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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Same with enemies. This Stone Beetle is blocked by an ally, an unconscious body and a section of no navmesh. My dignity tho
  2. It's unfortunate that they chose 1080p renders instead of 1440p
  3. DoTs are bugged man, Poison applies the damage way too quick and there's no "Slow Poison" to remove it AFAIK.
  4. I got wiped by the beetles on Hard. I cast a Fireball to open and 6 beetles bumrushed my Wizard before my Fighter could even trigger engagement. Arcane Veil did not help and he was dead from DoT poison in about 4 seconds. Things went bad from there. Doesn't look like I'll be opening with Wizard spells anymore unless I make a wall in front of him to block pathing lol.
  5. Yeah that one is really badass. Considering playing an aumaua for my first playthrough. Hey I just realized. Your portrait is Henry Cavill.
  6. The beard is great but it's just unrealistically high on the face, if it was placed lower it wouldn't look as retarded (and it would be more natural).
  7. It's on the wiki - Josh Sawyer had mentioned it in a post somewhere.
  8. Druids do have some healing spells, there's one called Moonwell, but I'm not sure what level you get it at.
  9. There's no other system in the game that does this, it just seems REALLY strange and it also makes it possible to get more Defense bonuses by optimally stacking points. That said, the thread was more about the fact that either Fort and Ref have too much of a bonus, or Will has too little *shrug*
  10. This is one area the Monk falls down, as if he's not aggro'd at the very beginning of the fight, he's essentially an anchor until someone starts hitting him.
  11. Ciphers, Chanters and Druids are the three strongest classes atm by a considerable amount.
  12. They should though. I think there is some apprehension due to the lead designer being more familiar with turn based. Action Speed (Recovery Time) is equal to Might per % when DT is 0, when DT > 0, Might is better. There is an ability called Deleterious Alacrity of Motion that increases the Wizard's recovery time but drains their stamina - actually a crummy ability. Get this right - 1.5x attack speed for 15 seconds and drains 97.5 Stamina over that time. For the chance to quite literally, make one extra spell cast. LOL. In turn based, extra Action Points is almost always OP. If you have 6AP and get 1 extra AP, you get a 16.67% increase in movement speed (1/6). If you have 5AP and are given an extra AP, and a shot takes 3 AP, your DPR is increased by 50%. It's nowhere near as bad in Realtime combat when used as a percentage.
  13. Depends whether you're a storyfaq or a combatfaq
  14. While I completely disagree with Josh about the BG2 Density issue (I think that was one of the things that made it exemplary), "In between BG1 and BG2" is not a bad target in any way for many things.
  15. Because that's how it worked in the Infinity Engine games. Haste sped up the animation speed I think though. It does manipulate the animation speed after recovery times becomes 0, but we won't ever see that in PE1 I don't think.
  16. I've been PMing these directly to Dimitri Berman but I was informed that he is out of town at present, so I thought I'd pop these here. Arbalests, Crossbows and Hunting Bows (at least, haven't tried the others yet) are all set as 1H weapons for the purposes of sitting on the character model's back. They should be in the 2H slot (middle of the back) like the Greatsword / Estoc is The Arbalest is also clipping into the Plate mail in this picture: Weapons in the character's off hand on both male and female models are clipping into their body during the idle animation: In the character gen I spotted this happening for Bows - also not gripping the bow properly Daggers Spears - which also clip into each other (This is probably an issues for the animators, it would be nice if you guys had a system where weapon models couldn't clip through things but rather stopped against a solid object) Female Hair models 7, 8, 9 and 10 clip through various armors Hair 10 on Aumaua wearing Brigandine: also on this model the leg leather clips into the boots on both legs Female chain brown sleeve doesn't come all the way round like on the male version Female Hair Model #9 has some loose hair pixels that appear to be clipping into the face at the middle front of the hair into the forehead on Female Elves Hair model #10 clipping through the scale armor (7, 8 and 9 clip through many armor models, most noticeably leather) Arms clipping into the back of the scale like the male armor version (probably best to check all models) Female stock Brigandine has a similar issue as the male version, uses unrealistically large rings (but no leather underneath), probably should change to actual chain texture or something: Miscellaneous Issues: Male humans have 5 available heads, female humans only have 3 - all other races have even number of heads Female Aumaua head #2 could be prettier (eyelashes are also too thick) Female Dwarf Head #1 looks better than 2 & 3 - has more texture work, more 'real' facial expression 2 looks very pug faced, eyebrows funny shape 3 looks blank faced Not sure about the female elf eyelash width - too wide? All female elf models could look more appealing IMO Male Facial Hair 2/5 is positioned unnaturally high on the face for Human Males, it should be lower all the way around - closer to the jawline Looks okay on Dwarf males though
  17. Ehhh, not quite on the writing. The actual writing as in the words in the dialogue were good, but story wise at least Dead Man's Switch fell apart half way through. The scene where the (totally obvious) murderer ham-fistedly shows up at the Crime Scene was cringe-worthy.
  18. Also is there a reason why the progression through defenses is not a constant value ? I thought they were supposed to progress linearly, staggered progression seems at odds with the rest of the system. Might 3 / Con 3 - Fort 21 | Might 4 / Con 3 - Fort 23 | Might 3 Con 4 - 23 Might 5 / Con 3 - Fort 24 | Might 4 Con 4 - 24 Might 6 / Con 3 - Fort 26 | Might 4 Con 5 - 26 Might 7 / Con 3 - Fort 27 Might 8 / Con 3 - Fort 29 Might 9 / Con 3 - Fort 30
  19. Hairbrained Schemes nailed the art style, if anything.
  20. Well I think a 50% increase to recovery on weapon styles has probably been implemented to slow the combat down. You could get away with 1H No Shield: +15 Accuracy 1H Shield: Shield Deflection Bonus/Accuracy Penalty 2H Weapon: Nothing TWF: -50% Weapon Recovery And it would be the same, just faster. That might be slightly too fast though, but I'll probably include something on this topic in my combat suggestion thread.
  21. Well to be fair, because of me everyone thought it was someone who was supposed to be a voice actress. I did say I thought it was temporary though.
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