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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't think the Day 1 patch is out yet.
  2. Yeah, just bad luck. As I explained, one of the unfortunate things about Spiritshift is it doesn't have good accuracy. I also don't think the forms are balanced very well - for instance if I had been a Bear then I would have had 10 DR and 5 Melee DR bypass. So I think lesson learned from that is Cat form is bad, don't use it.
  3. Not on hand, but Josh Sawyer has posted many times that it's mechanics. I made a short video showing a character with 6 Stealth and 0 Mechanics and a character with 5 Stealth and 6 Mechanics (BB Rogue) and the BB Rogue detected the secret compartment, the other character couldn't do it. Will upload after I upload my Druid video.
  4. The manual is super out of date and the wiki probably is too. Mechanics determines whether you can find secret compartments or detect traps. Not Stealth. You have to be in Scouting Mode (Stealth) to use it though. Video proof incoming, as well.
  5. Going to sell like hotcakes from the top of the metacritic list it seems.
  6. It's +30% now, as I said earlier in the thread and Kordanor posted some math about it. Tank Chanter build is processing now. Even I had fun making that one. Didn't even need Calisca lol.
  7. I meant the style, not the talent. The style needed A BUMP not a nerf. The talent has been improved.
  8. One Handed Style was actually nerfed in the press build LOL HAHA wolololo
  9. Flail convert chance is now 30% in the press build. But that's still only 30% of 35 They stack. It also shows you in the log when you mouse over the line.
  10. I uploaded the rogue vid before, it's on the last page I think. If your Deflection is already low, then no. If it's already really high, then yes.
  11. Tank Chanter is up next, followed by Druid and then I've had requests for Unarmed Monk and a Wizard, so I'll do Paladin after that.
  12. You can do both, you just might have a talent or two that is skewed one way or the other.
  13. Rogue is up next. Just been watching the Cricket World Cup Semi-Final - Australia vs India
  14. Ciphers work fine as either tbh, although I prefer them with no armor and two handed weapons. Their Soul Whip can be buffed to give x1.4 damage - which is pretty good. Video is uploading now.
  15. That's what their Shapeshift is for. You can use Druids in melee with a melee weapon as they do have a x4 Health Multiplier. They also have a spell called Beetle Shell which protects them from a lot of damage, but you wouldn't want them to continuously be the guy aggoring enemies. Melee Cipher is the next video coming up.
  16. It's only good if you like to use active abilities (on classes without auras or AoE spells). Some people hate doing that. I don't think Intellect is OP. It's a good attribute. It's useful on pretty much every class except Rangers (which is the Ranger design's problem) - job well done with that attribute tbh.
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