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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Actually that's not true (regarding people being frustrated about restrictive use) - people get upset about restrictive use of lots of different stuff that different content creators make, not just with artists. Personally I think Bester has quite a valid point, regardless of the manner in which he chose to deliver it. We would not be arguing about this if a version without watermarks was posted for people to use. No one is saying that she should not watermark her work, that's fine, but in game people will want to use a non-watermarked version, which she did not want to provide. Sure, that's her right, but I think it's fair for people to be upset about that, as she posted them here to show off her work, rather than to share it. Bester is also a 'content creator' and has worked on the IE mod. He has provided it fully functional as he would use it, for people to use and modify as they would like. Personally I can understand his opposition in this instance. Programming is also hard work. The IE mod has been in development for many months now. A lot longer than it would have taken to draw these portraits (FTR I think they are great portraits).
  2. Basically the Day 1 patch exists because developers can now work on the game after it goes gold, and that's not a bad thing.
  3. It may not come as a surprise, but I'm friends with Bester and I appreciate his honest approach to things, I also prefer Creative Commons.
  4. Well technically since she drew races that Obsidian created, they would be classed as derivative works, no? I'm not a fan of this type of discussion at all, but I'm with Bester and Luckmann on this one.
  5. You will want to download the Day 1 patch (well, it should automatically download. From what we've been told it will contain more portraits, icons, features and bug fixes among other things.
  6. Was that anvil in the item description part of the new enchantment UI ?
  7. Casting FPS games is really good fun. I hate CS:GO (CS 1.6 is better), but whatever I guess. I prefer casters that can really read the gameplay. Tobi's more of a different style caster than that - lots of people prefer the more 'exciting' style though.
  8. I used to cast CoD2 and CoD4 with TobiWan actually, and I've met him in person. He also briefly played in my muck around CoD4 and HoN team (SRS BSNS) in 2009. He was really noob at CoD xD (and DotA). Personally I don't like his casting style (It's not his fault though because at the time - most of the Australian casters were imitating the "MomoWang" style of casting - TobiWan and Arseynimz both did), but he's improved his knowledge of stuff and I guess he's the guy you want around when there's a big team fight or something. I don't know if any of our casts are still available online anymore, they were from 2008-2009. Hey I found something - Tobi casting me in Black Ops I love it when he does the vent cross haha, we heard him joining the channel and just started abusing eachother for a bit of drama.
  9. No, I won't be skipping anything. I have arguably the best knowledge of the mechanics out of the backers, and I want to share that knowledge with everyone so that they understand the mechanics in the game. I think you'll be happy with my formatting though.
  10. FYI, I think the embargo ends soon? I thought it was midnight my time but it's not. So my videos will not be up immediately, I'm still writing the script for the introduction which should be available within the next 8-12 hours or so (at worst). I'll be uploading new parts as I go, might end up being 2-3 videos long, all chaptered.
  11. Yeah, that's what I mean. The watermark seems a bit pointless because people will just cut the portrait down.
  12. The only word I have to reply to that is "rofl [#]". In all seriousness though this is a lie, because even with the No Engagement mod, positioning still matters just as much, you're just not punished by the game systems (rather than by the encounter itself) for changing it.
  13. Take one guess, and you might find the answer! Looks obvious to me.
  14. I think that was me (either that or I posted in the thread about it). /Sawyerism
  15. It might be something they can tune after release.
  16. I have the RPGCodex press copy, yes. I will be doing some beginner guides on monday as well, probably a bit after the embargo is lifted. They will be spoiler free. Can't say any more than that.
  17. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70923-area-looting-confirmed/
  18. I guess we'll soon find out if that decision was worth it or not.
  19. Not sure I can comment on it, but truth be told I haven't really looked too hard at it.
  20. It really depends if they read it/understood it or not, doesn't it ?
  21. Someday I'll have to boot up my server with it's CRT monitor and give it a go
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