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Moonlight Butterfly

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Everything posted by Moonlight Butterfly

  1. I fully trust Mr Sawyer to portray women in a respectful manner. I like Anita even though I don't always agree with her and I think the reaction to her has been a bit ott but she is not needed here. The Obsidian team are mature and intelligent people.
  2. Yeah but why should the game reward people who like that sort of gameplay and punish those who like to explore.
  3. I really don't like racing against the clock it feels asinine. If it's done in a way that's more mature like the princess is kidnapped but then you can rescue her later on, then sure but if it's like 10 minutes count down from taking the quest and then fail then I'm going to feel like I'm playing a platformer or something instead of an RPG. I always feel like I'm being forced to do something if it's timed and I don't like that in games.
  4. Why does there have to be a 'consequence' of my preferred style of play but you get to have it how you like it? There should be a consequence to rushing through the game urgently too. If anything you see the ability to take your time and explore as something you dislike so you don't want it there. Yet you are putting me down and calling me casual for wanting to explore the game fully and do the content rather than rush straight to the end and finish it in 15 hours?
  5. I can understand this concern, because these days 'choices' are handled by a cut to the dialogue tree. The result is a unorganic world, where not every choice you make affects the story. It reminds me of how some games deal with morality, often you'll get to choose to save the dying bandit (Compassion) or kill him for the gold pieces (EVIL AAAAH), but wether you're evil or compassionate in this case, you had no problems with slaughtering other hundreds of them - its not like you were ever given the choice of incapacitating them instead and bringing them to a lawful trial. What I can say about it is to relax and try to comprehend the notion of a organic world. That reacts to both your actions and omissions. That dosn't have to highlight the 'good choice!' and the 'evil choice!' icons as you're doing whatever you're doing - be picking a dialogue choice or pretty much every facet of gameplay. So what we're asking here is if there's a orphanage on fire, and your character cares about that, you have some reason to go and roleplay. Urgency and the world's internal consistency are things that designers should aspire to - not cut because its not casual enough. Hey I'm the least casual gamer in the world, if anything I think it's more casual to want to rush through the main quest and not explore. I'm all for urgency if it's restricted to side quests which only activate when my character is aware of them giving me a chance to respond either way or parts of the main quest like 'There is an army outside the keep'. I don't think that's an unfair idea. What is unfair is making people miss out on 80% of the game because you want things to be 'realistic'
  6. Because roleplaying requires context. If context dictates urgency, but the mechanics don't, then you're robbed of a roleplaying opportunity. If you don't even act according to the story in spite that Gameplay and Story Segregation... then you're doing many things, except roleplaying. And in that scenario, I do believe his way of 'actually roleplaying' is preferable. Like I said I don't like being forced to do things or miss stuff because I'm taking my time with something. If the game presents me with a clear choice, then sure, but if it makes me mess up without giving me any obvious clue that things will advance without me then it's ridiculous. I don't think his roleplaying choice is more valid than mine, that's entirely subjective. You only think that because you agree with him. If I wanted to play a linear corridor game then I'd go play Final Fantasy 13
  7. Then they should not include Impeding Doomâ„¢ into the story. It can be done. Make it more personal instead of epic and you are set. I do not personally have anything against games that allow you to take your sweet time and hunt bears to get skins to sell or whatever. It just miffs me when at the same time every NPC in the world is whining about the horrible thing that is bound to happen this instant but it want until you trigger off the next story point. The designers want to have huge epic story with horrible threats but are afraid to punish the player for not taking them seriously enough because that might hurt their feelings. I think there is a difference between not taking them seriously and wanting to experience what the game has to offer. I don't want to be stressed out thinking I'll mess it up if I don't do everything right this second. But if everybody tells you that the evil army is right here, please stop them or we all die tomorrow and you the **** off to the swamps to do some side quest for a chronic masturbator blind hermit that is not taking the game seriously. Which is why designers should not write these kinds of stories into games unless they are willing to punish the players for disregarding the main quest and you should not be playing them unless you can either limit you exploring or take the punishment (whic need not necessarily be game over, in fact it should not be - some changed quests, more difficult encounters would be preferable). Why should your preferred way of roleplaying/ adventuring be preferred over mine though? I just think forcing you through the main quest because you are worried about messing it up will make the game really linear. If there is an obvious choice (Leave the army to fend for itself and wander off into the wilds or help them) then fine. But if I'm off doing something else and something bad happens just because I took my time that is unfair. I don't want to have to rush through the main quest, that's not the way I like to play games. Okay so you like doing that, some of us don't.
