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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't think so. I love my roving Fighter with 3 Knockdowns per encounter. The movement between attacks makes him wearing armor and using a 2Her (slow recovery) kinda not great, almost the equivalent of a wasted action just from the recovery penalty. Still a good build, but it penalizes the moving style, and it promotes setting it up so that you get aggro'd and knock down three guys really close to you. The stupid thing is it was added to try and make kiting difficult hahah, oh dear.
  2. Removing Recovery time slow while moving will now be included as an optional component in the IE mod, along with quicksave before area transition, rather than after. This will make Shot on the Run useless, but I'll modify the talent post-release.
  3. Then why did you call a question about asking if assets are going to be externalized opinionated and barely coherent? Bester included all of the relevant info. Right at the end it was Arvan Eleron who got what he said wrong and said "in unity", instead of unity3d files.
  4. Osvir, I am not talking about breaking engagement - you can play around the engagement system. You can set it up so that your strikers do not get engaged, you just sit them back a bit at the start so the enemies target your tank, and have them come in after. Why? That slows my recovery. I am best moving next to a target, using Barbaric Yell and then not moving. Dude - you debuff enemies when you want to attack them. If you are applying a debuff that reduces a defense that you can hit, you want to be wailing on that enemy while they are debuffed - not moving about. Like I said - this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Did you read what I said earlier in the thread about Wild Sprint? If you're in recovery and you want to use Wild Sprint, you're better off just not using it if it's a short distance because you'll already be at your destination before the recovery ticks down. If you're a dual wielder, you're better off standing still until Wild Sprint goes off so that you don't suffer from the retarded movement recovery slow - that is degenerate gameplay - the very thing that this game is trying to avoid. I am NOT talking about being engaged. You don't want to move if you're engaged unless something outweighs the cost of the disengagement attacks - such as being in the persistent AoE of Wall of Flame, or Ninagauth's Freezing Pillar.
  5. Do you even know which other question I was talking about? Because I don't think you do, nice attempt at being edgy though.
  6. I would wager that Perception, Intellect and Resolve are used more in dialogue and Might, Dexterity and Constitution are used more in Scripted Interactions.
  7. There's a chant icon above the Chant UI for some reason (I don't think it should be there, there's no reason for it) - it might be to display the chants themselves, but that is redundant information as you can see them in the Chant UI itself, and the Chant menu - it's just taking up needless screen space. The Chant UI is overlapped by weapon sets and invocations, it would be better if it moved dynamically depending on whether you had a weapon set/invocation open or not Semi-related - submenus never close (reported it previously, but I'll mention it again)
  8. So what? I don't think the examples you are using are valid to the discussion. You're trying to argue that using status effects on enemies helps offset the movement penalty, when it doesn't. If you inflict someone with prone, or stunned - the value of that disable is the same no matter whether recovery time exists, or if it doesn't. You don't need to knock people down to move around either, you just use positioning. None of my characters are ever engaged by enemies that I don't want them to be, unless there are simply too many numbers. You can define which of your characters are targeted by enemies by using positioning, all the engagement system does is allow you to override those mistakes a little bit in a different way that you were able to correct them in the Infinity Engine games. If I want to make a roving Barbarian who circles the fight and applies carnage hits on different targets - optimally moving in between attacks, that concept is penalized for including movement in the equation. You are better off standing in the same spot until you kill an enemy and only moving when you have to (to move to a different target after you've already killed one) - and that's boring.
  9. This is not turn-based. Prone IS SUPER VALUABLE on it's own and when you knock something prone IN THIS GAME - you do not want to be moving around, you want to be POUNDING THE CRAP OUT OF THE PRONE GUY for the duration of his prone because he has a Deflection penalty and can't fight back. If you knock out a Crystal Eater spider, or Korgrak, or an Adra Beetle - HOLY CRAP DUDE KILL THEM NOW ASAP. That is the value of disables like that. It has nothing to do with slowing recovery time. There are instances I would say where it would be fair to knock someone prone and then focus on someone else, but knocking someone prone and taking them out is usually the best way to play. Characters that attack fast (dual wielders) lose actions when they move anyway. The slow hitting guys can move around if they're not engaged, but they can't do much because they've got to wait for their recovery to tick down - which is enough of a penalty as it is, and you want to keep a penalty that makes it a bad idea to play like that? The movement recovery penalty is a percentage, it's not a super big penalty for fast attackers but it bloody hurts if you're in armor and using a 2H weapon, it makes it really suboptimal to build a mobile character that uses those items.
  10. Yeah man (Bester did), do you want the modified assembly ?
  11. How is this related to you being slowed when moving? What you just said is exactly the same if movement was or was not slowed, and you will note that Adam said they did it just to prevent kiting - and it fails at that.
  12. Not relevant to slowing recovery time though.
  13. The AI shouldn't run back like that in the Fog of War IMO because it breaks the combat state and you can just keep spamming per-encounters.
  14. I just meant that you don't have to go back outside as it saved before the transition.
  15. Someone I know asked two questions that I was interested in and both of them were deflected/dismissed.
  16. You mean a 20% chance to occur on a Graze (35% chance to occur) = 7% chance to occur. Yep. For the record, that's being bumped to 30% in the release version, and I think Josh is looking at 1H style again.
  17. If you want to prevent kiting, you don't need Engagement or Recovery slow, you just have units slow down after period of time running in combat. That's how it's done in Total War. It's also how sprint features are handled in games like Call of Duty, you can only sprint for a certain amount of time before the sprint runs out and then it needs time to recharge before you can do it again. That's a much better way to solve kiting than silly systems like this. Personally I don't really care about it at all because I don't intend to kite, simply because it's not fun. I do care about things implemented to prevent kiting that make the standard gameplay feel worse though.
  18. I liked auto-saves before area load because in the Infinity Engine games a party wipe sometimes meant that you had to back-track anyway to get the right tools for the job (or in Kangaxx case - come back later yo), and I think saving before transition was good for this. Also in many levels in the BGs and IWDs, enemies were there right inside the door or whatever.
  19. I'm not a massive fan of the hotkey bar being above the action bar, even though it's the best spot because you can theoretically have lots of keys. I have a good memory and can remember what keys I mapped to what spells, and you can view what spells are mapped to what keys in the spell view. I would request that you allow the hotkey bar to be toggleable or something, so that I can have hotkeys but not a massive hotkey bar polluting my screen view.
  20. I can send you a modified assembly if you want to see the difference ?
  21. I think 1H single style with no shield is the worst weapon style in the game currently.
  22. We may do that. Why does it occur after level load though?
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