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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I agree. At this late stage of development I am very concerned about the performance of this game. I get poor to average frame rates when any units are seen on the screen at all and delay / FPS drops when interacting with several UI elements - and i fear for people with worse computers than me.
  2. This is actually worse than how it used to be IMO. Expected Result: should be ONE LINE in the combat log, not two
  3. Seems to happen to every new UI element haha Expected Result: obviously to not happen
  4. For the record, the IE mod allows you to save your default log size, so it will always resize to that. You could whack it as a console command or something - savelogsize / resetlogsize
  5. I think the high accuracy of bears might be a mistake, but I'm not sure.
  6. Expected Result: these should not play on these types of spells because they do not have a damage component.
  7. Yeah I've posted a few suggestions about them in the bug forums.
  8. Expected Result: I think one of the heads was accidentally replaced by a newer (or older?) version of Head 1. Personally I prefer head 1 to head 2 tbh as well, if I had to choose between them.
  9. The Boar Companion in Medreth's group goes down after one Arcane Assault and Iconic Projection every time, which I think is like ~40-50 damage, if that.
  10. Based on my testing so far, units now properly detect the first shortest path between other units, which means that out of combat pathfinding is now very good. However, I believe that the unit noclip is a drastic overcompensation and is only going to cause issues with the gameplay, on top of being immersion breaking and not looking good. I think the collision size for units should be increased back to selection circle size, or perhaps a tiny bit smaller. The more units can overlap their selection circles, the more you can abuse the engagement system as well (as it's the overlapping of unit engagement radii that allows the abuse to occur). Now for the issues with the clipping The hard clipping occurs when you issue a new movement command to a unit that is already moving and is basically next to the selection circle of another unit. If the pathing vector crosses that unit, they will just walk straight through them, as that probably 'qualifies' for there not being enough space or something. I'm not sure why it occurs, but that's when it occurs anyway. Obviously I have not played all maps, but from what I've seen (I can see the small version of EVERY map in the game files) that Area Design mostly compensates for pathing issues in tight spaces by keeping corridors and areas open for the vast majority of areas - save the very early developed Vertical Slice areas such as the Dyford Crossing and Ruins. Stormwall Gorge and Lle A Rhemen are fair examples of this. There are some pathing issues in combat, but I believe they are caused by AI, not by the pathing system itself. So based on my findings I would like to see the followingNo breaking of unit collision rules selection circle size or slightly smaller than selection circle size collision ------ There's also probably some genius that is going to think of the solution of "what if we simply teleport the units to the closest avaliable space when combat begins", and that (retarded) solution will be rife for abuse as well, because you will be able to set up a stack of units to abuse the teleport and probably get free disengagement attacks because the enemy units will have all issued move commands, and your newly teleported unit with their snappy engagement will get the same engagement attacks that a burrowing Stone Beetle gets against nearby moving targets that have to move to strike it. Noclip seems like a solution for a poor pathing system, but the new changes are good - and noclip is really unnecessary - out of combat pathing should be pretty good now.
  11. I agree, but moreso because x1.2 damage is not correct anymore, it is actually +20% base damage.
  12. And this is way more convenient/important.
  13. The teleporting enemies bug has been present in the game since the first beta. I haven't seen it personally for a few builds but I saw it on the PAX East stream, and other people say they've seen it too. I believe it happens because of pausing/unpausing or something and maybe the AI path to you being blocked.
  14. The game doesn't have facing mechanics, it's probably just flanked = engaged by 2 enemies.
  15. Not everyone LARPs when they play, and if all games were made for 'the average gamer' - they would be terrible.
  16. I don't think all of those values are accurate, fairly close though.
  17. Well what are the druids gonna do without kickass spells Sensuki? Spirit Shift? Pffft. I think per-day spells should pack a punch, but some of the Druid spells do a bit too much, and most Wizard damage spells are for some reason deliberately being kept underpowered.
  18. I find it funny that they keep a tight lid on the Wizard and have nerfed several Cipher and Chanter damage spells but the Druid spell list continues to be ridiculously OP.
  19. This is how it should work - multiple tracks should be able to play at once
  20. I reported several VO issues in v435, and was thinking that when the game was delayed due to issues with VO streaming, I thought maybe these issues would have been addressed, however they have not. Past reports http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70248-435-voice-sets-in-character-creation-cant-be-interrupted/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70320-435-hendynas-vo-plays-from-right-channel-only/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70477-435-possible-options-menu-sound-bug/ I am hereby re-reporting these issues Expected Result: When I click on a new voice set when a VO track is currently playing, the currently playing track should stop and the voice set I selected should begin to play. Two VO sounds cannot be playing at the same time, no matter what it appears - this is not how it worked in the Infinity Engine games.
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