  8. Then they should not include Impeding Doomâ„¢ into the story. It can be done. Make it more personal instead of epic and you are set. I do not personally have anything against games that allow you to take your sweet time and hunt bears to get skins to sell or whatever. It just miffs me when at the same time every NPC in the world is whining about the horrible thing that is bound to happen this instant but it want until you trigger off the next story point. The designers want to have huge epic story with horrible threats but are afraid to punish the player for not taking them seriously enough because that might hurt their feelings. I think there is a difference between not taking them seriously and wanting to experience what the game has to offer. I don't want to be stressed out thinking I'll mess it up if I don't do everything right this second.
  9. Attempting to impose urgency when applicable =/= taking away the freedom of exploration. That's important. Most people probably aren't asking for another water chip - a overaching plot that imposes urgency - rather that some quests should resolve themselves if you're out for too long. There's this idea where its a better roleplaying experience when the player is free to cherry pick whatever story he wants. Its hand-to-hand with the modern comprehension that players musn't be inconvenienced at all, lest they lose their attention or self-esteem. I don't really like the idea of missing out on content because I want to take my time :/ I want to do the quests not have them solved for me
  10. I personally despise anything timed, I like to explore and enjoy the game. I'm okay with side quests being timed but no the main mission so I can experience what the game has to offer. This is especially pertinent if they are putting a mega dungeon in.
  11. Haven't got enough pennies atm but hoping to increase my pledge later in the month :3
  12. Pretty much came here to say this, I live on the border of Scotland and the dwarves in WOW make me want to punch a kitten. Magnus from Arcanum was great however. If you guys need a very common female English accent give me a shout lol.
  13. I think this guy got lost on his way to the TES forums, why is it that some people seem to have pledged their money but are completely confused about what the game is like/ based on. It's a bit weird.
  14. I like playing as evil characters but mostly they just come across as a jerk I don't want my character to be nasty to her companions when she could bend them to her own ends. MUAHAHAA. I think playing as evil in Fallout 3 was my favourite. My character was called Electra and had severe Daddy issues. 'You are going to abandon me huh? Then I'll nuke this town to get your attention'
  15. I like this too. It's really fun to have a bit more creative character creation than numbers. I love Arcanum's backgrounds they were pretty funny.
  16. I would adore a huge dungeon. 1. Ten levels would be great with some meaty content and frightening monsters on each level. An important creature at the bottom like a Dragon would be great. 2. Story is very important to me. Perhaps even link it to the lore of the soul magic, maybe there is a kind of 'soul well' the dragon is guarding half way down where the purgatory that Sawyer mentions breaks through to our realm. We then continue the mega dungeon in the 'soul purgatory' gaining lore and advice from those in limbo and dealing with strange creatures that dwell there. 3. I don't want it to draw too heavily from resources but since it will provide a lot of gameplay in itself then I don't think it will be so harmful to the game. 4 It would be a nice stretch goal to have and may encourage some people to pledge more.
  17. I agree with your numbered points. I really want hand painted backgrounds. Great artwork always makes me love games more, like Rayman Origins, Broken Sword and Bastion. It's nice to have something outside 3D graphics all of the time. I want a game system that allows and encourages theory crafting but doesn't show the maths heavily on the surface. Maths does not equal magic to me .
  18. I'm tired of people hating on things that are never going to to change even if they hate them or not. People are born that like the same gender and they are going to want representation in their escapism as much as the rest of us. Get over it.
  19. http://weeklysift.com/2012/09/10/the-distress-of-the-privileged/ I think everyone here should read this.
  20. ...also zoophilia and pedophilia were legal in Ancient Greece. And this is not sarcasm. The reason why those things are taboo is because it's non consensual and therefore equal to rape, Homosexuality is a consenting relationship between two adults.
  21. Gay people are going to exist whether you like it or not so you may as well just get on it with it rather than let it cause you stress.
  22. What about the worst monster in the world... yes I am talking about spiders. Well I don't like any kind of spiders, example Skyrim's spiders are so scary and annoying for me and few people which I know. I like RPG games and I know spiders are important in fantasy (?) universes but imo they shouldn't take it so seroius and implement spiders. IMO developers shouldn't add them or make spiders aren't so scary. Will you ask WHY? Because many people, men or women don't want to play game because there's something which can scary them. Look at Skyrim, I know it is RPG and spiders are part of universe, but why always add them? Why devs don't think about players who don't want to play because there are spiders. Tarantulas is so ****ing scary :< Spider toggle as stretch goal? I'd like to see some inventive and different creatures. Morrowind is an excellent example to go by.
  23. Thanks for doing this, I'd be glad to help but I'm very sick at the moment. I might not be able to until after I have had my operation.
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