities and so is Defender, I think that's the reason why they are suppressed. Maybe they should be different? I don't know.
  18. There's a bug where consumables use multiplicative multipliers instead of additive at the moment. I reported it.
  19. This happens frequently when interacting with buttons. I think 1/10 button clicks I make are not recognized by the game. I like the 'drag threshold' or whatever to be responsive because it's important for marquee select in game - hopefully there's a way of solving it or separating the functions or something.
  20. Just wanted to point out a few issues here that were claimed fixed but are not / were only partially fixed I believe the sword is either using an incorrect in game model, or the model just does not suit the ability. It should use the 3D model of a sword, and have the VFX of the Burning Lash effect. The bug report I submitted on this did not have anything to do with the description of the ability, it says +1.1 damage instead of being x1.1 damage - but really it should probably say +10% damage. Not quite fixed - still happens on hair models
  21. Expected Result: The voice slider should be waaay less loud, should behave similarly/the same as the other sliders. I'm also not sure whether the volume sliders are linear or logarithmic - I think Unity's sound sliders are linear by default but distance based sound is logarithmic - regardless you could always convert them http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/283192/how-to-convert-decibel-number-to-audio-source-volu.html http://www.playdotsound.com/portfolio-item/decibel-db-to-float-value-calculator-making-sense-of-linear-values-in-audio-tools/
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