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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't monetize my youtube. I have a transcript of my video if you would like it. I might post the transcript in spoilers for the next one, but I'll be doing in game demonstrations so it might be redundant.
  2. No, I'll spare you for now, but I will warn others of your treachery.
  3. It's all your fault Tamerlane - you were the one who requested punishing movement in combat.
  4. mfw when NCarver plays with IE mod and gets in trouble! "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ONE OF US!"
  5. Yeah I drop CON below 10 on ranged. Others also drop RES or PER as well. I've seen people dump DEX on tanks. Haha, I think I really need to explain interrupt in a video but basically it works like this. Interrupts can only occur on grazes, hits or crits. When you roll one of these attack resolutions, you also roll to interrupt. Interrupt is a random roll of d100 + your Interrupt - enemy Concentration. Your roll is also reduced by 50 on a graze or increased by 50 on a crit. What this means is that the effectiveness of Interrupt is tied to your accuracy score, if you are not accurate then your Interrupt is going to be bad and you're not going to get many interrupts. Concentration indirectly benefits from having high defenses, because high defenses can 'reduce' the interrupt roll (e.g., when they graze you on a good attack roll because your Deflection is high). Interrupts then 'mini-stun' that character for the length of time designated on the attack (usually 0.5 seconds). If a character suffers from two interrupts close together, then if the interrupt length of the second attack is longer than the current amount of time left on their interrupt recovery then it overrides the current interrupt. E.g., If you've been hit by an 0.5 sec interrupt and have 0.17 sec left on it, a new 0.35 sec interrupt will push your interrupt recovery to 0.35 rather than simply adding on top of it. Blunderbusses have an interrupt of 0.05 sec (Weakest), Light weapons have 0.35 sec, normal weapons 0.5 sec, 2H weapons 0.75 sec and Morningstars have a 1 second interrupt.
  6. Nah that's actually Mechanics. I thought it was Perception too, but the BB Rogue has high Mechanics and Perception so it can be confusing, and cheers.
  7. If you use Blinding Strike on a Blunderbuss it will apply the blinding effect each time, and keep the highest duration. Haven't tested Deep Wounds I don't think, but I assume the duration just gets reset like Blinding Strike. And yeah if your primary attack misses, secondary attack does too. Blunderbuss has 8 projectiles though, I've never missed all of them (yet).
  8. As far as I know the only semi-illusion related spells are Wizard spells, although the Cipher has one spell called Phantom Foes I guess. I'm most familiar with AD&D 2E and 3E. Played and DM'd 4E once each, and never played 3.5 or Pathfinder.
  9. You could get away with it if you also took Shadowing Beyond, and maybe Coordinated Positioning. Get close with Stealth, fire a shot, use Coordinated Positioning to swap positions with the Fighter, go invisible, go close and shoot them again. Many lulz were had etc (providing you don't get disabled after you first fire).
  10. Athelas from the RPGCodex said they both stacked. Savage Attack only reduces your Accuracy by 5, I'm pretty sure. If it was 15, no one would pick it.
  11. Yep, you might be right. You could grab Weapon Focus to offset that as well.
  12. Why, like this of course. As far as I'm concerned there's no other way to name your character.
  13. Personally I prefer Vulnerable Attack instead as since they removed accuracy from Attributes you need every point of Accuracy you can get. It's still a good talent and it also stacks with Vulnerable Attack I think, but I prefer Vulnerable Attack. Vulnerable Attack and Two Weapon Fighting is my favourite melee combo because the Two Weapon Fighting speed increase completely offsets the speed penalty from Vulnerable Attack.
  14. It might, yep. Although that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
  15. Priests all have Deity-specific talents that give them an accuracy bonus with two different weapons, which effectively gives them the same Accuracy as a Fighter (I think, unless they changed it). I think the Priest of Skaen with dual stilettos is pretty fun. I'd just roll with an Intellect, Might and Dexterity build if you're being offensive. I wish they kept Accuracy on Perception because then it would have been a more difficult choice. Maybe they will bring it back.
  16. Carnage is the main reason you would want to take Intellect on a Barbarian yes, but it's only good if you use it correctly (e.g., try and hit a target in the middle of a group so it hits all of them). They have lots of other abilities that benefit from it as well - Frenzy, Barbaric Yell, Bloodlust, Barbaric Blow, Threatening Presence and Barbaric Shout. Blinding Strike, Crippling Strike, Withering Strike, Shadowing Beyond and Fearsmome Strike. Blinding Strike and Crippling Strike are per-encounter so you will benefit every encounter. Deep Wounds I think is currently a bit underpowered (it used to be overpowered) and it's not affected by Intellect. Neither is Savage Defiance - Might influences both of them. Bloody Slaughter is currently OP as hell, but in the full game it will work correctly, and make you really good against low endurance characters only (instead of everyone). You raped her, you murdered her, you killed her children. Yes, an Oberyn Style Fighter is very good. I would recommend my favourite High Intellect build for that - pick Knock Down, Bonus Knock Down and Disciplined Barrage and go to town.
  17. Intellect is good on the Rogue if you pick their active abilities such as Blinding Strike, Crippling Strike, Withering Strike and so on and so forth. High Perception and Resolve on a Cipher is a little bit redundant, because they're a squishy class and PER and RES are tanking abilities, but at least you'll be a little bit harder to hit when you get attacked. It should still be quite playable on normal.
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