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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Pretty much everything to do with combat, although exploration and UI would be up there too.
  2. Sometimes Brother None tells people they are wrong too. That's one of the reasons I stopped giving much feedback on WL2, because I found it was unwelcome. Don't really have anything against BNone though, he's moving up in the world - writing and design for Torment!
  3. I am working on it now. Just finished one of the sections, but I've got heaps more to write up. Probably ETA ~2 days. The Table of Contents is: Introduction Attributes, with subsections Debunking Perception and Resolve Proposed System with Mathematical and Logical arguments with DPS charts and graphs (possibly more charts and graphs too) and Use Cases. Health System Animations & Recovery (a few subsections) Weapon Imbalance The Grand Combat Muddle Length of Adventuring Day I will also probably record a video on it as well, or multiple videos.
  4. I like both. The maze stuff in Watcher's keep was a bit banal. The Demon level was cool though (where you had to use the fan and open doors etc) Those kinds of environmental puzzles are fun.
  5. How most people generally store their files these days is C:\ System & Programs Other Drives:\ - Games, Storage, Media etc storing game data on the C:\ drive usually leads to it getting wiped. I usually back up my documents folder every time I re-install but it's awfully annoying compared to Windows XP.
  6. Circles being off center has been reported a few times. The devs are aware of the cause too. And yeah there's a bug with Humanoid characters at the moment, if you could upload your output_log.txt or something to go with your playthrough that would be helpful. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67421-how-to-save-output-logtxt-and-find-saved-games/
  7. WL2 was horrible when the 'beta' came out. Truly it was bad. However it was bad in a different way to how the PE beta isn't that great atm. WL2 does look like it's come a long way (I stopped playing the beta pretty early on), so hopefully PE can do the same. Sure there's no doubt it tries to be. It has the broad strokes - iso/axo 2D backgrounds, Generally similar art style, IE style dialogues and an attempt to get the gameplay to feel very similar. It's number four that's arguably the most important for many of us beta testers (like myself), and I would say that to reach the levels of enjoyment that I got from playing the Infinity Engine games (or even exceed some of them) it has a ways to go.
  8. Incorrect depending on what topic you're reading, because the IE games did stuff a lot better than Pillars of Eternity does in may ways. PE might have new system design that apparently fixes some of the issues with the IE games system design, but in turn has created some of it's own degenerative gameplay. This is an issue with a few of the systems. The IE games also had pretty much as good as you could want combat feedback, UI uniformity & navigation, the AI was robust, everything was responsive (except dialogues in the IWDs) and encounter design was generally fantastic. PE hits the high notes mostly on dialogue, character models, most area art and some systems, but it's still got a long way to go to compete with the IE games (let alone Baldur's Gate 1) in terms of "feel". Some fixes, some tweaks, some design alterations, bug crunching and optimization and hopefully it will place itself within the range. The topics your gripe applies to are likely Combat XP, the Health system, Attack Resolution system, Attribute design goals (not implementation), yada yada yada. Because yeah, sure - there's quite a few people who won't let go of those.
  9. It's okay I think the majority believes that Fighters and classes are either boring or inflexible. I think the Priest Spell List could use a bit of work too YMMV. I am sorely missing a Magic Stone and Shillelagh/Spiritual Hammer equivalent.
  10. When inventory editing works?
  11. Those were my feelings too. The unified everything made it soo boring.
  12. There's actually some real cool outcomes for the Ogre quest that are not available in the beta
  13. I wouldn't say the new degenerative gameplay is intentional, it's unintentional. It is an issue though.
  14. You've conveniently ignored the second part of my post, but suit yourself.
  15. Keybinds should mimic the IE games, and only add extras rather than change anything. That said RMB cancel isn't working in v278 which makes me annoyed.
  16. I haven't done those maths, but I would assume it does give you more of a chance to cause an interrupt than a point in Dex does. However, a point in Perception is worth less per point the lower your Accuracy is, and there's a reason why the majority of players are dumping Res and Con. One of the aims of the system was to prevent yourself from making a terrible character, I'd say the system has kinda done a good job with that, but one of the worst characters you could make IMO is High Perception, Low Dex.
  17. I'm not wrong. Might is extremely useful as it adds something every time you deal damage. Accuracy is less useful (and thus, gives less overall DPS except in extreme edge cases). Interrupt is primarily item based. Interrupt gives a percentage increase to the item's base interrupt you are using. It gives you a benefit less often than Dexterity does, and it is reliant on Dexterity. If you have a low Dexterity, you will end up getting mostly grazes and hits, with misses. This means that your chances of causing interrupts will be pretty darn ****ty, and only average if you use a Morningstar. Making such a build is effectively gimping yourself, as you would have been much, much better off putting those points into Dexterity instead of Perception because it gives you a DPS increase every point. I know exactly how the system works. FTR, here are the Interrupt mechanics
  18. BG1 combat is fun, even if it's not super active. No. Low Accuracy High Interrupt is a gimped character, whereas due to the Attack Resolution system, hits are normalized so varying Might and Dexterity is viable. Interrupt is an absolute effect or no effect, so the reliance is much higher.
  19. - Better Performance (UIs are all really laggy, some maps have horrible FPS) - Better Load times, with less hitching - Pathfinding that properly checks for the shortest path often, taking into account units, trajectory and navmesh space - Mirroring of IE combat feedback and animation style - Adjustments to Recovery times (globally or per-item) - Slower movement speed - Scale some creatures down so they don't take up as much space (like the beetles) - Make characters stand out from the environment more - Fix the issues with character sorting and occlusion - Fix the combat AI, Josh's tumblr post sounds like they're aware of it - Revamp Attributes and Attribute Point Buy so that it meets the design goals - IWD2 inventory - Fix the adventuring day length by tuning damage and the Health System - Move the Main HUD elements around so the combat log can be read on the fly - Make all the UI elements more uniform looking with uniform navigation - Bring back Right click cancel - Improve character animations, especially combat stances, fidgets and add more weapon attacks - IE style blood particles on hits - Tone down the Spell FX, remove all AoEs from AoE buffs and debuffs and make the FX per-unit only - Redo the UI art to scale higher than 720p (all screens are 720p) - Add in some sound design - Fix looting UI - Fix Shopping UI - Per character Stealth - Automatic Mechanics Search when idle, or pixel-hunt for hidden caches - More flexible class abilities / defenses - Fix female armor proportions on all races - Fix the controls, so many tasks have a broad function rather than individual, such as the TAB key - Fix the fog of war, make it line of sight - Change NPC selection circle color to blue so NPCs don't look like a party member - Add in Selection Circle slider so we can control when they are displayed - Separate sliders for Tooltip feedback - Better combat music and more IE style music production/mixing - use percussion ffs All I can think of off the top of my head, probs have more in notes
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