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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Item descriptions do need a lot of work, and since v333 all text for the game (font kerning and everything) is completely wonky, with randomly strange sized and blurred characters.
  2. i notice three bugs here Exiting Stealth Mode for the first time drops the frame rate of the game by ~20 on my PC and makes the game severely stutter. New Targeting art temporarily appears at the base of character's feet (last patch it was shields) The Stealth art (seen, yellow) is not positioned correctly in the middle of the character's selection circle OR possible is not in alignment with the camera angle in the lower axonometric view. It's not a memory leak though, I checked my task manager and noticed no increase in RAM after the stuttering.
  3. Character Hair changing unnecessarily when you press next after gender selection
  4. This is a new bug for this build, previously the hair and face was randomly generated upon selecting a gender.
  5. I was able to reproduce this issue and I've noticed there are multiple bugs at work here VFX Attaches itself to each unit hit by the spell SFX Loops at least once for each character hit Units do not get up from prone and slide across the ground unless something triggers it, like targeting another character as seen at the end of the video Units can engage other units while moving Units can score disengagement attacks while moving (I already knew about these two, but I've been saving them for my Engagement thread) Player commands to party member are overrided by auto-attack clauses which should not be there - related thread VFX is too over the top - video of Grease in BG1 for inspiration of how to do RTS style Spell FX that do not clutter the screen There does not need to be a massive splash of black all over the screen, just needs to be some grease on the ground and that's it. The per-unit FX should have NO Z-AXIS at all
  6. On this topic, there have been several bugs with various things showing under characters feet in this game, such as shields ... why is that do you think ? Seems to be a recurring issue. This also happens when the party is in Stealth Mode sometimes as well, although I have yet had my recording software running when I've seen it. When I do though, I'll post the video here.
  7. Can't make a female pale elf that looks like new portrait New targeting art briefly shows under NPCs feet when they play ambient dialogue fixed in v392
  8. In v364, this lovely portrait by Kaz was added to the mix. However you cannot make a Pale Elf that looks like her, this is the closest I could get. Close to matching skin, hair and eye colors would be a start, as well as altering the facial expressions/faces of the Elves to be more attractive and less 'sad'.
  9. This is also possibly related to this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/68401-issue-some-characters-have-some-specific-interaction-locations/
  10. Yeah I think it was fixed in this patch, re-tested it a few hours ago and culture skill bonus was applied (for the first time) as it was not in v333.
  11. I actually recently did a 2 x Flail Aumaua Fighter with 21 Might and 17 Perception, was lols with Confident Aim - 30% Graze to Hit Conversion. Now that Josh has opened up the ability progression you can choose to build them a bit differently now. Starting to feel a lot better. However a Rogue dual wielder eclipses any other class by a long way damage-wise. They can do insane damage with a Stiletto or Hatchet due to damage multiplier stacking. I'd also like to see some more Paladin auras available earlier, even though Zealous Focus is very good.
  12. Oh for the transition icons, yeah I find that a bit annoying as well.
  13. Well I've mentioned it in my last 3-4 suggestion videos/threads that have anything to do with UI. I guess I'll just keep doing it
  14. Well that's what the object highlighter is for, but it shouldn't show unit tooltips, which is incredibly annoying. Who honestly wants to see all unit tooltips on the screen when they're looking for lootable containers? Lootable containers can also be obscured by unit tooltips ...
  15. No worries, I just thought it would be easier for you to keep track of them since I report quite a lot of bugs and I know which ones have been addressed or not.
  16. It's usually when there's between 1-2 pips left. You replied to a bug report about FX that I created the other day - this is the screenshot from that thread and as you can see, Medreth has two pips on the right and one on the left. I distinctly remember him being "Near Death" at that stage when I took it. Why don't you change it to a health bar instead (Like we've been requesting repeatedly), that would be more intuitive IMO and more easily recognizable by new players.
  17. Chanter songs are a modal, and you can only have one modal active at a time. It's a good point though, because choosing Cautious Attack on a Chanter is probably a trap choice.
  18. Give me a chance to form it, and I will. I have to present the information "for Josh", otherwise he'll just ignore what I say. That requires a certain presentation style and thorough information.
  19. Party members should not have AI / override your actions
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