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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. v480 Bugs / Issues Issue with new click sounds Issue: Moving items from Stash Crossbow & Arbalest reload animation glitches Interrupts cause unit super sliding across the ground Animation Stuttering issue in the Dyrford Background Sharpness Filter bug Ranged weapon switching abuse Weird darker text on some interactables Fine Pike texture issue in inventory screen Reputation Loss should probably not be green text AI Targeting issue with ranged enemies with shorter ranged attacks 3D Doors have no collision Minor issue with Wary Defender Ability Description Issue with spawn location in Stormwall Gorge when travelling from Dyrford Blurry Environment Art in Winfrith's Shop and Hendyna's house Hotkey bar should be on the main ability bar Vertical Sync bug Character Shadows jitter when you pan the camera Issues with VO streaming Persistent Hazards (e.g. Tanglefoot) persist through rest Female Aumaua Head 2 accidentally overwritten? Hit reactions and VO playing on non-damaging spells Issue with combat log auto-resize Flanked UI art briefly shows under units playing ambient dialogue Knock Down combat log issue Seldom Environmental SFX locational issues Wild Orlan facial hair bug v480 Pathfinding Report Flanked UI flickers under units when their selection circle first becomes visible Area Map and World Map UI are inconsistent Sounds anchored to units do not anchor to unit position, just unit starting position Dyrford Crossing Navmesh/3D Water/VFX issue No padding on the right side of UI tooltips Bugs with Flanked UI art Selection / String bug with Sound Menu Wood Beetle Spit VFX is pixelated Invisible Medreth - buggy Escape ability Bug with Modal VFX that attaches itself to units hands Minor issue with Description scrolling Talisman of the Unconquerable Incorrect Focus Mult Issues/Bug with Submenus of Action Bar Inconsistent VO playback Wrong sword model used for Druid spell Firebrand Can deleting characters be made easier? Bug with Modified Asset Bundle Behaviour Regressed Issue - *horrible* downscaling/blurring of HUD portrait in 720p Art bug with portrait in inventory Compressed Inventory image for model viewer background AI Targeting/Pathfinding issue that causes idle melee units in combat Female Orlans and cast VFX bugs Marquee select does not appear instantly Trollhide belt active effect issue
  2. Here is my updated bug report list for v480. The fix rate based on my bug list along seems to be around the same or maybe a bit slower than v435. The posts below this one will contain my new bug reports from v480. See you at the finish line. NOT FIXED Save / Load / Persistence Unit selection not remembered on save/load Camera position not remembered on save/load AI Bugs [Party AI] AI bug when Targeting a character via their portrait [NPC AI] Issue: NPC Behaviour when you initiate dialogue with them [NPC AI] Neutral NPCs go into recovery if you attack them Animation Unit Facing Issue Interrupts do not stop movement and cause characters to slide Queued movement commands (AI and player) cause run animation glitches Run animation glitches investigation #2 Audio Voice Sets in Character Creation can't be interrupted Hendyna's VO plays from right channel only Possible Options Menu Sound Bug Character Art Clipping Bugs with "leather_armor" female version Cape/Cloak Texture/Color bugs with different characters UI Bugs [Area Map] Incorrect Area Map image showing after ALT-TAB [Area Map] Edge of Area Map in Stormwall Gorge not obscured by Fog of War [Character Creation] Character Hair changing unnecessarily when you press next after gender selection [Character Creation] UI elements overlap fade to black when exiting Character Creation/Level Up Screens [Character Record] Character Record Button Highlights not reset on close [Character Record] Highest recorded damage does not match actual damage values [Combat Log] Loading Tip Entries need a new line between them in the log [Combat Log] Stone and Adra Beetle DR Bypass not displayed in combat log [Combat Log] Combat log does not display enough lines [Cyclopedia] Cyclopedia UI bugs [Grimoire] Portrait Circle in Grimoire, back arrow clips out of the UI [inventory] Minor Accuracy Display bug with new changes to wielding (also shows unarmed damage too) [inventory] Inventory Weapon Set and Quick Item Bug [item/Spell/Ability Descriptions] Chant Descriptions aren't modified by Attributes properly [Main HUD] Afflictions overlap portraits and class resource display [Main HUD] Slow and Double Speed Button selection area too wide [Main HUD] Status icons get "pressed in" when portrait is selected [Text] Scrolling & Text stretching bug [uI/UX] Selection issue with overhead ability icons [uI/UX] Marquee select is inaccurate [uI/UX] Visual Bug with Engagement Arrows [uI/UX] Minor Transition Icon Bug UI Issues [Area Map] Area Map Close Button is Dark [Character Record] Friendly buff hits counting as hits on the character personal record [Crafting / Enchanting] Issue: Poor Audio / Visual Feedback when Crafting & Enchanting [Dialogue] Current Dialogue Node not removed from list when on current node [Dialogue] Can't reset dialogue window size [Hotkeys] Can't bind a hotkey to weapon sets [Grimoire] Removing a spell from a Grimoire slot changes spell level view [Grimoire] Could Wizards and Chanters "share" the Grimoire UI ? [inventory] Default Split Item Amount Uses Stack Total rather than 1 [inventory] Minor