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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. This is an AI and/or encounter/map design problem, and I do not believe in systems to compensate for rudimentary AI, or poor encounter design. It's not designed to add choice/consequence for moving - Adam Brennecke specifically stated that they did it to try and prevent kiting, which the implementation objectively fails at - as did paused recovery. There is no way around it. I want it to play more like the Infinity Engine games - not Warcraft, DotA or LoL. That's not very hard to understand, and I think it's a VERY valid opinion to have on a game slated as an Infinity Engine style game.
  2. The idea that you need a system to punish mobile characters is a complete sham. When making mobile characters you are making decisions/sacrifices based on your advancement and attribute choices. Movement also costs time/actions. Some people forget that. This is a real time game and time costs are worth something. There is no reason at all to make the time cost even worse. Building for mobility is a choice, movement in combat is a choice. I dunno what other games you play, but I suppose if you come from turn-based & D&D 3+ then I could see why you have that opinion. This is neither.
  3. Well, I have. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/71271-slowed-recovery-while-moving-no-thanks/page-10?do=findComment&comment=1588262 I've tested this in other patches. Fog of War became broken in v435. It hurts mobile characters in legitimate gameplay. I will make videos.
  4. I will also make some videos demonstrating how this hurts mobile characters. Mobile characters with no recovery slow are really fun to play - I'll make a cool video with a high Intellect Barbarian and Wild Sprint
  5. Kaz said that they intend to use it (for testing at least), and it is open-source - so yep, wouldn't be surprised. The Object Browser Bester made is bloody awesome as well, and would be really handy for them too - but they'd want to improve it/fix the functionality. Would be nice if they did that that they complied with the CC-BY-SA for that particular code though.
  6. Kiting - with Engagement and recovery slow. The AI is a bit bugged with the Fog of War, but that guy is never going to catch me to get a hit off (and I wasn't using good weapons either). Got a few more to record, will be up over the next half-day or so.
  7. Probably, yep. Hopefully they fixed pressing buttons too.
  8. Doesn't matter. If the kiter is faster than you, they're going to be able to kite you no matter what. Paused recovery did actually kind of address this but it made the rest of the legit movement gameplay simply terrible. Slowed recovery doesn't address it - I'll show you in my video. 30 mins ETA on the first one, and I'll make quite a few more. Unfortunately this will eat into my bug hunting time, but I feel very passionately about this.
  9. Will take me most of the afternoon to upload these videos, but I'll provide a few good demonstrations as to what effect it has on different characters if possible. It does nothing to prevent kiting either. I think they *assumed* it might help prevent kiting without actually testing it ?
  10. Okay I just recorded a video with repeated kiting of a melee character with ranged characters - the movement recovery slow and ranged recovery slow doesn't do a thing, and what's more - the Fog of War abuse is still in the game lol. Uploading in a sec, will take a while though as it's like 300MB on 1Mbit upload. More coming.
  11. BB Priest fell into the counter, probably not a huge deal in the long run but it would be nice if she was rotated to fall within the boundaries of the Navmesh. Her loot pile was IN the counter, as well.
  12. In this image you can see that the sort order for the death line and removed from party are backwards, should be "killed" and then "removed from party"
  13. Still not a fan of those highlight things inside the portrait
  14. I have a version with this mechanic removed. I will demonstrate the difference between PE v480 Default and the Modded version in a few various scenarios. Give me a couple hours.
  15. I don't believe it does though, I'll make a few video examples. You are right though, it has been in since v333.
  16. He's listening to Roguelike though And as far as I'm concerned - that's a good thing.
  17. Yeah I think that's fair, an extra attribute point might be a good idea. Maybe one that scales with level so it keeps up with the helmet bonus. Like with their favored attributes, they could get an additional +1 to them every 5 levels or something.
  18. "Acknowledged as an issue" is more what I meant. They may think it's fine.
  19. The IE mod has a disable for it. This topic is about slowed recovery
  20. Nah it's just you get attacked if you move while you're engaged. They apparently fixed the bug with it that I've been demonstrating though.
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