issues with color picker - This issue was incorrectly addressed - sound was added to the wrong thing, and the picker still flickers [inventory] Is it possible to get a "Consume" button in the item description for food items? [item Descriptions] Inconsistency with Opening Item Descriptions [Main Menu] Game difficulty resets when you exit the game [uI/UX] Issue with selection when currently selected character goes down [uI/UX] Accept into Adventurer Creator should have a fade to black [uI/UX] UX Issue with order of abilities on the action bar [uI/UX] TAB Functions not uniform across UI screens [uI/UX] UI Clicks are counted as a click for double click camera moves [uI/UX] Mouse scroll speed is tied to the frame rate Graphics & Art Issues / Bugs [2D Art] Save/Load Wood Texture [2D Art] Two Minor UI Art Issues [2D Art] Tiled Border Pattern overlap in Main Menu [Environment Art] Ogre Cave needs adjusted lighting and Ambient Maps [Environment Art] 2D Art Bug - Dyrford Village [Environment Art] Another Dyrford Crossing Navmesh Issue [Graphics] VFX for Penetrating Shot attaching itself to the base of the unit [Graphics] Companion portraits have been compressed [Graphics] TAB/Object highlight not highlighting loot piles through geometry [Graphics] Unit fading into the fog of war doesn't look great [Graphics] Character models could be better positioned inside the selection circle [Graphics] Character periodical run animation hitch (I'm not crazy right?) [Graphics] v435 Fog of War Issues [Graphics] Characters disappear at the top of areas [Graphics] Bad framerate during rest movies [Graphics] You can see wurms dying at level load in the Dyrford Crossing [VFX] Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar overbearing VFX [VFX] Severe FPS lag from Summon Skeleton VFX Design / Gameplay / Mechanics Issues Traps are slow to actually attack/hit the units that trigger them Base Damage Calculation Issue You can target yourself with special attacks Hunting Bow and Implement base damage inconsistency Crossbow and Pistol balance Poorly explained mechanics in the Cyclopedia Background skill bonus inconsistencies Two Handed Style - +1.1 or x1.1 ? Adra Beetle Shocking Blast Friendly Fire Calculation for Extra Potion Duration is Multiplicative, not Additive Interrupts occuring on Lion Frightening Roar Bonus Damage Strings should be changed from x to + Minor Item Description issues Loading Tip ID 67 has a spelling mistake Cone and Ray spell interaction Issue with Spell-casting/Ability-use, interrupts and engagement Interrupts occur on killing blows Creature Collision/Selection Circle Sizes [Gameplay] Fog of War and Dialogue issues PARTIALLY FIXED [AI] Auto-attack - when it should and should not occur - toggle implemented, needs rigorous testing [Animation] Buggy Arbalest Reload Animation - still a bit glitchy [Animation] Please Improve the Gib Animation - it has been edited since I posted this thread, but still could be less extreme [Animation] Droid Army - I think they made it less noticeable, although movements are still synced [Combat Log] Iconic Projection has wonky combat log entries - improved but still not perfect, part of a larger issue with similar abilities [Enchanting] Some more minor Enchantment Display Bugs - first issue fixed, second one persists [Gameplay] Knock Down bugs - animation still acts oddly with interrupts on creatures [Gameplay] Loot list / container issues - loot still wonky and seed implementation is poor [Gameplay] Into the Fray minor bug - bug fixed but the ability still sucks [Gameplay] Interrupts occur on non-damaging spells - Fixed for some spells/abilities, but not all [Graphics] Occlusion not working properly - still could be improved, such as colored units through geometry and better solution for trees etc [Graphics] Poor Quality Loading Screen Images - the DTX5 compressed images still look bad, please use lossless images [Graphics] Lighting, Post-Processing and Shader issues in the 3D Model Viewers - mostly fixed, found new issues [inventory] Equip/Unequip items in the inventory causes microstutter and weapon set flickering - flickering fixed but not the microstutter [Main HUD] Mouseover interaction issue with action bar icons with submenus - submenus persist if you open them, unless you change chars :/ [uI/UX] Selecting a self-targeting ability does not cancel attack/special attack cursor - doesn't appear to have been addressed but actions appear to be queuing instead of overriding [uI/UX] Interrupt and Concentration need to be shown on the stat sheet - Interrupt now shows on spell/item tooltips, but Concentration is not shown/explained [uI Scaling] Really bad UI / Font scaling since v333 - NGUI sucks, move to Unity 4.6 UI in the future pls [Various] Assorted v364 Bugs and Issues - many of the issues fixed [VFX] Severe FPS lag from Armor of Faith VFX, over the top after FX - FPS lag fixed, horrible after FX not removed [Character Art] v435 Character Art Clipping Issues - most of the issues fixed NOT SURE Quest Issues by Rivmusique BB Wizard Implement attacks launch from PC's body Dudes that attack Aloth in Gilded Vale don't drop clothing or weapons Bug with Enemy AI & Holy Radiance - haven't seen it so far, as Priests aren't using it in this patch Sound bug when moving items in the inventory FIXED IN v480 (68+ bug reports containing at least one bug) NOT YET CHECKED (Haven't gotten around to it yet - a moderator will edit them into the correct category as I go through them) Crystal Eater spider walk animation - second front leg clips through floor Phantom Foes - FPS lag, and over the top VFX after effect Rime and Frost Followed the Footfalls of Karth - No Effect? Every Item bug I can find in v435 Combusting Wounds VFX and damage linger Minor Sound Design issues with areas with creatures Ancient Memory (and other friendly spells that 'hit') play hit SFX when they shouldn't qualify for it Engagements can proc from a distance and creatures can still engage when moving sometimes You can pull the bears away from Korgrak Wall of Flame spell/trap is not correctly damaging units Issues with Nridek/Vithrack Psychic Blast Painful Interdiction combat log lines and interdiction interrupting again Bug with Dominate Affliction and Engagement Three minor Lle A Rhemen issues - 1/3 issues fixed
  3. Expected Result: Should show as soon as you begin to make any sort of square with left-click + hold and drag
  4. CBF recording more on the topic but I assume it's stuffed for all classes that have spells with cast VFX
  5. It's not a mechanic. Medreth just stops because the target is 'unreachable'. The IE games had random small delays between movement commands, so it often looked like some enemies would stop momentarily
  6. Hey Roguelike, can you do some jostling around with different numbers? e.g. if you increase bow damage a few points, how does that affect the graph ... stuff like that
  7. I assume that a lot of bugs in things that have multiple people working on something (in general, applicable to anything) are simply caused by miscommunication or lack of communication.
  8. There are a few more spells with this issue - e.g., Wood Beetle Spit, which I reported already
  9. In this video, I use some of my characters to create a huddle of characters behind a tree, so that it forces enemies to spread out around my party and blocks a fair amount of the pathfinding space available for combat. The first enemies to arrive change targets from their initial target when they get into melee range and take up the immediate pathing space around the target that the melee units that had not arrived yet were targeting. For some reason, even though there is available pathing space to attack that unit, Medreth stops and becomes idle. To get him to start acting again I have to move one of my characters, which frees up some pathing space for him to be able to use his Escape ability to jump behind the party. Had I not moved, Medreth would have stood there doing nothing. There are at least three problems I can see here: 1) Melee units are not searching for a new target until they get within a very short range of melee targets, they will continue to target the unit that first attacked until they get within melee range of another unit. This could be attributing to the problem, and they should have a longer range for when they start looking for a new target / slightly changed conditions that makes them search for a new target. 2) Units can't detect all of the available pathing space around a unit, if a certain amount of the immediate space around the unit between the unit they are targeting and their position is blocked. Not sure why. When the above occurs, there is nothing that tells that melee unit to look for a new target, most likely because of 1) - they are not in melee range to be able to qualify for target re-acquisition. So far I've been able to produce this issue with humanoid encounters and beetles
  10. Nothing in the game is accurately described xD
  11. I promised at least 100 bug reports this patch, over half way now. Got through most of the easy/minor ones that I found on the first day, now starting to get into the ones that require a bit more effort. After I'm through these I'll do my character art / item pass, and then go look for more.
  12. Expected Result: special cursor should return to normal and/or cursor should disappear or something
  13. FTR I'm referring to the 2D image backing behind the character, not the inventory screen itself.
  14. Since we have to look at this screen a fair bit in the game, is there any chance that you can remove the DXT5 compression from this image because it doesn't look very nice, and is really noticeable.
  15. Probably just need to add some guidelines for right-sided portrait design and move the animal companion icon down/right a bit more
  16. Feel free to bump and or add to my bug report here: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70820-poorly-explained-mechanics-in-the-cyclopedia/
  17. The portrait does not match the 'housing' for the portrait, with the triangles coming in from the corners and the top decoration, looks bad with the portrait overlapping those elements. I would suggest updating the art at some stage so it correctly "houses" the portrait.
  18. I reported this issue a while ago, back in v333 It was fixed at some point between then, but it has regressed again
  19. Also there is a lot of stuff that is running every single frame, they have too many update() methods - hopefully they eventually refactor some of that.
  20. The game has an override folder, but I'm not sure how it should be used. Based on what we can find, it looks like placing a modified recipe.unity3d in it might work. In any case, currently it doesn't work like an override folder should because placing modified asset bunldes in it, inside any subfolder structure, doesn't work. How is it supposed to work? What functionality is it supposed to have? etc
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